Seeing his two women crying like this, Mori Kogoro's eyes were a little moist.

He stepped forward slowly, opened his arms and hugged the two women.

His big hands caressed the backs of the two girls, giving them support and strength.

After about twenty minutes, the two sisters, who were crying into tears, finally stopped.

The two girls gradually regained their composure. At this moment, the two sisters felt strange.

It was warm behind them, this sense of security was too much, and the two women realized that Kogoro Mori was hugging them by their sides.

Zhibao and Mingmei drink lightly at the same time: "Why are you hugging my sister (sister)?"

Immediately afterwards, the two sisters frowned, both noticed something unusual, and looked at each other strangely.

After all, they have lived together in the dark organization for more than ten years, and the two sisters have a perfect understanding.

Four little hands pushed Kogoro Mori and pushed him out of the door.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

"We sisters have something to say in private, please avoid suspicion first, Mr. Mao Li!"

After saying this, the door of the room was closed and locked.

After all, the two sisters needed some time to be alone, so Kogoro Mori didn't resist and left the room.

But he had expected this situation a long time ago, and the little Ant-Man robot on the side handed him another card, and he opened the door of the next suite, and went inside to rest.

Mori Kogoro entered the next room, sat on the sofa, put his legs on the table, closed his eyes, and began to peek at the surveillance screen over there.

What is the right to privacy, what is integrity, and can they be eaten?

The sisters next door are both women of Mori Kogoro.

Now the two women quickly understood the relationship between the three of them. At such a crucial point, it is natural to know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to make any fools, after all, neither of his two women wanted to lose.

Chapter 0182

In the suite next door, the two Miyano sisters were sitting on the bed, and the sisters were extremely beautiful.

Zhibao was still a little agitated, and couldn't help asking: "Sister, what's going on?"

Ming Meisu caressed Fu Zhibao's small face, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Thanks to Kogoro for all of this."

"Do you still remember the one billion yen task that the organization issued to me back then? Those guys said that as long as I raised one billion yen, they could set our sisters free, but they were all lies."

"I raised one billion yen, and that guy named Gin turned his back on his promise, and took the money to kill me."

"At that time, I was shot, and I thought I was going to die. Unexpectedly, Kogoro suddenly appeared, not only drove away the gin and vodka, but also rescued me with his magical ability, just like a god. .”

Speaking of the bright smile on Mingmei's angelic little face, Zhibao had a faint guess when he saw his sister's appearance.

She pretended to be curious, raised her brows lightly, and began to ask, "Sister, what is the relationship between you and Uncle Mao Li? Could it be that after he saved you, sister, you promised yourself with your body?" ?”

Hearing this, Mingmei's little face turned red in an instant, her head lowered slightly, and she looked shy.

Shiho suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Oh, almost, I'm actually Kogoro's private assistant, but it's not wrong to say that we are boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Hearing this, Zhibao's eyes flashed coldly, and the little hands behind him tightly pinched the white sheet, his whole demeanor became very strange.

Damn uncle, he actually fell in love with my sister, it's unforgivable!

Seeing Shiho's expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but sweat on his forehead even after being separated from the monitoring.

"Zhibao, Zhibao, what's wrong with you, what's your expression?"

The pure Mingmei has not found out that her younger sister has an affair with Mori Kogoro. After all, in her opinion, her younger sister is just a seven-year-old girl, so how could something happen.

Mori Kogoro was afraid that Akemi would be worried about what happened at Christmas before, so he never told her about the gray field getting bigger.

So this is the first time that Mingmei knows that her sister has regained her body, so naturally she won't worry about her sister being eaten by Mori Kogoro.

It can only show that the United States is also a mistake.

Shiho quickly retracted her expression, she didn't care about the organization at all at the moment, but cared about her sister and Kogoro Mori very much, so she pretended to be envious and continued to talk about Akemi.

"Wow, sister, I didn't expect you to be with Uncle Maori. How did you get together? Did he pursue you? Uncle, he has many tricks to please girls!"

Minmei's expression became a little weird, recalling the scene with Kogoro Mori, how can there be any courtship tricks!

It was obvious that she was raped, and after saving herself, taking advantage of her weakness, she forcefully climbed onto her own bed and begged her, and then they got together in a daze.

Recalling such a simple and rude pursuit mode, Mingmei's face became a little hot again.

She said with a guilty conscience: "It's probably like that, that guy has a lot of tricks." The most tricks are on the bed.

"Oh, my little girl, you're still underage, why are you telling me this?"

Zhibao hugged Mingmei's arm and acted like a baby: "Sister, tell me, tell me how you two got together!"

Mingmei tried to make it up but couldn't make it up, so she simply changed the subject: "Anyway, we are together like that. Afterwards, I am worried about you who are still in the organization, so I entrust Kogoro to rescue you."

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