Chu Xi subconsciously pressed his finger on the mouse, making a crisp "da" sound.

After a pause, she went on to edit the video.

Su Nan glanced at Chu Xi, walked to the seat where she usually sat, that is, sat down opposite Chu Xi, and looked at her phone.

There is a stranger in the address book, nicknamed: tree baby.

Su Nan clicked on Shubaobao's chat interface, but he didn't know how to say hello for a while, and he rarely did such a thing as actively saying hello to someone he didn't know well.

While hesitating, the other party sent a message first.

Tree Baby: Senior Su Nan?

Su Nan: It's me. Li Xiang said you were looking for me?

Tree Baby: Uh, it’s like this, I made a bet with others, the loser will give his WeChat to a boy, I just chose the senior...

Su Nan's face darkened, so he was just a bet?Or the luckiest one among the boys in the school for more than a year?So should he be happy?

Not happy at all.

Chu Xi on the opposite side also noticed the change in Su Nan's face, and looked at him slightly surprised.

Tree Baby: I know this will cause a lot of trouble to the seniors. I am very sorry. I know I was wrong. To show my sincerity, I would like to invite the seniors to have a big meal after school in the afternoon. How about the blues restaurant?Is the senior free?

The blues restaurant spends more than [-] yuan per capita, which is considered a relatively high-end restaurant for students. It seems that the tree baby is indeed sincerely apologizing to him.

But Su Nan still couldn't be happy.

Su Nan: Forget it, I'm going home to cook, I'm not free.

Tree Baby: Then when will the senior be free? I can't forgive myself for doing such a sorry thing to the senior.

Su Nan frowned, shouldn't she beg for his forgiveness, what the hell is it that she can't forgive herself?

Of course, Su Nan only thought that the other party's talking habits were like this, so she didn't try to argue.

Su Nan: There is no need to treat guests, and it did not cause any loss to me, but I will do less of this kind of thing in the future.

He taught him a lesson in the tone of a senior.

Tree Baby: Senior, I know I made a mistake, and I promise not to do it again next time.

The attitude of the other party is very good.

Su Nan: That's it, delete WeChat.

Just about to delete the other party’s WeChat, the baby tree immediately sent a reply: Senior, wait a moment, I thought about it, and I still feel very disturbed. As a junior, I am so stupid as to offend the majesty of the senior, although the senior forgave Me, but it doesn't mean that I can act as if nothing happened, so senior, please give me a chance to learn a lesson!

Is this girl shaking M?

Seeing her reply, Su Nan had a strange expression on her face. Someone even asked for punishment, which was obviously forgiven by the person concerned.

But maybe the tree baby really didn't go on purpose, and she would feel uncomfortable if she didn't pay the price.

Su Nan: Punishment, let me punish you for only eating one bowl of rice tonight.

Tree Baby: It's annoying, senior, people only eat half a bowl of rice for a meal, it's impossible. (tearful emoji)

After thinking about it, Su Nan replied: Then I will punish you to run around the playground after school.

This girl seems to be a bit persistent, and Su Nan didn't want to get too entangled with her, so she casually said punishment in order to deal with her.

Tree Baby: I see, I promise to go there then!Senior, please don't delete me yet, I will send you evidence after the run.

Su Nan didn't think too much, and just replied "OK".

Then he stopped paying attention to the tree baby.

Putting down the phone, Su Nan was a little speechless. To be honest, a school girl took the initiative to send WeChat, which is quite superior. I didn't expect it to be just a bet between the other party and others.

The students in the class thought that there were school girls who really admired him. If the truth got out, they would probably die laughing, and he, Su Nan, would also become a laughing stock in others' mouths, so depressed.

"Munan?" It was Chu Xi's voice.

Su Nan looked up at Chu Xi, her face was full of concern, but the smile in her eyes was so obvious: "Dumped?"

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, pretending to be nonchalant and said: "What was dumped? It's because the junior is too enthusiastic. I want to delete her WeChat, but she always refuses."

This statement is true, although it will be contrary to the truth of the incident if it falls into the ears of the audience.

Chu Xi didn't refute his words, but continued to look at him with caring eyes: "There is nothing to do in the club these two days, Mu Nan can go home early, it's not to take care of your emotions, hmph."

This pretense of arrogance is full of malice.

Chu Xi is definitely gloating!

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan resolutely did not go to the roof, not wanting to be looked at by Chu Xi with seemingly caring eyes, but actually gloating.

The boys in the class didn't ask much about this matter, even Li Xiang did the same, probably because they didn't want to be pierced?

As for the girls... It seems that Su Nan is not very familiar with the girls in the class, and it seems that Chu Xi has been in contact with the most, and it hurts.

When walking towards the gate, Su Nan subconsciously looked in the direction of the playground, but there were many people on the playground at this time of the afternoon, playing football, running, hanging out and chatting, and it was impossible to tell which one was the tree baby.

Su Nan gave up looking for the tree baby. Anyway, there probably won't be any intersections, and beauties are always a scarce resource, and he doesn't think he will be so lucky.

When she got home, Su Nan saw that Qin Xiaowan was washing vegetables diligently.

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