Su Nan opened his eyes, his eyes were a little dazed at first, and then he remembered something, and his face changed slightly.

By the way, the agreement between him and Zhao Xiaomin!

Under Chu Xi's slightly surprised gaze, Su Nan straightened her waist all of a sudden, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone, and saw that the time displayed on it was past twelve o'clock, but it was not yet the appointed time.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly unlocked the phone. It was a text message from Qin Xiaowan that woke him up just now, asking when he would be back.

Su Nan ignored her for the time being, opened WeChat, and found that it was full of messages from Zhao Xiaomin. The earliest message was sent at [-] o'clock in the morning. Zhao Xiaomin asked him if he could come out early.

At that time, he was on the top of the mountain, and his mobile phone had no signal.

Later, Zhao Xiaomin's news became a little frequent, sending one every ten minutes, or even one every minute, but it stopped suddenly after eleven o'clock.

Su Nan was puzzled, did Zhao Xiaomin have something to do in the afternoon, so he wanted to advance the appointment?

So now does he still have to go to the appointment?

Su Nan asked Zhao Xiaomin on WeChat, but she didn't receive a reply after waiting for several minutes.

He thought about it, and decided to go to the agreed place to have a look.

Then he replied to Qin Xiaowan's message, telling her that he would be back in the afternoon, then opened the APP to help her order a takeaway, and sent her a message to notify her.

Qin Xiaowan did not reply.

"Is there something urgent?" Chu Xi asked surprised when he saw that he had been operating the phone for a long time.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded and said, "I'm going to get off the car when I get back to the city, and I have an appointment."

"Oh." Chu Xi didn't ask who he had an appointment with. It seems that their relationship is not so good?weird relationship...

When they arrived near the place agreed with Zhao Xiaomin, the female driver stopped the car.

Su Nan got out of the car, turned around and said goodbye to Chu Xi, who also said the same thing to him.

Then Su Nan walked to the coffee shop opposite, looking for it, and suddenly, through the transparent glass, he saw Zhao Xiaomin lying on the table and falling asleep.

Chu Xi also saw Zhao Xiaomin, and suddenly frowned.

Chapter 90 Leakage

Chu Xi quietly watched Su Nan walk to Zhao Xiaomin's side, and saw him gently push Zhao Xiaomin's arm with his hand.Feeling blocked, she turned her head and said to the female driver, "Go home."

The female driver hesitated to speak, but she didn't dare to ask the question, she started the car silently, and she was even more impressed with the guy named Su Nan in her heart.

The cafe was full of customers, and it was noon at this time. Many office workers met for coffee after work, and chatted together in twos and threes, and the voice was a bit noisy.

In such an environment, a young girl was lying in a corner sleeping soundly, with red marks on her fair and tender face, she looked a little cute.

Several white-collar workers sitting nearby looked at the girl frequently, with malicious intentions.

At this time, a boy dressed in ordinary clothes walked up to the girl and sat down, and even stretched out his hand to give the girl a slight push.

"Xiao Min, wake up."

The girl slept soundly, after a few times, she finally opened her eyes, and looked at the person in front of her in a dazed way, like a stunned piece of wood.

Su Nan raised her hand and shook it in front of her eyes.

The girl's eyes swayed with his palm, and after a while, her eyes became clear, but she made a move that surprised many people.

The girl hugged the boy in front of her with surprise on her face, and said excitedly, "Ah Nan, I'm finally waiting for you."

Her reaction was a bit like a girl who had been released as a pigeon, and finally waited for her lover to arrive.To let such a cute girl wait, many people looked at Su Nan with slightly weird eyes, a bit like looking at a scumbag.

Su Nan also noticed that someone nearby was looking at him and Zhao Xiaomin, he didn't expect Zhao Xiaomin to hug him, he must be sleepy.

Zhao Xiaomin froze for a moment, let go of him immediately, and said with a embarrassed smile: "Sorry, I may have lost sleep."

"It's okay, have you been here for a long time?" Su Nan said that she didn't care, and asked instead, the feeling of rapid heartbeat gradually subsided.

"I came at nine o'clock, and the clerk didn't chase me away after several cups of coffee." Zhao Xiaomin's tone revealed a hint of resentment.

Su Nan was a little sorry and said: "I saw the news you found. I saw it not long ago. There was no signal at that time."

"Ah Nan, you don't need to apologize, it's all my fault for suddenly bringing the date up." Zhao Xiaomin shook her head with a smile, and then her face became serious: "Okay, Ah Nan, it's getting late, let's go find the practice place...Huh?"

At the end of the conversation, her face suddenly became puzzled, as if she had encountered something strange.

"What's wrong?" Su Nan asked her.

"It's okay." Zhao Xiaomin said with a dry smile: "Actually, it's still early, we don't have to hurry so much. By the way, Anan, have you had lunch? If not, let's go eat together. I know a restaurant has recently opened nearby. shop, I heard the taste is pretty good and cheap.”

Su Nan was puzzled and didn't understand why Zhao Xiaomin suddenly changed his mind, but he was also quite hungry, and he just ate two meat buns in a hurry in the morning.

"Let's go to dinner, I'll treat you, just take it as my apology for not receiving your news in time." Su Nan said.

"How is this possible? Let me invite you. No matter what, I am bothering you, Nan."

Zhao Xiaomin shook her head seriously, she was very persistent in this matter, and Su Nan didn't force it.

"Let's go."

Just as Zhao Xiaomin was about to stand up, she found that her mobile phone was connected to a charging cable. The other end of the cable was in her bag, which should be a power bank.

"My mobile phone is fully charged." Gao Xing said, she unplugged the charging cable of the mobile phone that day, and then reached into her bag to unplug the end connected to the power bank.

Suddenly, she let out an "ah", her body stiffened, and a blush appeared on her pretty face inexplicably.

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