Seeing the same angry expression as Haibara, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing again, really couldn't help it.

His big hands were still wandering around on Shiho's body, grabbing any opportunity to take advantage of it, after all, the effect of the medicine would only last for one day.

Rare things are precious, and there are only one or two chances in half a year, so Mori Kogoro cherishes today's time very much.

The medicine that Huiyuan took this time has already been replaced by the Ant-Man robot by Mori Kogoro.

The temporary antidote this time has no toxic side effects, nor will it produce antibodies. It is formulated with materials exchanged in the system mall, but it only lasts for one day.

His research institute has already developed a temporary medicine that can last for [-] days, but according to clinical trials, this temporary medicine is too toxic. Of course Kogoro Mori dare not use it, so he can only use the safest antidote .

If it wasn't for the message from another Ant-Man robot, Mori Kogoro really didn't want Shiho to get up.

He reached out and patted Zhibao's big buttocks, and said, "Okay, Xiao Ai, it's time for you to get up too, the surprise I prepared for you has arrived."

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho's eyes lit up, Moori Kogoro's beautiful eyes turned white, and he chuckled lightly: "Hmph, you're smart enough to prepare a gift to apologize."

"I tell you, if you don't satisfy me, I won't forgive you."

Shiho gritted his teeth, trying to threaten Kogoro Mori.

But at this moment, she is not even half scary, she is a lovely young girl.

When she was Haibara, she had already been raised by Kogoro Mori, and now facing Kogoro Mori, she naturally couldn't be cold even if she wanted to be cold.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Don't be surprised later."

Seeing Kogoro Mori pretending to be mysterious, Shiho wrinkled his nose, and reluctantly got up from Kogoro Mori's arms.

The quilt slipped off, exposing the snow-white carcass to the air.

After a while, both of them were fully dressed and walked out of the suite.

Wearing high heels and wearing a scarlet dress, Miyano Shiho was extremely glamorous. She walked in the corridor with Kogoro Mori's arm in her arms.

"I can finally walk with you in my arms, Maori-kun!"

"Call me Uncle Molly!"

Zhibao was in a very good mood at the moment, so he changed his words obediently: "Uncle Mao Li."

The two walked along the corridor to another suite on the same floor.

The door was not locked, so Mori Kogoro pushed it open, walked in, and then closed the door.

There was a woman standing in front of the window in the room. She turned around immediately when she heard the voice, and said softly, "Xiao Wulang, why did you ask me to meet here?"

It was Miyano Akemi Yi Rongcheng's florist owner, Sachiko Haihara.

Mingmei stood in a daze when she saw the younger sister beside Mori Kogoro, and her pupils kept shrinking.

But Zhibao obviously misunderstood, and his face turned cold all of a sudden.

She thought that this pretty flower shop sister was also Kogoro Mori's woman, so she twisted Kogoro Mori's waist with her little hands, her face full of dissatisfaction.

But it doesn't hurt at all!

Zhibao couldn't help but said coldly: "Xiao Goro, is this the surprise you prepared for me?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted Shiho's little head: "You are so stupid, don't you recognize it now?"

Hearing this, Zhibao's little face was dazed again, and he turned to look at the big sister in the flower shop.

However, she saw that her face was full of excitement, and her eyes were full of tears, and soon, those tears fell down.

Mingmei rushed up immediately, grabbed Zhibao's arms, and said, "Zhibao, that's great, your body has recovered, it's really great!"

Zhibao was frightened instantly: This woman, how does she know my name, this feeling, how is it so familiar?

"You, who are you?"

"Shiho, don't you recognize me? I'm your older sister Mingmei!"

"Hey, I forgot, I'm still wearing a mask and a voice changer!"

Only then did Mingmei wake up, and quickly removed the mask on her head and the voice changer around her neck.

The long straight black hair rolled out, revealing a pretty face like an angel, it was Miyano Akemi.

Only then did Miyano Shiho open his mouth wide, his pupils kept shrinking, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

elder sister!It turned out to be my sister!Isn't she dead?How are you still alive?

By the way, Sachiko Haibara, whose surname is Haibara too, even opened a flower shop on my way to school, she is really my sister!

I'm so stupid, how can I understand now!

Shiho looked at Kogoro Mori who was smiling gently by his side, and seeing him nodding seriously, he couldn't control his expression anymore.

There was a smile on Shiho's small face, but tears kept flowing from his eyes.

Her voice trembled a little, and she gently hugged Mingmei's body, as if she was hugging an imaginary figure, afraid that she would disappear suddenly.

"Sister, it's really my sister, that's great, it's great that you didn't die!"


The sisters finally recognized each other and hugged each other, crying and pouring out their thoughts about each other.

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