Mori Kogoro greedily asked for it, while his big hands walked up and down the crimson dress without fear, poking into the lapel from time to time.

The memory of being with Haibara kept flashing back in his mind, and strange stimuli overlapped.

The original flat loli turned into a big beauty with bumps and bumps, her short legs became long legs, and her buttocks became big butts. All kinds of changes made her sanity gradually disappear.

Mori Kogoro's eyes became more and more fiery, and Shiho didn't know what he wanted to do when he saw the familiar eyes of Mori Kogoro.

But she didn't refuse either, just as Mori Kogoro expected, Miyano Shiho was also looking forward to this happening, she thought to herself: This time, I won't be so disappointing like a child!

Not long after, in this familiar suite, the stirring movement sounded again.

Five hours later, the battle in the suite came to an end.

I don't know if it was caused by little Lolita's resentment in the past, or the effect of the medicine, Zhibao performed quite well in the battle, and it was only in the last hour that he completely lost his fighting strength.

Under the sheet, Miyano Shiho was lying in Kogoro Mori's arms, and Kogoro Mori put his arms around his soft waist, and said with a light smile, "Shiho, now you can tell the secret you want to tell."

Tired Miyano Shiho opened his eyes slightly, and glanced at Mori Kogoro: "Big pervert, it's too bad to drag me to do such a thing as soon as you see me."

Mori Kogoro laughed shamelessly: "There's nothing you can do about it, Shiho, you have such a great charm, it makes people lose control all of a sudden."

However, Mori Kogoro still couldn't bear to see Shiho's weak appearance, so he first cut a hole in his finger, and then performed the healing technique.

Susu Mama's energy poured into Miyano Shiho's body from her big hands, and soon her physical strength fully recovered.

Miyano Shiho, who had fully recovered, rolled his eyes at Mori Kogoro, full of charm.

Immediately afterwards, she said, "Did you already know that?"

"Know what?" Mori Kogoro pretended to be stupid, but he pretended to be stupid.

But Miyano Shiho had already decided to tell the whole story, so he went straight to the point without hesitation: "I just know, in fact, it is me, and I am the matter of Haibara!"

At the same time, Mori Kogoro made an extremely frightening expression very cooperatively, with his mouth wide open, looking like he couldn't believe it.

This is a god-level acting skill that can win an Oscar, but it seems that it has not deceived the person in front of him who has been with him day and night.

Miyano Shiho fixed his eyes on Mori Kogoro's face, and spoke out his reasoning.

"Maori-kun, you're so smart, I'm afraid you already knew my identity, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence that you said the same thing to me and Huiyuan, all in order to let us all tell the secret."

"Also, I've always found it strange that I disappeared last Christmas, and a little girl appeared in the room, but you didn't suspect it at all, and you didn't even want to find Miyano Shiho after that. intention of."

"Now it seems that you have already seen through my identity and know that I am always by your side, so you didn't bother to find me, right?"

"The most important thing is, Maori-kun, although you are a complete pervert, you shouldn't be a pervert who is a pedophile."

"But when you treated the smaller me, you didn't have any scruples at all, and you dared to do such an excessive thing to me. This is enough to show that you already know my identity, right? Maori-kun! " Miyano Shiho's ice blue eyes stared at Mori Kogoro with piercing eyes, and the room was silent.

Mori Kogoro withdrew his horrified expression, a smile appeared on his face again, and looked at the woman beside him with warm eyes.

He put his big arms around his soft waist, pulled his soft body towards him, and hugged him tightly.

Looking at the big dazed eyes, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed that white forehead, then put his head against his white forehead, and said in a warm voice: "Xiao Ai, I'm still more used to you calling me Uncle Mao Li!"

This is tantamount to admitting, and Miyano Shiho's pupils continued to shrink...

Even though she deduced it like this, but the truth was as she expected, Miyano Shiho couldn't help but feel agitated.

It turns out that Uncle Mao Li already knew about it!

Seeing Shiho's completely stunned expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing triumphantly, and kissed his lips a few more times.

He reached out and patted Shiho's big ass, and quickly beat him back to life.

"Xiao Ai, you really should fight. I have reminded you for so long, but you have kept it from me for so long. Don't you know that people who love each other should be honest with each other?"

Miyano Shiho came back to his senses, and immediately refuted: "No, Uncle Mori, you obviously lied to me."

"You already know my identity, but you keep pretending that you don't know my identity and keep bullying me. It's really disgusting."

Zhibao has been a child for a long time, and even his tone of voice is a little childish.

The mature beauty is acting cute, I really can't stand it!

Mori Kogoro asked, "What did you call me just now?"

"Uncle Molly."

"Hey! Call again!" Mori Kogoro responded, his face full of satisfaction.

This expression made Miyano Shiho, who was used to being called "Uncle Mori", feel ashamed for the first time, and she couldn't help but patted Mori Kogoro's solid chest.

"A big liar, a bad guy, a big pervert, a daughter-in-law, a playboy, a lolicon..."

This is the familiar pattern of Xiao Ai acting like a spoiled child again, replaced by a mature beauty, Mori Kogoro finds it interesting.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and grabbed Shiho's plain hand, and then said, "This is because you lied to me first. If you don't lie to me, naturally you won't be fooled by me."

"Besides, I have reasons for hiding it from you."

But how could a woman want to hear a man's reasoning? Shiho couldn't help but struggled in Kogoro Mori's arms.

Mori Kogoro threatened in a low voice, "You bastard, do you want to come for another five hours?"

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho calmed down, his body stopped moving, but his big ice blue eyes were still staring at Mori Kogoro with dissatisfaction.

Chapter 0181 Sisters Recognize

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