In the end, the two looked at each other in blank dismay, and could only confirm that a thief had broken into the house.

Su Nan got up in the middle of the night to lock the door, and made up his mind to change the lock the next day. It was too evil.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the morning that they fell asleep one after another.

The next day Su Nan was making breakfast with a pair of panda eyes on his face, and Qin Xiaowan also went out in pajamas and yawned, looking for the toilet in a daze, but found it in the kitchen.

Seeing her coming in, Su Nan was very puzzled, and the next moment she realized that Qin Xiaowan hadn't woken up and wanted to take off her pants and squat down to pee.

This is the kitchen.

"Cough..." Seeing that her pants were about to come off, Su Nan hurriedly opened her mouth and pretended to cough.

After waking up the ignorant Qin Xiaowan, she greeted her kindly: "Good morning, we have to wait for breakfast, let's go wash up first."

Qin Xiaowan fled out blushing.

"Don't take the wrong toothbrush and towel."

A word came from behind, which almost made Qin Xiaowan stumble.

Looking back at Su Nan with a guilty conscience, he found that he was concentrating on making breakfast, only to realize that he didn't know about the bad things she did, but just reminded her kindly when he saw that she didn't wake up.

Qin Xiaowan touched her hot face, looked at Su Nan again, then hid in the bathroom and closed the door tightly.

Hmph, I'm not allowed to use it, I just want to use it.

Monday's day seems to be particularly full of life.

After two days of rest, the students on the playground are very energetic.

This is a weekly flag-raising ceremony. Su Nan changed into the uniform of Xihua Middle School and came to the place designated by the class.

Su Nan got up a little late today because he didn't sleep well last night. When he arrived, everyone was already there, so he could only stand last.

Turning his head to look, there was a team of girls beside him, and Chu Xi was standing at the end, right next to him.

I haven't seen her for a day, and she doesn't seem to have changed. Her feet seem to be fine, and she can't stand up, but it may be forced.

Su Nan was a little surprised, and realized that she couldn't remember if Chu Xi had been standing in this position all the time?

Noticing his gaze, Chu Xi brushed the hair on his forehead unnaturally, turned his head to look at him, then turned his head to look ahead, and asked in a low voice, "Munan, what are you looking at?"

Like worrying about getting attention.

"You..." Seeing a slight change in her face, Su Nan quickly continued, "Is your foot okay?"

"Do you want to see it?" She turned her head to face him, looked at him for about three seconds, and then said softly, "My feet."

Su Nan's face darkened, only ghosts want to see it!It's not right, I actually want to see it a little bit, but I just want to know if her feet are healthy, not any other bad idea.

After watching him for a while, Chu Xi turned his head back, continued to look ahead, and said in a soft voice, "I see, the rooftop at noon. See you."

"Wait, what are you deciding on your own?" Su Nan complained in a low voice, worried about attracting the attention of the students in front of her.

If you disagree with him, let him watch your feet, wife, wife... be a good person.

"It's just club activities, Mu Nan, what is your elm head thinking?" Chu Xi's tone was tinged with contempt.

Su Nan was speechless, and was about to refute a few words to save face, when Lu Ying suddenly walked down the line to count the number of people, and the two fell silent in a tacit understanding.

"Su Nan." When Su Nan was clicked, Lu Ying smiled: "You are the latest to come to school today, if it wasn't for the flag-raising ceremony, you would be late. Be careful next time."

"No, I'm just the last one to come to the playground." Su Nan explained.

"Little slicker, I didn't see you in class." Lu Ying rolled her eyes at him, with a hint of a smile in her dark eyes, and then she turned to the girls' team.

Seeing Chu Xi standing at the end of the girls' line, Lu Ying hesitated for a while, but did not talk to Chu Xi, counting the number of people and walking forward.

Su Nan's eyes fell on Lu Ying's legs. Because Xihua Middle School's girls' school uniforms were knee-length skirts, most of the girls showed their thighs on this day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Munan, before the solemn ceremony of raising the national flag, you'd better put away your dirty mind."

While staring at Lu Ying's thigh, Chu Xi's cold voice came from the side, making Su Nan look a little embarrassed.

Then she turned to look at Chu Xi uncertainly, and found that Chu Xi was staring straight ahead, but if she didn't look at him, how would she know that he was staring at Lu Ying's thigh?

Then the flag-raising ceremony began, and Su Nan and Chu Xi never talked again.

It's just that Su Nan kept thinking about Squad Leader Lu's thighs, and often frowned slightly.

Therefore, he found that Lu Ying's thigh gave him a familiar sense of déjà vu, as if it was very similar to the picture that the WeChat girl sent him that day.

Lu Ying was also there when she lost her panties for the first time, is it a coincidence?

Su Nan wasn't sure, and always thought it was too much of a coincidence, but it would be too outrageous to say that Squad Leader Lu is a WeChat girl.

Since that day, the wechat girl has not contacted Su Nan, which made Su Nan almost forget her existence sometimes.

There is also the post bar girl who bought his photos. After buying a few photos from him, QQ is no longer online, and I don’t know if she has become a good person.

The pervert who impressed Su Nan recently was the woman in the mask who attacked him three times in total, the first time was touching him on the subway.

He snatched a pair of underwear from him for the second time.

The third time was even more outrageous, kidnapping Zhao Xiaomin with a toy knife and threatening to take a pair of his underwear.

To be honest, he should call the police on this matter. Since the woman in the mask can do such a thing, it means that she is a bit dangerous, and she may also hurt her friends. It is best to let the police arrest her.

But Su Nan always has the guts to tell others that she was molested by a perverted woman, and her underwear was forcibly taken away. At the same time, the masked female kidnappers are all holding toy knives, so she shouldn't be that lawless.

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