Zhan Weiling was rejoicing at Su Nan's departure, but she didn't expect that a girl sneaked into Su Nan's room next, and when she saw it, it turned out to be Qin Xiaowan.

Why did she enter Su Nan's room?

Zhan Weiling thought curiously.

Immediately, she saw Qin Xiaowan took out her mobile phone to take a picture of herself, and after taking a picture, she moved closer to take pictures carefully, and sometimes Qin Xiaowan would point the camera at the breasts of anime girls to take close-ups.

This made Zhan Weiling a little embarrassed, thinking what's wrong with this girl, she actually likes to take this kind of photos.

But after all, it wasn't her body, and Qin Xiaowan was also a girl, so Zhan Weiling didn't feel embarrassed.

But what Qin Xiaowan did next made her expression even more embarrassing.

After Qin Xiaowan patted around the chair, she returned to the front of the chair and looked curiously at the anime girl on the chair.

Then she reached out and touched the chest of the anime character, grabbed it, grasped it tightly with five fingers, rubbed it back and forth, feeling the elasticity.

It was the first time for Zhan Weiling to be rubbed by a girl like this. Zhan Weiling didn't feel the strange feeling when she was rubbed by Su Nan. She just felt very embarrassed, but since she couldn't make a sound, she could only endure it.

After Qin Xiaowan rubbed it, she retracted her hand, and rubbed it gently on her obviously flat chest, her complexion gradually became a little ugly.

Qin Xiaowan snorted coldly, put down her hand, and slapped the two balls of the cartoon character as if to vent, muttering unwillingly: "As big as the cow next door, what's so good about big breasts, I'm flat-chested and I'm proud, I save fabric for the country. "

She snorted softly, writing all her dissatisfaction on her lovely face.

Zhan Weiling felt a pain in her chest and realized that she had been beaten. She was a little dazed, but when she heard Qin Xiaowan's muttering, she couldn't laugh or cry.

What is this, are you jealous?

Obviously seeing her as pitiful yesterday, he specially cooked two meals for her.

But Zhan Weiling felt that Qin Xiaowan was so jealous of her, but went to hit the massage chair to vent her cuteness, and wanted to hug her and bully her.

Qin Xiaowan lost interest in the massage chair, and began to look around in Su Nan's room, looking here and there, as if looking for some treasure.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhan Weiling's mouth. It seemed that the person living in Su Nan's house was an opponent.

There will be many invisible secrets in the boy's room. The girl is probably looking for Su Nan's things, but now the boys' invisible things are usually hidden in the computer, unless it is something more embarrassing. , such as what kind of cup.

Qin Xiaowan turned on Su Nan's computer and saw that it was locked, showing a disappointed expression.

She puffed her cheeks slightly discouraged, which made Zhan Weiling think she was cute even more.Such a younger sister, Zhan Weiling, really wants to have one, and she pampers her every day. With Su Nan, the family of three must be very happy to live a lively life together.

Zhan Weiling realized that she was thinking wrong, and secretly spat in her heart, Su Nan was just a younger brother.

Qin Xiaowan turned off the computer with a displeased face, and stood up from the computer.

Just when Zhan Weiling thought she was going to leave, Qin Xiaowan suddenly set her eyes on Su Nan's bed, looking hesitant.

Zhan Weiling was puzzled.

Immediately she saw Qin Xiaowan's face turned serious, as if she had made some decision.

The next moment, Qin Xiaowan quickly walked to Su Nan's bed and sat down, then lay down.

She rolled on Su Nan's bed, hugged the quilt on the bed and took a deep breath, a seductive blush appeared on her cute little face.

Zhan Weiling was stunned.

Suddenly footsteps sounded outside the door, Qin Xiaowan panicked, stood up quickly, and wanted to get out of bed in a hurry.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Unexpectedly, she was too nervous and accidentally tripped her foot. She fell off the bed and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Su Nan went back to the room to get her mobile phone, and just as she opened the door, she heard a sound.He looked over in a daze, and saw Qin Xiaowan lying on the floor of his room with a painful expression on her face. At this moment, her skirt was turned up, revealing shallow marks in the shape of a cute camel toe.

Su Nan stared subconsciously.

"It hurts to death..." Qin Xiaowan sat up while pressing the back of her aching head, her face was full of pain.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Su Nan standing in front of her, and also found that Su Nan was looking at her with a strange expression on her face.

Qin Xiaowan looked down subconsciously, and saw the bottom of her skirt that was exposed. After a moment of stupefaction, her whole face burned red, and she hurriedly pushed down the skirt, and then stared at Su Nan with embarrassment.

Su Nan looked back very calmly and asked, "What are you doing in my room?"

"Did you see it!" Qin Xiaowan didn't answer his question, but asked angrily.It is very embarrassing for girls to see the bottom of their skirts by boys.

"You mean safety pants? I did see them, but they're nothing fancy."

Su Nan said lightly, without any embarrassment, after he finished speaking, he stared at Qin Xiaowan on the ground with an unfriendly expression: "What are you doing in my room?"

Only then did Qin Xiaowan remember that she was wearing safety pants, and she was slightly relieved. Then she heard Su Nan's questioning, she showed an embarrassed expression, and didn't know how to answer.

"Chair, chair..." Qin Xiaowan got an idea, stood up and said lightly, "I just came to see the chair."

Su Nan was not surprised: "I guessed it, and I also guessed that you must have secretly taken a picture of the chair while I was away. Why did you take the picture? Do you want to sue my mother? I advise you not to be here Do."

It's not difficult to guess, Qin Xiaowan had already taken a picture before, and it is impossible for her to enter her room for no reason, so the reason is probably this.

By the end of Su Nan's words, her tone had become a little bit hostile.

Qin Xiaowan calmed down more and more, but frowned after hearing his words: "What nonsense are you talking about, I just came in out of curiosity, so I didn't take pictures."

"But isn't this a perverted thing? Could it be that classmate Xiaowan is interested in perverted things? He even sneaked in to see it."

Su Nan said in surprise, emphasizing the word secretly.

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