Su Nan didn't suspect him, returned the phone to her, and charged her phone.

Chapter 95 Feeling exposed in the wild

After Su Nan charged, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly felt that the current weakened several times at once. She sighed comfortably, not letting Su Nan notice.

It was so intense just now, it felt like I was really going to die.

But what next?

Sooner or later, there will be problems if this continues. You must find a place where you can stay alone.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomin looked up and looked around, wanting to see where there is a place to go to the toilet, but found that Su Nan swept a shared bicycle not far away and stepped on it.

"Get in the car, I'll take you."

Zhao Xiaomin lowered her head and kept silent until Su Nan's eyes became puzzled, then she slowly got up and walked over, sitting on the back seat with a rosy face.

Su Nan stepped on the bicycle and rode towards the destination.

After a while, he felt a pair of bare hands resting on his waist, and at the same time, Zhao Xiaomin pressed his cheek against his back. Even through the clothes, he could feel the temperature of her face, which was a little hot.

Su Nan was taken aback, with a strange expression on her face. This kind of posture should only be used between couples. Is Zhao Xiaomin really bold, or is she simply defenseless against herself?

Su Nan's mind was complicated, and she continued to pedal the bicycle pretending not to know, but wondered why her body didn't feel strengthened. Isn't this posture abnormal enough?

Su Nan didn't notice that the body of Zhao Xiaomin who was sitting behind her was twitching. If she didn't hug him, she might fall off.

At the same time, because of that reason, her face was extremely delicate and beautiful, as red as a drop of blood. If she didn't lower her head, she would feel ashamed of walking on the street while doing bad things.

At this moment, she was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, and as time went by, the electric sensation gradually became stronger.Being paraded through the streets with a bicycle by Su Nan like this, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly felt ashamed of being exposed in the wild, and felt so ashamed.

Thinking of the wild shame play, Zhao Xiaomin's breath became short of breath, and the gushing breath fell on Su Nan's back, making Su Nan slightly uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Zhao Xiaomin's small hands on her waist hugged herself very hard, and at the same time, Zhao Xiaomin's whole body stuck up behind her, as if twitching.Su Nan's back was squeezed by two soft things, which felt very comfortable.

Su Nan's body was stiff, her throat was dry, what happened to Zhao Xiaomin, why did she hug herself tightly all of a sudden, did she really treat me...

"Sorry, I just had a cramp."

The delicate body behind him left suddenly, Zhao Xiaomin said in a tone of embarrassment.

Su Nan suppressed the melancholy in her heart, and said with concern: "Eat more fruits and vegetables to prevent cramps."

"I see, thank you." She thanked.

If Su Nan turned back to look at Zhao Xiaomin, she would find that the blush on Zhao Xiaomin's face was extremely bright, and it spread to the back of her neck, as if the gentle and sweet smell of flesh was radiating out.

After the first wave, Zhao Xiaomin seemed to have entered the state of a sage and calmed down a little, but girls have an advantage over boys in that girls can quickly jump into the next battle.

Now the feeling of the electric current flowing is still there, numb and numb, adding a touch of aftertaste to her, a little intoxicating, and as time goes by, she estimates that she will face the same dilemma soon.

Zhao Xiaomin said, "Ah Nan, my phone needs to be charged."

"You charge it, the power bank is in my pocket." Su Nan said casually.

"You know, I'm afraid of being electrocuted, please help me." Even Zhao Xiaomin didn't feel that his voice sounded like a baby.

Su Nan froze for a moment before remembering the power bank leakage.

He stopped the bicycle and supported it with his feet, then took the mobile phone from Zhao Xiaomin and replaced his own.

I only heard a contented sigh from behind, and then I heard Zhao Xiaomin saying: "I don't have cramps anymore."

Su Nan didn't doubt him, and continued to ride Zhao Xiaomin on a bicycle, and then came to a KTV.

"Hey, Nan, do you want to invite me to sing K?" Zhao Xiaomin jumped out of the car and looked at the KTV sign with great interest, very straightforward, without the slightest intention of being polite.

"Singing K is also fine, but our purpose is to practice." Su Nan reminded her, lest Zhao Xiaomin forget, he was still looking forward to strengthening himself.

"That's so embarrassing, just find another place where no one is around." Zhao Xiaomin was slightly embarrassed.

"Actually, if you don't drink and don't order snacks, KTV private rooms during the day are quite cheap. Like the room I booked, which can accommodate a dozen people, it only costs more than [-] yuan. The equipment is good, the sound insulation is good, and there is an independent bathroom. It is very affordable .”

Although Su Nan is a nerd, there are a few good friends in the class who have been dragged to this kind of place several times, so they are not very strange.

Of course it was only during the day, and he seldom came at night.

Zhao Xiaomin was startled, only to hear that the sound insulation is good and there is a private bathroom.

Good sound insulation means that their practice will not be heard by others, which is safe.

With its own bathroom, she was able to hide in the bathroom at certain times, making the strange feeling climax.

Also, she seldom has the opportunity to come out to sing K. Even if she does, the mic is still out of her hands. The key point is that she still wants to sing, which makes her uncomfortable.

Now there are only her and Su Nan in a room, and each of them can sing with one mic until the afternoon.

Zhao Xiaomin suddenly became excited, and couldn't wait to pull Su Nan in: "Let's go, let's go in."

"Wait a minute, I'll put the car away first."

Under the urging of the impatient Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan walked into the KTV with her. The private room had already been reserved, and they went to the front desk to ask the lady at the front desk, and they were taken to the private room.

Seeing him with a chick, the young lady saw him with ambiguous eyes, and she went out and closed the door on purpose.

"Why does she keep looking at you? I heard that there are many bad girls in these places." Zhao Xiaomin frowned.

"They are waiters, so naturally they have to greet them with a smile. They are just ordinary workers, not princesses." Naturally, Su Nan would not tell her the real reason.

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