"Soon Kogoro told me that you have escaped from the organization, but your body has shrunk and you are living in his house."

"Zhibao, looking at your shrinking appearance, I don't know how many times I wanted to recognize you, but I was afraid that the two of us sisters would appear at the same time, it would be too dangerous, and it would be easy for people in the organization to know, so I didn't Say."

"Afterwards, I used the disguise technique taught by Kogoro, and this chain-shaped voice changer, disguised as the owner of the flower shop, who has been taking care of you on your way to school."

"And the apartment I live in is only two blocks away from Maori Detective Agency, and I can walk to your side in two or three minutes."

"It's great to see you Shiho finally recovered!"

While talking, Mingmei started to cry again, and Zhibao smiled awkwardly: "Sister, my antidote is temporary, and it should only last for one day."

Hearing this, Mingmei froze for a moment, blinking at her sister with blue eyes filled with tears.

In the main part of the herbal hall, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Heye, and Hongye have done maintenance projects one by one, and now they enter the large airtight bathroom and start to take a herbal bath.

Four young and beautiful girls were wrapped in bath towels, and then they headed towards the bath that exudes a strong vitality, with countless beautiful legs moving.

Yuanzi said, "Xiao Lan, I didn't expect you to know Ms. Jue Yue, the chairman of Herbal Hall. She has a lot of connections!"

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "Because Auntie Jueyue is a classmate of Dad's in college, and I saw her last time I went to a class reunion."

"It's just that I didn't expect her to become so young and beautiful all of a sudden, and it's really surprising that she has established such a powerful beauty brand in such a short period of time."

Yuanzi nodded: "Well, she is a business woman not inferior to my mother."

But He Ye was a little strange: "Don't you find it strange that we are the only guests here today!"

Yuanzi waved his hand: "Ann, well, naturally not everyone can enter such a high-end beauty salon, we are just lucky, Xiaolan's golden hand, let us come here for beauty treatment, it's just like a private room .”

"After taking this herbal bath, our skin will be as delicate as a baby's!"

Yuanzi beamed with joy, and the other three girls all showed smiles on their faces.

Standing next to the big bath, Hongye looked at the notice board next to it, and read out: "Please do not bring anything into the herbal pool, so as not to pollute this spring of herbal essence."

Hearing this, Hongye also understood what it meant, so she tore off the bath towel generously and stacked it aside.

Seeing Hongye's big breasts, Yuanzi and Heye showed extremely envious expressions, and they were a little afraid to tear off their bath towels.

After all, facing Hongye Ooka, who has a good figure and a gourd-shaped figure, the two women know that they are incomparable.

Hongye turned her gaze, and the two girls turned their heads to look at the other side at the same time.

But on the other side, Xiaolan also tore off the bath towel openly.

This guy has a better figure, fair skin, protruding back, slender figure, extremely mature, completely against the sky.

Yuanzi and Heye suffered a ton of blows in an instant, and they couldn't help hugging each other, with tears in their eyes.

Chapter 0183

Seeing the two big cows Xiaolan and Hongye entering the bathing pool hand in hand, Yuanzi couldn't help but whispered: "Theirs are completely wrong, their body proportions are out of balance, it's better for us, this is the figure that girls should have .”

He Ye also nodded, and echoed sourly: "Yes, with such a big breast, I don't know how inconvenient it is in life."

"Our kind is just right, and has the potential to grow bigger in the future, which they can't match at all!"

He Ye and Yuan Zi opened their eyes and told nonsense, the proportion of Xiao Lan and Hong Ye is perfect.

For the two of them, only Ah Q's spirit was left to comfort each other.

In fact, their breast size is considered normal among Japanese women, but Hongye and Xiaolan's are too foul.

Soon, the two women also tore off the bath towels, stepped into the bath, and immediately groaned a few times in comfort.

The four girls took a comfortable bath in this big pool, playing in the water from time to time, showing signs of youthful vitality.

And in the suite, after Zhibao finally listened to her sister's story, her ice-blue eyes narrowed, with a cold light shining in them.

The hateful Uncle Mao Li, who knew all the truth from the beginning, dared to hide it from me for so long!

In other words, from the very beginning, when I appeared as Hui Yuan, my uncle knew who I was.

Including when Miyano Shiho appeared last time when I was recovering in this Kuwano Hotel, he also knew that I had grown up from Haibara, and then he couldn't wait to carry me to the hotel room to do it. bad thing.

It really is a pervert, a pervert!

Damn it, I thought it was love at first sight, but I didn't expect it to be planned for a long time!

Zhibao gritted his silver teeth, the more he understood, the more he felt that what Mori Kogoro had done was beyond description.

Looking at the silly older sister beside him, Zhibao really didn't want to deceive his older sister, so he said, "Sister, there is something you must be mentally prepared for."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mingmei looked puzzled.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhibao still said, "That's right, I'm also Uncle Maori's woman."

Hearing this, Mingmei's expression froze for a moment, and soon she stood up angrily: "What, Kogoro even attacked you."

"Damn it, didn't he promise me not to attack you?"

"How dare he have the body of a seven-year-old child?"

"No, how dare you bully my sister, I'm going to settle the score with him!"

"Zhibao, wait, sister will help you out."

The angelic Mingmei is also angry at this moment, her gentle temperament is gone, and there seems to be a magic flame lingering behind her.

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