Akai Hideichi hacked the surveillance camera of the convenience store, and kept monitoring the door of the apartment remotely.

But today, he finally found out that the Miyano sisters both appeared on the surveillance screen with their real faces, and Akai Shuichi took pictures of them with his mobile phone after seeing them.

Looking at the three people in the photo, Akai Shuichi knew he had guessed right.

Sure enough, the flower shop owner who gave him a very familiar feeling was his girlfriend - Akemi Miyano, and she really didn't die.

Just looking at Mori Kogoro in the photo, Akai Hideichi recalled the surveillance cameras he had seen.

There are many scenes of Mori Kogoro hugging his girlfriend intimately in and out of the apartment, and he also spends the night here from time to time.

Akai Hideichi felt aggrieved and panicked, and couldn't help but squeeze the phone tightly, making fingerprints on the phone.

No, Mingmei is not that kind of girl, I should trust her!

It must not be true. That guy was involved with Judy last time, and he should also be an enemy of the dark organization. In this case, it makes sense for him to be with Mingmei.

However, Akai Shuichi didn't dare to enter the apartment directly, instead he started to explore the surrounding area.

The three of them are all people who betrayed the dark organization. If they appear together, the target is too big, and it is really unsafe to go in.

However, in fact, Akai Shuichi didn't trust Kogoro Mori, what he really wanted was to ask Akemi after Kogoro Mori left.

Moreover, Kogoro Mori gave him a terrible sense of oppression, and he really didn't want to meet Kogoro Mori.

After some exploration, nothing was found around.

Akai Hideichi returned to the Chevrolet car, drinking coffee, quietly watching the door of the apartment, waiting for Mori Kogoro to leave.

And Mori Kogoro in the bedroom of the apartment didn't care about the guy who was guarding the outside.

Chapter 0186 Sister Flower P2

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Heye, and Hongye have finished all the beauty programs in the herbal hall.

The four girls are all radiant, their skin has become extremely delicate and beautiful like a flower, and each of them can't wait to go home and let Kogoro Mouri see.

It's just that when they returned to Maori's house, they found that the house was empty, and the expressions of the four became a little depressed at the same time.

Women look for those who please themselves, and naturally they are very unhappy when the one who pleases them is not there.

Xiaolan picked up the note on the table and read it out.

"Xiao Lan, Dad encountered a very urgent commission today. I took Xiao Ai to deal with the case. I'm afraid I won't be able to go home tonight. You have to take care of the rest of the family!"

Hearing this, Yuanzi suddenly lost his mind and lay down on the sofa: "What are you doing! I want my uncle to see my baby-like skin. Uncle will definitely fall in love with me."

Hearing this, the veins on Xiaolan's forehead jumped up again, and her little hand slapped Yuanzi's buttocks hard.

That strength instantly reminded Sonoko of the fear of her butt being dominated by Xiaolan yesterday.

Yuanzi hurriedly got up from the sofa, knelt on the sofa, and confessed at the speed of light: "Xiaolan, don't take it to heart, I was just joking just now, how could I do this?"

Xiaolan snorted softly, but she also let Yuanzi go.

But He Ye frowned: "Uncle is really bad, so many young girls don't accompany him, and even bring children to handle the case!"

Hongye also pouted, looking very dissatisfied.

The two girls came all the way from Osaka, so they naturally wanted Kogoro Mori to accompany them more.

On the other side, knowing that her father was not at home, and the three wolves who were staring at her at home could not do anything with her father, Xiaolan suddenly felt better.

She chuckled and suggested: "In this case, Dad and Xiao Ai are not here, and there are only four of us left at home, so let's have an unforgettable girlfriends night!"

Yuanzi's eyes lit up immediately: "Drinks, snacks, funny variety shows."

He Ye also suggested: "Pajama party, pillow fight."

Yuanzi's big eyes became brighter and brighter: "Okay, okay, Xiaolan is too powerful, when the time comes, the three of us will be able to fight Xiaolan with one!"

Yuanzi suffered such a big loss from Xiaolan yesterday, she naturally wanted to get revenge, so she wanted to unite with Heye and Hongye to erupt a red revolution.

However, Yuanzi's performance was too obvious, and Xiaolan saw through it in an instant, and his ass was hit hard again, making him jump around in pain.

And Xiaolan smiled lightly and invited Hongye: "Hongye, do you want to come together?"

Looking at the rest of the people in high spirits, Hong Ye also had a smile on her face.

It looks like it's quite interesting!

She smiled and nodded in agreement.

For a while, Hongye, who was still out of place, also began to integrate into this small group.

The third floor of Maoli's house became lively again, but they seemed to have forgotten that there was a hard-working kid on the second floor!

At the same time, in the bedroom of the apartment, Mori Kogoro smirked and headed towards Shiho.

He put his big hand into the crimson skirt, felt Zhibao's heartbeat, and naturally knew that this girl was pretending to sleep.

After all, there was so much movement just now, no matter how much he slept, Zhibao would wake up with a start.

Mingmei on the side could only yell weakly: "Baa! Stop it, Maori-kun!"

Mori Kogoro completely ignored Mingmei's voice, he looked at Shiho's trembling eyelashes, then gently kissed Shiho's eyelids, and said with a smirk: "It's exposed, Shiho, the princess who was kissed by the prince should be obedient." Wake up."

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