She is wearing a pair of shoes that are much larger than her feet, and she looks a little cute working hard.

You must know that Qin Xiaowan would only take the initiative to work when he came back late when he was hungry, but today he went home directly after school, did Qin Xiaowan suddenly change his sex?

"I'm back, the dishes are about to be washed, wait a minute." Qin Xiaowan said to him, her expression was normal, and she even smiled.

Su Nan suddenly felt a sense of horror, Qin Xiaowan must have been taken away.

Soon, Qin Xiaowan washed the dishes and walked out of the kitchen. Seeing where Su Nan was in a daze, she frowned, walked over and pushed him into the kitchen, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "What are you doing in a daze, cooking?" , I’m starving to death, I’ve already cooked the rice, just waiting for you to cook.”

Su Nan turned around and put her hand on Qin Xiaowan's forehead, um, the temperature is normal, no fever.

"What are you doing?" Qin Xiaowan blushed and knocked off his hand, said in a flustered tone, then lowered her head, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Su Nan looked confused, the gentle Qin Xiaowan, the shy Qin Xiaowan, these two states of Qin Xiaowan have never been seen in normal times, and only last night when she was stimulated, did she lose her normal piercing breath, what happened today? thing?

"You don't have a fever, do you?" Su Nan asked directly.

Qin Xiaowan gave him a white look: "You just have a fever, what are you doing today, nagging."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You just have a fever, what are you doing today, nagging."

Qin Xiaowan glanced at Su Nan with a complaining tone, which sounded like a spoiled child.

I also want to ask you why.

Su Nan thought to himself.

"Did you make a mistake at school? Did the teacher call the parents?"

Su Nan thought of this reason in an instant, and Qin Xiaowan can be cured only by calling her parents, after all, he is Qin Xiaowan's parent now.

"Are you stupid in reading? An idiot." Qin Xiaowan finally couldn't take it anymore, and pointed at him angrily and cursed.

However, Su Nan's nervous mood suddenly relaxed, and the familiar feeling came back. Qin Xiaowan like this is normal.

"Shake M you?" Qin Xiaowan was speechless, and at the same time worried that something happened to Su Nan, why was she acting like a fool.

"Or you were secretly looking for my shortcomings, that's why you made yourself so...gentle." After a pause, Su Nan chose to use the word gentle to describe Qin Xiaowan at this moment.

As for Qin Xiaowan's reason for doing this, of course it was to find evidence against him, after all he had a video of her embarrassing her.

Qin Xiaowan's pretty face flushed instantly, she bit her lip and stared at him bitterly: "What do you mean, call me rude?"

"Ungentleness doesn't necessarily mean that you are rude, can't you be a little bit in the middle, for example, not approachable enough." Su Nan said after deliberation.

Qin Xiaowan probably understood, and said with reddened cheeks, "Well... I just think that since we live together, we can't leave everything to you, at least I can do the vegetable washing."

Qin Xiaowan herself was not very clear about the real reason, but felt that after last night, the ice in her heart for many years seemed to have melted a bit, and she could face Su Nan more calmly.

At the same time, although what happened last night was just a farce, it also made Qin Xiaowan feel vigilant in his heart.

"Just for this reason?" Su Nan was surprised, is Qin Xiaowan such a sensible child?

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Am I the kind of naughty guy in your eyes?" Qin Xiaowan's face turned cold, and his face instantly became very unhappy.

Su Nan realized that this would make her angry, so she explained: "No, I'm just surprised. Maybe I don't know you well enough. After all, you haven't moved in for a long time."

"Then it will grow slowly, and... who said it won't grow, back then..." Qin Xiaowan's expression changed slightly, and he said coldly, "Why are you talking so much nonsense, you're starving to death, hurry up Go cook."

After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Su Nan just felt that her temper was inexplicable, and it gradually became longer. Does it mean that she will live here for a long time?What did it mean back then?

Although he knew that Qin Xiaowan lived in his house when he was a child, Su Nan couldn't remember many memories of his childhood, so before Qin Xiaowan moved into his house, he had always been unfamiliar with Qin Xiaowan's memory.

It seems that I have time to ask my mother what happened when Qin Xiaowan lived at home.

Sitting in the living room, Qin Xiaowan sulked, turning her head from time to time and staring at Su Nan bitterly.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan withdrew her murderous gaze and sat down on the sofa emotionally.

Why can he act as if nothing happened, hurt people unscrupulously when he was a child, and then treat everything as a joke when he grows up?

He took away the most important thing from her!

Some bad memories of childhood came to mind, making Qin Xiaowan's slightly immature face appear complicated.

During the meal, Qin Xiaowan exuded a gloomy aura, which made Su Nan, who was sitting across from her, look puzzled. Qin Xiaowan's temper could change from sunny to rainy, isn't she tired?

Anyway, Su Nan was a little tired.

After another meal was finished quickly in a dull atmosphere, Qin Xiaowan put down the bowl and went back to the room.

Lying on the bed, Qin Xiaowan suddenly sighed, why she was like this again, it was all because Su Nan was so hateful.

Qin Xiaowan took out a thick photo album from under the pillow, opened the photo album and stared at the photos in a daze, all the photos were collected by her hard work, and the person in the photos is also the same person, from childhood to adulthood , She has photos of every age group.

When she turned to one of the photos, Qin Xiaowan's complexion sometimes turned red, and she held up the photo album with one hand and lowered it with the other.

The tide rises and the tide falls again. When Qin Xiaowan woke up, she put the photo album away in a panic and got up to find a tissue.

A moment later, she saw the photo album that had been thrown crookedly, and she picked it up and hugged it in her arms with a distressed expression.

In the next room, Su Nan wrote a chapter of his novel and uploaded it, and was about to continue writing Chapter 2 with all his energy, when the phone on the table rang, it was a WeChat notification.

"Hey, Zhao Xiaomin seems to say that she's not feeling well these days, and that's probably why she was late this morning."

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