But Miyano Shiho had no intention of opening his eyes at all, and was still stubbornly pretending to be dead.

This scene is very interesting.

Mori Kogoro chuckled again, and then kissed Shiho's pink lips, but Shiho still didn't respond at all.

Even though Mori Kogoro's big hands made all kinds of excessive moves against Shiho's delicate body, this girl was determined to be a salted fish.

However, even so, Kogoro Mori would not be troubled at all.

His two fingers rested lightly on Shiho's eyelids, just like when they first met, he stretched his fingers slightly, and opened Shiho's eyelids viciously, allowing him to see the appearance of his sister next to him.

Seeing the scene next to him, Shiho's pupils continued to shrink.

She hurriedly pushed Kogoro Mori's solid chest, trying to push him away and run away, but Kogoro Mori was prepared.

He put his arms around Shiho's soft waist, exerted his strange strength, and hugged him horizontally.

Wearing a scarlet dress, Zhibao kept struggling, her two beautiful legs kept kicking in the air, and she kept saying, "Big pervert, let me go."

In addition to being excited, her little face was flushed with embarrassment.

But Mori Kogoro laughed triumphantly, like an evil big devil.

Soon, he put Zhibao back on the bed, placed beside Mingmei, let his head rest on Mingmei's lower abdomen, and then said: "Don't struggle anymore, or you will hurt your sister."

Then Mori Kogoro continued to threaten: "Shiho, if you run away, Akemi will die. You know how powerful I am."

It's really exciting to be the big devil and talk about the villain.

Shiho looked at Kogoro Mori bitterly, but she couldn't continue acting soon, her little face was so red that it almost made her faint.

Mori Kogoro stroked Shiho's soft waist gently with his big hand, and continued to tease: "Shiho, you and your sister really have many similarities in many ways, you really deserve to be two sisters."

"Look, this leg, this waist, and this..." Accompanied by the words, Mouri Kogoro's big hand moved up and down Shiho's delicate body.

"Baa! Don't say it." Shiho stretched out his hand to cover Kogoro Mori's mouth.

Mori Kogoro kissed the palm of his hand, pulled his little hand away, and then smiled lightly: "If you don't say it, don't say it, then let's get down to business."

Then he took Shiho's mouth in one breath, and Mingmei, who was unable to move, saw the scene in front of her, her sapphire-like pupils shrank.

Even though she was mentally prepared, she couldn't help but feel agitated after seeing this scene.

As her sister stared at her, Zhibao also felt an unspeakable sense of excitement. Her body continued to heat up, and her snow-white skin turned bright red.

But soon, Shiho fell under Kogoro Mori's deep kiss, and began to respond slowly.

Not long after, a stirring movement resounded in the bedroom.

([-] words omitted here)

After a long time, Akai Hideyoshi in the Chevrolet drank coffee over and over again, but his original stern expression became restless at this moment.

It was already past one o'clock in the morning, and Mori Kogoro hadn't come out yet. Could it be that he planned to spend the night in Mingmei's apartment?

Previously, Kogoro Mori and the disguised flower shop owner were seen coming in and out of the apartment, but the identity of the flower shop owner was not confirmed, and Akai Shuichi could bear it.

But the footage seen in the surveillance now shows that the owner of the flower shop is his girlfriend - Miyano Akemi.

In the middle of the night, his girlfriend was with Mori Kogoro, how could Shuichi Akai bear it.

Seeing that the light in the bedroom window was still on, Akai Shuichi naturally became more and more frantic, and couldn't help but punched the car door heavily.

Chapter 0187

Akai Hideo's eyes were bloodshot, and now he was getting more and more manic, and he wanted to break into the door.

However, at this moment, his cell phone rang.

"Hello, James!"

"Xiuyi, why is your voice so hoarse, is there something wrong?"

Chi Jingxiu's eyes flashed coldly, he looked at the window of the apartment bedroom, and said, "No, you called here specifically, what's the matter?"

"Well, Xiuyi, it's time for you to come back for a meeting. We found a clue about that organization."


Hearing this name, Akai Hideichi frowned, then looked at the window bitterly, and said, "Okay, I'll be right there."

After saying this, he hung up the phone, turned the steering wheel, and the car sped off into the distance.

On the other side, Mingmei heard her sister's hoarse shouts, so she braced herself up, opened her eyes, and saw an extremely shocking scene.

Miyano Shiho's pupils kept shrinking, all the pores of his body were opened, and sweat kept oozing out.

Her little face was flushed, and her jade-like body became bright red, and her whole body released huge heat.

What's the matter, is it going to return to the appearance of a child again?

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro's pupils also kept shrinking.

This time was also the first time he witnessed the scene where Miyano Shiho shrank into a gray field.

Kogoro Mori watched Shiho's small mouth open wide, panting heavily, clutching his chest, trembling all over, still shouting unknown notes, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Sensing the astonishing heat radiating from Shiho's body, he even burned himself a little.

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