However, Su Nan still decided to find a way to find out the mask girl as soon as possible.

After the flag-raising ceremony was over, the headmaster took the stage to speak. According to the usual practice, there will be [-] minutes of nonsense in the next half an hour, and Su Nan didn't listen.

Seeing Squad Leader Lu standing in the middle of the girls' team, Su Nan planned to take another look while Chuxi was out of the way.

At this time, it seemed that a late student came to the team of the next class, who was near Su Nan, and should be running very fast and out of breath.

Su Nan turned her head to look and found that it was actually Zhao Xiaomin.

"Ah!" Zhao Xiaomin also saw him, exclaimed, and then quickly covered her mouth, for fear of attracting people's attention.

Su Nan asked her in a low voice, "Why are you late today?"

Zhao Xiaomin couldn't help blushing, and said haha: "It's nothing, I just overslept."

His face turned away unnaturally, his eyes dodging.

Su Nan saw that what she said was insincere, but she didn't ask any further questions.

When he was not paying attention, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly covered her face with her hands, and her cheeks slowly turned red. Could it be that she said that because Su Nan left the charging treasure that night, she was in a state of anxiety from night to noon the next day? In the state of being electrocuted, I had to rely on my sister to take care of me to survive. It was so embarrassing.

Suddenly, Zhao Xiaomin noticed that someone was staring at her, she looked suspiciously to the side, her eyes jumped over Su Nan, and met Chu Xi's indifferent eyes.

Zhao Xiaomin recognized Chu Xi, and smiled at Chu Xi with a gentle smile, but Chu Xi just glanced at her indifferently, then turned his head away.

Chu Xi's indifferent reaction made Zhao Xiaomin's smile froze.

"Am I hated?" Zhao Xiaomin wondered.

After the principal announced the dismissal, the students dispersed like wild animals and disappeared from the playground within a few minutes.

Su Nan walked with the boys in the class, and a few gentlemen of the class stared at the girl's thighs and whispered to each other along the way, laughing obscenely from time to time.

"Hey, Su Nan, you haven't added the WeChat account I gave you that day?" Li Xiang suddenly grabbed Su Nan's shoulder and asked him in surprise.

"Uh, add at noon." Su Nan almost forgot about it, the note was still in the drawer, facing his friend's questioning, he said with some embarrassment.

"I really convinced you. If it weren't for the fact that people are only interested in you, I wouldn't want to grow old." Li Xiang looked very speechless.

"What's depressing? Say it to make everyone happy." A student next to him said.

Li Xiang called him a jerk before telling him about it. Su Nan secretly thought that something was wrong, and it was too late to stop him.

"Damn it, Ah Nan is single based on her strength."

"Nonsense, people don't like it, right, Ah Nan, give me your WeChat ID, and I'll help you find the way."

Li Xiang sneered: "Pull the dick, I'm looking for Su Nan by name."

Now everyone looked at Su Nan with surprise mixed with a little envy.

Su Nan also didn't understand, what did the other party want him for?

Back in class, Li Xiang urged him to quickly add WeChat, saying that he had promised him.

In desperation, Su Nan had no choice but to find out the note, took out her mobile phone and typed it in, adding a friend request.

I didn't see the pass after a while, probably because the class was about to start.

Li Xiang looked at him enviously, and said nothing more, his mission had been completed, but he felt a little sad for no reason.

At noon, Su Nan and the boys in the class went to the dining hall to eat together. After that, everyone went to the dormitory of the boarding students to play games, each with a mobile phone.Su Nan wasn't interested, so she didn't go.

He returned to class and planned to study, but suddenly remembered what Chu Xi said in the morning, and left the classroom in a strange manner, walking towards the roof.

Unlock the iron door in the middle, and see that the door leading to the top of the building is open.

Su Nan went up and came to the wooden house and knocked on the door. She didn't dare to go in rashly because she was worried that she might run into something bad about Chu Xi.

"Please come in." Chu Xi's voice.

Su Nan pushed open the door and went in, feeling very cool all of a sudden, with the air conditioner turned on inside.

Chu Xi was sitting in front of the notebook on the small conference table, staring intently at the screen.

Su Nan walked behind her curiously, and found that Chu Xi was editing the video shot on the weekend. It was the first time Su Nan watched someone edit, so she watched it curiously.

The movements of Chu Xi's hands slowed down, and her delicate cheeks were also slightly flushed. This was the video of her dancing that day, and it was a bit embarrassing to watch it with Su Nan.

Chu Xi stopped without turning her head and said, "Why? Mu Nan won't be friends with a cute school girl? It's not a gentleman's behavior to make others wait. Club activities don't matter, it's not as important as Mu Nan's lower body sex."

Is it the second half of life or the lower body?Sex or happiness?Gentleman is that gentleman?

The contact with Chuxi has been going on for a long time, and Su Nan's dirty power has also been developed a lot.

Then he asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"From morning until now, I've been surrounded by people telling me with their noise."

Hello, are the voices of the students noise?

After reacting, Su Nan's face became a little ugly, it must have spread to the whole class, this matter.

Coincidentally, the friend request that Su Nan sent in the morning has now been approved.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan suddenly quieted down behind him, and through Su Nan's shadow on the laptop screen, he could be seen staring at the phone with a slightly strange expression.

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