It was probably because the little girl was having an embarrassment with herself, and she was too embarrassed to talk about it after eating it, so she said it was thrown away.

After resting for a while, Zhao Xiaomin thought it was time to start, although now she didn't have that uncomfortable feeling, and there was no need to practice shame.

But Zhao Xiaomin didn't dare to be careless after experiencing the power bank incident, even if it wasn't uncomfortable, she still wanted to practice with Su Nan.

"Let's go," she urged.

The two packed up their things and got up, Zhao Xiaomin ran to pay the bill first, Su Nan wanted to be the first, but seeing the situation, it was not easy to rush.

He went to the door and waited for Zhao Xiaomin.


At this time, someone called Zhao Xiaomin.

Su Nan turned her head to look, and a girl who had just entered the store looked at Zhao Xiaomin in surprise. Although the girl looked like a high school student, her face was very pimple, her hair was slightly curly light yellow, and her clothes were very social. .

She looked at Zhao Xiaomin who was paying the bill in surprise, walked towards Zhao Xiaomin, and said happily: "Xiao Min, I didn't expect to see you here. Is this your boyfriend? It's really rare."

She glanced at Su Nan delicately.

"Ah?" Zhao Xiaomin saw the other party frowned instantly, slightly embarrassed: "Long time no see, a friend."

The girl didn't go to see Su Nan anymore, and asked Zhao Xiaomin with a smile, "Are you looking for a job? This store is newly opened, so there should be a shortage of people. I happen to know the owner here, do you want to introduce him to you?"

Zhao Xiaomin glanced at Su Nan nervously, and said with some embarrassment: "We are here for dinner, and we are leaving soon."

Su Nan looked at the girl suspiciously, the girl did it on purpose, Zhao Xiaomin was clearly paying the bill, but pretended not to see it, and asked if she was looking for a job.

But the girl's words also reveal that Zhao Xiaomin often works part-time. In China, high school students generally don't work part-time because of the high pressure of study and spend most of their time studying. Could it be that Zhao Xiaomin has difficulties at home?

Su Nan suddenly thought about it. When ordering just now, what Zhao Xiaomin was concerned about was money?

The girl suddenly took Zhao Xiaomin's hand and said in a low voice: "Xiao Min, how did you think about the matter I told you last time? Being an anchor on your terms will definitely attract local tyrants, so I know some. If you're lucky If you have the support of local tyrants, you don’t have to work so hard, and your sisters also..."

"That... sorry! I have something to go first, goodbye!"

Zhao Xiaomin's face suddenly became very flustered, and he quickly broke away from the girl's hand, ran over to grab Su Nan's hand, bowed his head and ran out of the store.

After running a few hundred meters, Zhao Xiaomin let go of Su Nan's hand, slowed down and walked in front, silently.

"Was that your friend just now?" Su Nan asked her pretending not to care.

"Yes, or not, I don't quite understand. In short, she is someone I know. She is actually an anchor. Recently, she has been asking me if I want to be an anchor, which is a bit troublesome."

Zhao Xiaomin smiled, feeling a little depressed suddenly.

"So you're tempted?"

Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback, turned her head to look at Su Nan uncertainly, was silent for a while, then shook her head: "No... maybe a little bit, but it feels like it's not that simple, so I keep rejecting her."

Su Nan's suppressed mood suddenly relaxed, nodded and said, "You guessed right, just now she kept talking about local tyrants, and she might meet privately with the local tyrants who support her online, maybe...maybe she is looking for prey for the local tyrants?"

He said the last sentence in an uncertain tone. Although he felt suspicious, it was just suspicion after all.And the female anchor meeting privately with local tyrants is not the kind of thing worth showing off, but the woman brought it up, probably not so pure in her thinking.

Su Nan saw a news some time ago, a female anchor married the number one fan list, and was scolded for being realistic, and the second and third place became a foil.

Although it is not ruled out that the female anchor fell in love with each other after private contact, it is also difficult to clear up the suspicion that being an anchor is just for the sake of winning.

Coupled with a series of female anchor incidents, he feels a little negative about the industry.

Zhao Xiaomin's expression changed, and then he seemed relieved again.

Su Nan immediately understood that Zhao Xiaomin's family was indeed in difficulty, and she really wanted to become an anchor to make money, but luckily she was still hesitating.

"Xiao Min, you..." Su Nan wanted to ask her what difficulties she had, but her words suddenly stuck in her mouth, and she couldn't speak, even if she asked, so what, could he help her?

Zhao Xiaomin looked at him blankly, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she stopped and grabbed his arm, and said loudly, "Ah Nan, don't be dazed, let's find a place to practice!"

"Do you want to be here?"

Su Nan looked at the surrounding environment suspiciously, and asked Zhao Xiaomin.

This is a city park, but many old people regard it as a place for socializing, playing chess, walking and chatting, or dancing and practicing calligraphy. If they practice here, the old people will probably let out a long sigh, and then point to them and say that the world is getting worse.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled awkwardly and said, "It's strange, obviously there's usually no one there."

While speaking, she clamped her legs awkwardly, and her pink neck was slightly red. After so long, the numb feeling of electric current passing slowly appeared in that private place, which was a bit uncomfortable.

It is necessary to charge, but the location is not very good, there are too many people, and I feel that there is no place to hide at the top.

"Let's go, let's change places." Su Nan said to Zhao Xiaomin while operating the phone for a while.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Xiaomin asked in surprise.

"Come with me and you'll know."

Coming out of the park, Su Nan was walking, only to find that Zhao Xiaomin was gone. Looking back, she saw that she was more than ten meters behind her, squatting on the ground with a blushing face.

Su Nan walked back to her and asked, "Are you tired?"

Zhao Xiaomin blushed and nodded, a little ashamed, and said to him, "By the way, where is my cell phone?"

Su Nan took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and said, "It's only ninety-nine charges, and it's almost there."

"No... I won't charge it anymore. I need to use my phone for something. You can charge it."

Zhao Xiaomin said in a harsh voice.

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