It was only then that Su Nan realized that Zhao Xiaomin was like this because of the heat, and she has a body that is afraid of heat.

"Maybe the clerk saw no one before, so he turned it off. After all, it is a waste of electricity. I will turn on the fan for you."

Speaking of which, Su Nan stood up, and there was an oscillating fan hanging on every place on the surrounding wall, which would be activated by simply pulling the switch.

Turning on the fan and sitting down again, Su Nan noticed that Zhao Xiaomin looked a little anxious, but when he saw him looking at him, he immediately calmed down and said in a joking tone: "A Nan, don't you need to charge your mobile phone? Come on, anyway you Thick skin is not afraid of electricity."

Su Nan felt that she was forcing a smile, but also felt that she might be too sensitive and overthinking.

He was also polite, unwrapped the power bank that had been packed before, took out the power bank, then took out the phone and the charging cable, and started to connect.

Zhao Xiaomin's breathing was stagnant, her eyes were fixed on his actions without blinking, and her two hands on her legs were firmly pinching her thighs, so that she could hold back the strong feeling and communicate with Su Nan normally.

But this is too much, and she is almost unable to hold on anymore. She always feels that if Su Nan doesn't recharge her battery, she will become very, very bad.

The strong anxiety made Zhao Xiaomin urge Su Nan to charge.

But at the same time, she watched Su Nan go to plug in the power bank, and she felt a strong sense of shame, because of Su Nan's actions, there would be an electric current somewhere in her, this kind of feeling caused by Su Nan is really embarrassing , making her feel ashamed.

Su Nan was charging her phone, and accidentally noticed that Zhao Xiaomin had been staring at her actions, with a very serious expression, and an inexplicable blush floating on her face.Su Nan felt a little strange, but didn't think too much about it, and directly plugged the charging cable into the power bank.

Immediately, Zhao Xiaomin on the opposite side let out a long breath, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden, unable to prop his chin on the table.

Seeing Su Nan looking over, Zhao Xiaomin blushed, and sighed nonchalantly, "The wind is so comfortable, it's not hot at all."

Su Nan didn't feel anything, but for Zhao Xiaomin who is afraid of heat, having a fan should be quite comfortable.

He didn't care about it, thinking of Qin Xiaowan, it was past one o'clock, and worried that she hadn't eaten, so he sent a message to ask her.

Zhao Xiaomin looked at Su Nan quietly, with a sad expression on her face. When Su Nan was about to reach the summit just now, Su Nan suddenly charged her phone, and the feeling of the current flowing suddenly weakened many times, which made her feel like she couldn't get up or down.

It's like being used to riding a roller coaster and suddenly changing to a slow Ferris wheel. I feel very uncomfortable and dissatisfied. It's a bit annoying.

Zhao Xiaomin sighed in her heart, feeling very helpless, if this continues, she feels that sooner or later she will be played badly.

In the future, you must never be ashamed when you should be ashamed.

She didn't want to experience this kind of thing again.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin found that the feeling in his body became stronger again. Although the current had weakened, it was not completely absent. On the contrary, this slow rhythm was quite torturous.

And as time goes on, like a parabola, it is being thrown towards the highest point.

Oops, if this continues, you will be found out!

Keenly aware of the subtle changes in her body, Zhao Xiaomin was secretly anxious.Because she was afraid of being discovered, she had to go to the toilet as an excuse and waited for the highest point in the toilet.

After a while, the girl sat on the toilet, biting her fingers lightly with her white teeth, her face was rosy, and she looked delicate and green, at the same time, she showed a spoiled expression.

When Zhao Xiaomin sat down in front of her again, Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and found that Zhao Xiaomin inexplicably gave off a radiant feeling at the moment, her skin was rosy and fair, as if she had been nourished after taking a large tonic.

She just went to the bathroom to wash her face, the change is so big, did she put on makeup?

"Is there something on my face?" Zhao Xiaomin asked seemingly calmly, but in fact she was so nervous that she was afraid of being noticed by Su Nan. Now she still had the aftertaste of orgasm in her body, so her face was very delicate.

"Your skin is so good." Su Nan excused.

Zhao Xiaomin lowered her head slightly embarrassed, and whispered, "Thank you."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment before realizing that what she said just now was a bit ambiguous,'s not out of the ordinary to praise a friend of the opposite sex like this.

"May I not charge it first?" Zhao Xiaomin said while staring at the phone he was charging.

Su Nan was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Xiaomin took out her mobile phone, put it on the table and pushed it over: "Let me charge it for a while, it won't take long, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I want to keep the phone's battery at [-]%."

She had a guess in her heart and wanted to confirm it, so she made a nonsense excuse, otherwise Su Nan would definitely find it strange.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder...Su Nan also has it sometimes, so I understand Zhao Xiaomin's feelings, and his mobile phone is a new mobile phone with a durable battery, so it's okay not to continue charging.

Su Nan unplugged the charging cable and used Zhao Xiaomin's phone to charge it.

In Zhao Xiaomin's feeling, the sense of electricity disappeared, and she didn't have to hold back, just put on a show, and felt very relaxed.

She kind of understands the punishment rules, Su Nan cannot be made to throw away the power bank, or she will be punished, and there may be many other rules, but Zhao Xiaomin is too lazy to guess, in short, Su Nan must be charged.

It's a dirty punishment, but it should be the least uncomfortable. At the same time, Zhao Xiaomin can also control when Su Nan charges.

Su Nan kept charging her phone, sooner or later she couldn't take it anymore.

But Zhao Xiaomin guessed that if Su Nan didn't charge for a long time, she would also be punished. There should be a limit, for example, she has no problems at all now.

Therefore, when she came to feel it, she had to charge Su Nan, so that the strange electric current would not be so strong, and it would not make her feel like she was being played badly.

Chapter 94 Meeting People, The Second Wave

When Zhao Xiaomin was thinking about this, the food was served. Both of them had been hungry for a long time, and started eating without caring about other things.

After eating enough, Zhao Xiaomin leaned back on the chair comfortably, rubbing her stomach with her small hands, with a satisfied look on her face.

Seeing Su Nan looking over, she felt that she was not ladylike enough, so she quickly put down her hands, and said to him with a smile: "Take a break, let's find a place to contact."

"Yes." Su Nan nodded.

Looking down at the phone, Qin Xiaowan replied with three words, and dumped it.

He frowned, he didn't believe that Qin Xiaowan would really lose weight, even if he doesn't like to eat takeaway, it's no big deal to have a meal once in a while.

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