Yuanzi knelt on the bed, sticking out her red buttocks, while Xiaolan's little hand wiped her buttocks back and forth.

No, this is applying medicine to the garden.

Yuanzi noticed the movement here, and immediately screamed, Xiaolan couldn't help but angrily said, "Dad!"

Mori Kogoro immediately pulled the door back.

Chapter 0176

It's only because Mori Kogoro's eyesight is so good, he saw clearly, this wave is not a loss.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, but what are these things?

He wiped his hair with a towel and returned to the living room, then sat back on the sofa.

Mori Kogoro secretly made a decision in his heart that he would not let Xiaolan get together with so many girls next time.

There are too many girls, too many worries, and it is easy to cause accidents when they bump into each other.

Mori Kogoro was resting in the living room, and Momiji and Ye, who were shocked, also stayed in the room obediently.

These two girls have very sharp eyesight, and they dare not come out to add fuel to the fire.

After a while, Xiaolan came out of the room.

At this moment, Xiaolan has completely calmed down, her little face is full of guilt.

She beat Yuanzi into this appearance on the spur of the moment, and her heart was full of regrets.

Xiaolan came to Mouri Kogoro's side, put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's arm and said, "Father, I seem to have accidentally hurt Sonoko, please help me heal Sonoko!"

After all, Xiaolan, who has practiced the channeling technique, is far superior to ordinary people, and the injury caused by losing control for a while is quite serious.

If she recovers as normal, Sonoko may have to lie in bed for a few days before she recovers.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Xiaolan's head: "Lan, be gentle from now on, and violence can be used against Dad."

"You have to know that ordinary people can't resist your power."

Xiaolan suddenly refused to obey, rubbing her small head against Mouri Kogoro's chest, pretending to be weak and coquettish.

"Where am I being violent? It's obvious that Yuanzi went too far this time, but she actually wants to give you a bath."

"You said she was so excessive, shouldn't she be taught a lesson?"

The bedroom door in the middle was opened a crack, and the big amber-like eyes and the beautiful cat eyes were looking at Xiaolan who was acting like a baby with her father in the living room outside, cold sweat dripped from the foreheads of both girls.

This woman is so scary!

Yuan Shanhe Ye, who was squatting behind the gate, couldn't help twisting her body, the big breasts on her back made her feel uncomfortable.

And Hongye shouted softly: "Little Yezi, don't move if you don't want to die."

He Ye suddenly had black lines all over his head, and cursed back: "What a pair of nasty breasts."

Hongye was suddenly quite speechless.

Xiaolan seemed to sense the sight of Heye and Hongye, and felt a little ashamed, her face flushed slightly.

She immediately got up from Mori Kogoro's arms: "Hmph, bad dad, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to take a bath."

After finishing speaking, she took her clothes, turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed, the bedroom door in the middle opened, and Kazuha and Momiji immediately went to the next room to visit the injured Sonoko, followed by Mori Kogoro.

As soon as the two girls came in, they couldn't help but gasped, looking at Yuanzi lying on the bed with tears in his eyes, and the obviously swollen wound, the two girls had a clear understanding of Xiaolan's "gentleness". know.

He Ye asked concerned: "Yuanzi, are you okay?"

Yuanzi shook his head resolutely, but his little face was twitching constantly, his nose was flushed, and his eyes were full of tears.

As soon as she saw Moori Kogoro, tears fell, and she said aggrievedly: "Uncle!" Moori Kogoro sat on the edge of the bed and touched Sonoko's little head, and comforted him, "Where did you learn this girl?" There are so many crooked ways, so many tricks, do you dare to play it again next time?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Yuanzi shook his head with a look of lingering fear.

After she decided to go back, she tore up the newly bought "Uncle Raiders Guide", which was really harmful.

"Yeah! It hurts!!!"

Hongye stretched out her index finger and poked at Yuanzi's wound, and found that it was really swollen. She couldn't help but said, "It's amazing, it can still grow like this!"

Yuanzi screamed: "It hurts! You, a woman from the Ooka family, are you trying to murder?"

Mori Kogoro stopped and said, "Hongye!"

Hongye immediately withdrew her index finger and stuck out her tongue, pretending to be innocent.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Okay, you two go outside, I'm going to heal Sonoko."

Both women had experienced Kogoro Mori's miraculous healing technique, so they got up obediently and went to the living room.

The door of Xiaolan's bedroom was closed, Kogoro Mori turned around, and saw Sonoko's little face was still pitiful, but there was a little more blush on his little face.

Yuanzi said shyly, "Uncle, you will be gentle later."

"If it's too hard, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

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