"You know, I'm very sensitive there."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's forehead dropped a black line again, this girl, what she said was really misleading.

Seeing the obviously swollen wound, and glancing at Sonoko who had already closed his eyes nervously, Mori Kogoro no longer had any scruples.

His big hand gently pushed aside the covering cloth, exposing the wound from Xiaolan's beating to the air.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but gasped.

Not to mention a large circle of swelling, the wound was congested with blood, and the blood appeared on the surface of the skin, which looked really scary.

Xiaolan really didn't hold back this time, even Kogoro Mori couldn't bear her strength.

It's really hard for Yuanzi to be so energetic after being injured.

Mori Kogoro's fiery big hand gently covered it, and the healing technique was cast.

The crisp and numb energy was transmitted into Sonoko's body along Kogoro Mori's big hand.

Yuanzi suddenly felt the pain subside, and his body was as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. He could not help but relax his brows, and let out a small sound.

But soon she shyly covered her mouth, not daring to make any more noise.

Soon, under the treatment of Kogoro Mori, the bloodshot wound gradually subsided, and the redness and swelling disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it returned to jade color after a short while.

Yuanzi couldn't help but said: "Uncle, you are too powerful, it doesn't hurt at all when you press it."

"Is this ninjutsu? This is too amazing!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "It's not ninjutsu, but it's similar. It's my uncle's unique technique. It can heal injuries. Few people know about it. Sono, you can't tell others about it. thing!"

Sonoko nodded: "Uncle Mao Li, don't worry, I will keep the secret."

Mori Kogoro continued to heal gently, but Sonoko, who had recovered from his injuries, began to feel strange.

Those fiery big hands seemed to have magical powers, tugging at Yuanzi's heart, and soon her little face was flushed again.

Chapter 0177

After treating Sonoko's injury, Kogoro Mori felt a little reluctant to leave his big hands, so he began to massage Sonoko.

Poor Yuanzi, who has never encountered such a battle before.

The pain from the injury just now was unbearable, but now it feels extremely numb.

Under the huge contrast, it made him feel more sensitive, and these hands were the big hands of the man he loved.

Although Mori Kogoro didn't do anything excessive with his hands, Yuanzi kept thinking of some pictures in his mind as if his long-cherished wish had been fulfilled.

A girl in adolescence has a very strong association ability, and soon, she feels that she can't bear it.

Mori Kogoro looked at Sonoko who buried his head under the pillow with a face full of surprise, and raised his brows lightly. This girl is too sensitive, why did she become like this.

Mori Kogoro looked at his big hands, could it be that these hands have also evolved and possessed the property of triggering fire at the touch of a button.

He quickly put his hands back, but he didn't dare to continue.

If Xiaolan finds out, maybe the baby girl will be demonized again, it will be a tragedy, and the house may not be enough for her to tear down.

Mori Kogoro patted Sonoko's head, and said in a gentle voice, "Sonoko, I'm fine now, you should have a good rest."

Hearing that Mori Kogoro was leaving, Sonoko opened her tightly closed eyes, holding the hem of Mori Kogoro's clothes with her small hand, looking attached.

The big eyes were full of love, and Kogoro Mori patted Sonoko's little hand: "Okay, Xiaolan will come out later, it's not good to see it!"

Hearing Xiaolan's name, Sonoko immediately let go and let Mori Kogoro walk out of the room.

But his big eyes are full of determination: I will not give up, one day I will become Uncle Maori's woman.

Kogoro Mori came to the living room and saw the red leaves and the leaves on the sofa.

The two daughters are also much more honest, and their own daughter is also really good, and immediately overwhelmed the other three daughters. From this point of view, there is no need to worry about it in the future.

Mori Kogoro said, "Heye, are you going to sleep with Xiaolan tonight?"

Sweat broke out instantly on He Ye's forehead: "No, Yuanzi is Xiaolan's best girlfriend. The two of them should sleep together. Three of them will be too crowded."

"And isn't Hui Yuan not at home? I'll just sleep in her room."

It seems that what happened just now left a shadow in He Ye's heart.

On the other hand, Hongye smiled lightly and said, "What a timid little leaf."

He Ye couldn't help retorting: "Hong Ye, you are bold, then go and sleep in the same bed with Xiao Lan!"

Hongye was choked for an instant, speechless, and could only say stiffly: "I don't know her very well."

Seeing that the two women were about to quarrel again, Kogoro Mori quickly said, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, were you enemies in your previous life?"

"It's decided tonight. Hongye will still sleep in the middle bedroom, and Yee will sleep in Xiaoai's room, and Yuanzi will rest in the same room as Xiaolan."

At this time, Xiao Lan, who came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, heard the arrangement, and said with a strange face: "He Ye, won't you sleep with me tonight?"

Xiaolan was still a little suspicious about what happened last night, and she wanted to observe again tonight.

He Ye immediately laughed dryly, and quickly threw the blame at Kogoro Mori: "Uncle arranged it, he said it was too crowded for the three of us to sleep in one bed, and it happened that Hui Yuan didn't come back tonight, so he let me rest in her room. "

Kogoro Mori naturally cooperated and said yes, so Xiaolan had no doubts.

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