Mori Kogoro finally came back to his senses, handed over the crimson rose in his hand, and couldn't help but praise: "You are so beautiful, Shiho, the rose in my hand is not even one ten thousandth of yours."

Miyano Shiho took the rose, smelled the fragrance, and smiled on his pretty face.

She stretched out her hands and patted it, and in an instant, the entire English-style restaurant, which was full of people, fell silent in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the restaurant walked outside, even the waiters were no exception.

Soon, only Kogoro Mori and Shiho Miyano were left in the restaurant.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't surprised at all.

No matter how popular the restaurant is, it is impossible to be full of people early in the morning, and these people's acting skills are really not good enough, and they still glance at the table here from time to time.

Coupled with the fact that what Huiyuan wanted to tell him was extremely confidential, it was naturally impossible for him to tell it in such a noisy environment.

Thinking about it this way, it can be deduced that this restaurant has long been taken over by Shiho, and the others are all actors hired by her.

Miyano Shiho was a little disappointed to see that Kogoro Mori was not frightened by this.

Mori Kogoro got up immediately, went to the table next to him, and sat down opposite Miyano Shiho.

"Detective Maori, you don't seem to be worried about that kid named Huiyuan at all?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, grabbed Shiho's soft little hand with his big hand without hesitation, and began to play with it.

"Of course don't worry, Xiao Ai is with you, what danger can there be?"

Miyano Shiho looked at the big pervert who didn't regard herself as an outsider and started to take advantage of her. She couldn't help but rolled her eyes and continued, "Oh, I heard that child said that you will be with me all day today. Hers, if she doesn't show up soon, what if she breaks her promise?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "It's okay, I'm just a child anyway, it doesn't matter if I break my promise, it's more important to be with a beauty like you."

"Besides, if Xiao Ai is really angry, just feed her ice cream, and her anger will disappear soon."

Just kids!eat ice-cream!You can dispel your anger!

Hearing these words, the veins on Miyano Shiho's forehead twitched wildly, even though she was here, she was still extremely upset, and her ice blue eyes were extremely hostile.

Seeing Shiho's expression, Mori Kogoro felt relieved for a while, it's really cool to tease this big Haibara!

He pulled Zhibao's little hand over, kissed it, stared at the beauty opposite with his deep eyes, and said, "Zhibao, in my heart, you are a woman full of mysteries. You must have disappeared for so long. There are many things you want to tell me."

"Actually, no matter what secret you are hiding, Zhibao, I can wait until you are willing to tell me yourself!"

When Miyano Shiho heard this, she couldn't help but lose her mind for a while, and suddenly she recalled what Mori Kogoro said when she was Haibara.

【"No matter what secret you are hiding, Xiao Ai, I can wait until you are willing to tell me! During this period, I will definitely protect Xiao Ai. After all, I like Xiao Ai the most!!"】

Uncle Maori, does he really know everything?

Seeing the warm eyes of Mori Kogoro, Miyano Shiho's flustered heart gradually settled down, the corners of his mouth lightly raised, and his mouth opened lightly: "Detective Mori, you guessed it right, I really have a lot to say to you..."

Before Miyano Shiho could say anything, an extra finger appeared in front of his moist lips.

Mori Kogoro looked around and said, "It's too messy here, it's not safe, let's find a hidden place and talk about it."

After saying that, he got up, took Miyano Shiho's little hand, and walked out of the restaurant.

Shiho followed obediently on his high heels.

The two soon came to the elevator room, seeing the eighth floor that Mouri Kogoro pressed, Shiho couldn't help but shrink his pupils.


Soon the elevator came to the eighth floor, and Mori Kogoro walked out holding Shiho's little hand.

Familiar corridors, familiar corners, and familiar rooms.

Looking at the 868 on the house number, Miyano Shiho's little face slowly blushed, how could she forget, how could she forget what happened in this room on that snowy Christmas Eve.

As soon as Mori Kogoro swiped his card, the two entered the suite.

As soon as she entered the suite, Miyano Shiho was sitting on the big soft bed, her little face was blushing, she couldn't help but said, "Uncle Mori, Mori-kun, is this the hidden place you mentioned?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and unbuttoned his coat, hung it on the hook, and then sat beside Miyano Shiho: "Of course, this place is secluded enough, and it means a lot to you and me, Shiho, you won't forget Bar?"

"So after Christmas Eve last time, I booked this suite, and no one else has stayed here until now."

Only then did Miyano Shiho understand why Mori Kogoro had a room card.

While speaking, Kogoro Mori's big hands climbed onto Shiho's soft waist, this feeling was completely familiar and unfamiliar.

Touching the small waist of the little loli Haibara a lot, and then touching the soft waist of the big girl Haibara, it feels really weird and exciting.

Miyano Shiho couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mori-kun, please stop, I have something very important to tell you!"

Mori Kogoro smirked, and with a little effort, he let Zhibao lie on the bed, and climbed to the Fengying place with his big hands skillfully: "As a famous detective, I prefer to find out many things by myself."

"Let's talk about those important things later, now is the time to talk."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro ignored the helpless resistance of those hands, and kissed the pink lips with his mouth.

Chapter 0180 Mature beauty is acting cute

Kissing Shiho's reaction is exactly the same as when she was the little loli Haibara.

Her jade arms were tightly wrapped around Kogoro Mori's neck, and she quickly responded.

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