However, Chu Xi took Su Nan to the rightmost mountain wall, and peeled away the vines climbing on the mountain wall, and a small cave appeared, about a few square meters in size.

Su Nan was very surprised. She didn't expect that there was something wrong here.

The sound came closer behind him, and Su Nan and Chu Xi quickly walked in. After entering, Chu Xi turned around and tidied up the vines to cover up the traces of the small cave.

Su Nan looked at her curiously, how did Chu Xi know this place?

"I used to play here when I was a child." Chu Xi said in a low voice, as if knowing what Su Nan was thinking.

After the pedestrian outside came, he seemed to know that the two of them were hiding nearby, so he didn't leave in a hurry, but searched everywhere, yelling, making all kinds of obscene and threatening words, but he couldn't find this cave.

Su Nan gritted his teeth secretly, and didn't know how many shots he could hit with his strengthened body, but with Chu Xi by his side, he couldn't take such a risk.

Su Nan is not the kind of young man who can't hold his breath, he will try not to do things he is not sure about.

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his head, and water dripped on it.

Looking up, although the cave has insufficient light, the surrounding situation can barely be seen.

I saw that the entire rock wall of the cave was covered with traces of water, dripping down like rain, and soon Su Nan felt that his clothes were much wet.

Chu Xi's body shivered in front of him, and the white cheongsam was stained with water and stuck to the skin, becoming slightly transparent.

Su Nan was stunned, staring at her without blinking.

Chu Xi seemed to sense something, turned around quickly, covered his chest with his hands and stared at him vigilantly, his cheeks were flushed.

Su Nan turned her head in embarrassment.

After a while, Su Nan noticed Chu Xi squatting down in pain from the corner of her eyes.

Whatever he thought of, he didn't care about avoiding anything, walked to her side in two steps, helped her sit down on a big rock, and helped her take off her shoes.

You can see clearly only when you close your eyes. Chu Xi's bare feet are already red and swollen.

Su Nan's face changed slightly, he must have hurt his feet when he went down the mountain too quickly.

Looking up at Chu Xi, who was also looking at her, the two looked at each other speechlessly.

After a while, Su Nan asked her with her lips: "Does it hurt?"

Chu Xi frowned and nodded.

Su Nan fell into hesitation. If he let it go, Chu Xi's foot might be hurt more seriously, but now the pedestrian outside is still there, and he can't go out.

Looking down and seeing Chu Xi's red and swollen jade feet, and looking up and seeing her frowning, Su Nan gritted her teeth, it seems that she can only rely on herself.

He said silently to Chuxi, "Do you want to press it for you?"

Chu Xi looked at her silently. The light here was too dark, so that Su Nan couldn't see her face at all. She only felt that Chu Xi's eyes were bright at the moment, and there was a sense of coercion.

But Su Nan looked at her, he just wanted to help her.

Finally, Chu Xi nodded.

Su Nan relaxed, and began to pinch Chu Xi's feet, and gently rubbed them for her.

At first, he still felt that Chuxi's jade feet were tense, but then they became relaxed under his hands.

In the dimly lit environment, Chu Xi clenched his fists tightly, closed his eyes comfortably, and the pain between his brows disappeared, replaced by a look of joy.

The feeling of Yuzu being kneaded at will, the other party is still a boy, Chu Xi's heart is full of strangeness, but there is not much disgusting feeling.

She sighed in her heart, and she didn't know when, maybe she had the experience of transforming into a figure, she seemed to have become very indifferent to some physical contact with Su Nan.

This is not a good phenomenon for a girl.

She is not the kind of girl who is very casual, but her body is very honest and contradictory in front of Su Nan.

Another wave of pleasant sensations came, Chu Xi bit her lower lip tightly, and found that all the uncomfortable feelings in her body had disappeared, but she did not stop Su Nan from continuing to massage herself.

Relying on his crappy skills, Su Nan pressed both of Chu Xi's feet. Because his skills were not good enough, he didn't dare to mess around. He just planned to stretch the muscles and bones of her feet so that it wouldn't be so uncomfortable. .

But surprisingly, Chu Xi seemed quite satisfied.

Su Nan took a moment to look at her, and found that her brows were no longer frowning, but seemed to be enjoying herself.

This is true for Zhao Xiaomin, senior sister Wei Ling, and Chu Xi. Could it be that his massage skills are really good?

Su Nan fell into deep doubts.

The two stayed in the cave for nearly half an hour, mainly to let Chuxi's feet rest more.

Su Nan went out first, didn't see those people, and then came back to help Chuxi out.

The opening of the hole is narrow, the warm feeling of her little hands, and her body touching her from time to time, made Su Nan's heart beat out of rhythm. When facing a beautiful woman, no matter how noble he behaved at the beginning, the man will be more or less crooked during the long-term contact. Thoughts.

After going outside, seeing the sun again, they were already drenched after spending half an hour in the cave full of dripping water.

There was not enough light in the cave before, so although Su Nan could barely see clearly, Su Nan would not pay attention to it. Now that he went outside, Chu Xi's white cheongsam was completely attached to his body, becoming translucent and full of lust. It felt like it attracted Su Nan's attention.

Chu Xi hugged his arms tightly, scolded him "Senan" in a low voice, but his face turned red with embarrassment.

It seems that I need to find a place to change clothes.

Su Nan was embarrassed, thinking to himself.

"Can you walk?" Su Nan forced herself not to go to see Chuxi, and asked her.

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