Noticing his performance, Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little reluctant for no reason, which made her feel that she was really going further and further down the road of collapse.

Chu Xi first tried to take two steps, then frowned.

She obviously couldn't walk down the mountain with this performance.

Now the two of them were in trouble, there was still some way to go down the mountain, and those people might still be looking for them, so they had to get back to the car and leave the park early.

"Munan..." Chu Xi suddenly said, with a strange voice: "Have you ever tried to carry something dozens of kilograms down the mountain?"

"Back?" Su Nan looked at her in surprise, why the emphasis on dozens of catties?

"This is the best choice. It can not only protect my feet, but also get us out of danger as soon as possible. And Mu Nan, your expression... Are you thinking about something, a little disgusting."

When Chu Xi said that, he hugged his arms tightly, and his tone was full of disgust.

From Chu Xi's words, the central idea is only two words: carry me on your back.

Dare to love, if Su Nan doesn't agree to carry her on his back, then he has a ghost in his heart.

Chapter 89 Back into the women's bathroom and the news on the screen

Su Nan knew that, given their current situation, it was the safest choice to leave the park as soon as possible.

Chu Xi also considered this before making the choice to let him carry her on his back, so Su Nan didn't think too much, and naturally bent down.

The girl moved her wet body close to him, laying on his back, bringing an incomparably soft touch. There was also a stiffness in this softness, which meant that the girl was not as relaxed as she appeared on the surface.

His waist became hunched, and his hands were raised and stretched backwards like a demon, resting on the girl's hips, holding her body in place to prevent her from slipping, and just walked forward.

Chu Xi's body is lighter than expected. The tens of catties she mentioned may not be a joke. Of course, eighty or ninety catties are also tens of catties.

In order to walk faster, Su Nan was not in the mood at all, and walked forward as fast as she could with the girl on her back.

Chu Xi held her bag in one hand and the camera in the other, and put it under Su Nan's armpit.

This posture and the speed made her body lean back inertially, and she could only lie on Su Nan's shoulder, her nose smelled a faint scent belonging to Su Nan, and she narrowed her eyes slightly in the breeze, as if she was taking a nap.

Passing by the women's toilet, Su Nan carried Chu Xi to the door of the women's toilet, then froze for a moment.

"Go in." Chu Xi whispered in his ear, feeling like his ears were being blown.

Su Nan settled down. At this time, there was no one in the women's toilet, and it was inconvenient for Chu Xi to move around, so she gritted her teeth and carried Chu Xi on her back, and went straight into the women's toilet.

When he was about to put her down, Chu Xi seemed to whisper in his ear with an angry voice: "Idiot, just put me down like this?"

Su Nan felt a little puzzled at first, but soon remembered that Chuxi's foot injury might not be able to stand up, he was very embarrassed, he couldn't let him help, why not just go back to the car and forget it.

"Enter the cubicle, I remember it's a toilet type." Soon Chuxi said.

Hearing this, Su Nan was a little nervous, fearing that someone would come in, so she quickly chose a room and opened the door, and walked in with Chuxi on her back, when a tissue was stretched out behind her: "Wipe it clean."

Su Nan was stunned, and then realized that Chu Xi meant him to wipe the toilet seat. After all, there are many people using it in public places, so it may not be so hygienic.

Su Nan could only take the paper towel, put down the toilet seat, bent over with Chu Xi on her back, and wiped it like that, feeling inexplicably awkward.

Obviously, this scenic spot is not completely unpopular. Su Nan noticed that there were many aunt's towels in the trash can next to her. Thinking that this is a women's toilet, it felt even more embarrassing.

Fortunately, Chu Xi didn't laugh at him at this time, but just lay quietly on his back and watched his slightly clumsy actions, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up a little.

want to laugh.

After wiping the toilet seat, Su Nan threw the paper towel into the trash can. Su Nan turned around, found the right position and slowly put Chu Xi down, letting her sit on it.

Just when Su Nan was about to go out, a woman's voice came from outside, and Su Nan closed the toilet door nervously, locking herself and Chuxi together.

He turned his head to look at Chu Xi, and Chu Xi just happened to look up at him. The two of them communicated silently, with strange expressions on their faces. After looking at each other for a while, they turned away in embarrassment one after another.

Chu Xi's delicate face was slowly covered with a strange blush.

Su Nan turned his back to Chu Xi, and didn't notice this. At this moment, he was extremely nervous, afraid of being discovered, and held his breath.

The strange thing is that he didn't feel much strengthened by such a perverted thing at the moment. He obviously had it when he took off Chuxi's stockings and massaged his feet before, although it was very weak.

A few women entered the women's room. According to their conversation, they seemed to be cleaning in the park. At this time, they came in to use the toilet and wash their faces after work.

Soon they left, but Su Nan didn't dare to go out immediately for fear of running into them.

It took several minutes before he came out of the women's toilet.

Su Nan pretended to be looking at the scenery outside, when a car stopped in front of him, the window was rolled down, and the female driver wearing sunglasses asked him lightly, where is Chu Xi?

Su Nan pointed to the women's toilet.

The female driver glanced at him, got out of the car, and walked into the women's toilet.After a while, she helped Chuxi out, glared at Su Nan, and moved her lips.

At this moment, Chu Xi frowned, and the female driver shook her head helplessly, and helped Chu Xi into the car without saying anything to Su Nan.

Su Nan smiled wryly in his heart, Chu Xi went out with him, his foot hurt like this, it's normal for the female driver to be upset, and he didn't bother to explain anything.

Later, the female driver drove them away. When they left the park, Su Nan saw those who had chased them with bruised noses and swollen faces. They were kicked out by the park's security gate and ran away silently.

The car was driving smoothly on the road, and Su Nan squinted her eyes to rest her mind.He went to bed very late last night and woke up very early this morning, feeling a little sleepy at the moment.

In a daze, he seemed to hear Chu Xi whisper something: turn off the radio.

The carriage became quiet.

Su Nan was woken up by the sound of the bell accompanied by vibration.

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