"You..." Qin Xiaowan's teeth were itching with anger, and a blush appeared on her delicate face.

"But since Xiao Wan is interested, I'll lend you the massage chair."

Su Nan thought of something interesting and said to Qin Xiaowan with a smile.

Qin Xiaowan was a little annoyed at his ridicule at himself, with a tense face: "I don't want it! I just came in to see how disgusting it is."

After speaking, he planned to pass Su Nan and leave.

Su Nan stopped her and said, "I don't look at disgusting things on purpose. Could it be that you can't shake M? So you must have come in to take a sneak shot, delete the photo."

This time he was reasonable, so naturally he wouldn't just let it go, at least he had to teach Qin Xiaowan a "profound" lesson, to see if she dared to complain.

Qin Xiaowan's small face was full of anger, just when Su Nan thought she was going to get angry, unexpectedly she calmed down immediately, blushing and said: "I... am really interested, because I saw this kind of animation when I was watching anime. Chair, I couldn’t help but come in and have a look, it’s mine who sneaked into your room... no.”

Qin Xiaowan didn't want to delete the photos, this was the excuse she was going to use to threaten Su Nan in the future.In addition, she had just done something bad, and she was a little guilty in front of Su Nan, so she wanted to leave here quickly, so she didn't mind giving in.

Su Nan was slightly surprised, but this was exactly what he wanted.

"I don't believe it unless you can prove it."

Qin Xiaowan looked at him in doubt, and frowned her beautiful eyebrows: "How can I prove it?"

Su Nan pointed to the massage chair and said, "I'll believe you when you sit on it."

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, then blushed and looked very angry: "Are you a pervert!"

"Someone who didn't sneak into other people's rooms is perverted."

Qin Xiaowan couldn't speak for a while, and stared at him angrily, but finally sighed inwardly, and walked towards the massage chair.

She said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it just a chair, I just sit on it."

After finishing speaking, she sat on it, and said nonchalantly: "It's no big deal, it's similar to an ordinary massage chair, I don't understand why a dead house like you always likes to buy these things, the price of printing a virtual character is several times more expensive, It’s like paying an IQ tax!”

Her tone was full of disdain.

"If you have money to buy happiness in a dead house, you are in charge of others, not spending your money." Su Nan walked over with a smile, and said to her: "Since you are sitting down, why not enjoy it."

Qin Xiaowan subconsciously felt something was wrong.

But Su Nan had squatted down at this time, locked Qin Xiaowan's feet as fast as she could, then stood up, ignoring Qin Xiaowan's sluggish face, and locked her hands as well.

Just now Su Nan discovered that the massage chair comes with handcuffs and handcuffs. It seems... maybe... this is actually a sexy massage chair?

Qin Xiaowan struggled a few times and did not break away, a little dissatisfied: "Why, let me go!"

She doesn't seem to be able to see the connotation of this chair, but considering that she is still young, it's normal not to know.It's not normal to say that you know.

Su Nan didn't want to do anything to her, but just wanted to take a picture of her sitting on the massage chair and threaten her in turn.

Ignoring the angry Qin Xiaowan, Su Nan adjusted the height of the chair to a suitable level, then turned on the switch, and the first gear started.

Then he took out his phone to take a picture.

Seeing that he was patting herself, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help blushing, and said loudly with some embarrassment: "No filming, let me go immediately, or... ah..."

The words turned into exclamations at the end.

Qin Xiaowan only felt that the chair under her buttocks seemed to come alive, bringing her some novel feelings, which made her feel a little surprised and a little inexplicably ashamed.

Especially the vibration of the two lumps of weight on her shoulders surprised her, but she actually felt a sense of enjoyment.

"How about it, isn't it comfortable?"

Su Nan walked up to Qin Xiaowan with a smile on her face, and pointed her phone at her face to take pictures.


Qin Xiaowan angrily wanted to say something, Su Nan immediately turned on the second gear switch.

Immediately, Qin Xiaowan's feeling changed. Her shoulders were massaged more intensely and more comfortably by something similar to her chest. The same was true for her buttocks and back, as if she was lying in the arms of a big sister at this moment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qin Xiaowan's pretty face was flushed, and she only felt that under the action of the massage chair, she had the urge to hum a nice voice.

But Su Nan pointed the phone camera at her face to take pictures. Whenever she thought that her shy appearance would be photographed and used as a mockery by Su Nan, she would be very angry, with a sullen face, clenching her teeth. Voice.

But the delicate little face still slowly turned pink.

"The expression is quite funny. Did you feel comfortable with the perverted chair? It's okay, call it out, don't worry, I won't discriminate against you."

While filming, Su Nan said with a smile, this video will be his means of restricting Qin Xiaowan, and the days of freedom will finally come back.

Qin Xiaowan kept her mouth shut. Although she still stared at Su Nan with shame and anger, her whole face had turned red.

What a strange, physical sensation.

Only by clenching her teeth tightly can she not let herself make strange noises, otherwise she will definitely be laughed at.

The girl's self-esteem does not allow her to give in to Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling, who was exercising vigorously as a massage chair, looked dazed.

Originally, Zhan Weiling thought it was quite interesting to watch the two of them bickering, but unexpectedly, it suddenly developed into this scene. Su Nan was so weird that she let Qin Xiaowan sit in this chair, so that she was stunned.

Zhan Weiling didn't wake up until her body began to "exercise" in the second gear. She clearly felt Qin Xiaowan's existence and her body's massage movements on Qin Xiaowan's body. At the same time, two heavy masses were massaging Qin Xiaowan to her heart's content. with.

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