Seeing this, Su Nan no longer hesitated, moved her hands to both sides of Chu Xi's thighs, grasped the stockings with her fingers on the left and right sides of her legs, and pulled them down slowly. During the process, her fingers inevitably touched the flesh on her thighs, slippery, Delicate and moist.

A small part of her pink and fair thigh was exposed in his hand. Su Nan subconsciously held her breath. In order to avoid being seen as abnormal, he continued to pull down the stockings.

It's like peeling bamboo shoots, peeling off the outer layer of shell, revealing the white and tender bamboo shoots, which are as moist as jade, smooth and pleasant, making people want to take a bite.

Su Nan's heart beat a little faster, and so did Chu Xi, but at the same time, a strong sense of shame welled up in her heart, which made her breathe unconsciously.

At the ankle, Su Nan settled down, gently supported the ankle with the palm of one hand, and grabbed the stocking with the other hand and pulled it gently, revealing the entire jade foot.

Then Su Nan put the stockings on the stone bench, and held Chuxi's feet to look carefully.

When Chu Xi saw his actions, his breath was suddenly suffocated, and there was a feeling of a weak electric current flowing through his jade feet, and his toes couldn't help but bend slightly.

He didn't know if Su Nan did it on purpose, or if he cared too much. He moved his eyes very close to observe. If there was a smell, he would definitely be able to smell it from such a distance, as if Su Nan was deliberately smelling her jade feet.

Since Su Nan might be a foot controler, Chu Xi preferred the latter guess. His heart was instantly filled with intense shyness, and his body felt slightly numb, becoming soft and weak.

Su Nan found that Chu Xi's jade feet were only a little red, but not swollen, and he felt relieved. He said, "There is no sprain, but the shoes don't fit well, and it's not suitable for wearing them for exercise for too long. You should be fine if you take a rest. "


Chu Xi made a very weak voice, with a subtle feeling.

Su Nan was stunned, and looked up, Chu Xi was still looking elsewhere, but that small face was covered with a charming blush at some point, and even the eyes gradually became watery.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat. Chu Xi must be shy, otherwise he would have launched a poisonous tongue attack. The shy Chu Xi is so pretty.

As a girl, it is normal for her to be shy when her feet are grabbed by a boy like this.

Just now, because she was too concerned about Chu Xi's injury, Su Nan ignored this point. Now that she came back to her senses, seeing Chu Xi's shy appearance that she rarely saw in normal times, her heart beat a little faster.

He endured the strange mood, and let go of Chuxi's feet as usual.

Then, Su Nan stared at Chu Xi's other foot, thinking to himself, the stockings on it should also be taken off to make the foot easier.

He took action, stretched out his hand and grabbed Chu Xi's foot that was still wearing stockings, and took off the stockings while it was trembling slightly.

Just like that, Chu Xi's legs became naked.

In the end, Su Nan spread two paper towels on the ground to let Chuxi rest his feet, while he walked to the viewing platform not far away to watch the scenery, in fact, to escape the awkward atmosphere.

Although it is urgent, men and women are different after all, and Chu Xi is that kind of very beautiful girl. It is impossible for Su Nan to think about nothing like Wood. Judging from Chu Xi's silent performance, she may also care. Well, it's better to avoid this kind of situation.

Because of Chu Xi's foot problem, it is estimated that he will have to rest for a long time, and he will get tired of looking at the scenery on the mountain for a while. After a while, Su Nan walked back, sat down on the stone bench opposite Chu Xi, and played with his phone quietly by himself.

On the opposite side, Chu Xi hugged her feet and stared at Su Nan on the opposite side, her eyes flickered and her face was slightly flushed, but at this time the pain in her body had almost disappeared.

Naturally, her feet were not as serious as Su Nan thought. The reactions just now were all for Su Nan to see, except for some shy reactions.

The reason for doing this is to deliberately let Su Nan help her take off her stockings and touch her feet, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, it is also a bit of a loss, after all, the body was touched, especially Su Nan is still a foot control, he must have been very wretched at the time.

But Chu Xi felt that such a sacrifice would be worth it if he could avoid turning into figurines and experience more shameful things.

At about eleven o'clock, Su Nan raised his head and saw Chu Xi putting on his shoes, so he also got up and walked over to ask, "Are your feet okay?"

Chu Xi put on his shoes, brushed away the hair that ran to his forehead, and said calmly, "If you don't dance, just walk back to the car, there should be no problem."

The shy and blushing Chu Xi just now seemed to be just a flash in the pan.

Su Nan was stunned, and then said: "Then let's go down the mountain, walk slowly."

The time he and Zhao Xiaomin agreed was in the afternoon, and the drive back would take at least an hour, but just now Su Nan had checked the route and could get off halfway, so there was still time.

Chu Xi nodded, and stood up with his bag on his shoulders. Su Nan took the camera and the bracket. The bracket took up too much space, so he walked behind Chu Xi.

When he reached the stone steps, Chu Xi did not go down, but quietly looked at the bottom of the stone steps.

Su Nan walked out from behind her curiously, and found that there were four or five boys climbing up the mountain. The two leading ones saw Su Nan and Chu Xi from a distance, pointed at them and said something to the partner next to them, and then Su Nan I saw them speed up and rush up the mountain.

"It's them."

Su Nan was surprised and said that it was the two boys who planned to molested Chu Xi not long ago, but was killed by Chu Xi. Su Nan was surprised that his feet did not abolish their mobility.

"We're going down the other side."

Su Nan said to Chu Xi without thinking, there are three ways to go up the mountain, and there are only a few people on the other side, and going down the mountain is much easier than going up the mountain, as long as they get back to the car, they will never be able to catch up.

The two chose one of the other two roads to go down the mountain, but Su Nan obviously ignored something. Halfway through, Chu Xi had a look of pain on his face. The downhill was too fast, and her script was uncomfortable. Now It's hard to change.

It was too late when Su Nan thought of this, and looked back up the mountain, the pedestrian was rushing down quickly.

"This way." At this moment, Chu Xi held Su Nan's hand.

Chapter 88 Back Me

"This way."

While he was in a daze, Chu Xi suddenly took Su Nan's hand, took him to a small road ahead and turned into it.

Walking through a section of rugged mountain road, clear streams can be seen along the way.

The two turned a corner and came to the source of the mountain spring, a low cave.

Cursing sounds approached from behind, and Chu Xi directly led Su Nan into the cave.

The cave is small and there is no place to hide.

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