Thinking suspiciously, Su Nan picked up her mobile phone to watch, only to find that the message was not sent by Zhao Xiaomin, but by a freshman in high school who just made friends today.

Tree Baby: Senior, I have already completed the punishment you gave, do you want to send you the evidence?

Su Nan thought to herself, even if I said no, you would probably send it over, so it's nonsense.

Of course, speaking out of these inner thoughts offends people.

Su Nan replied to Baby Tree: Post it.

Tree Baby: Oh, okay, send it to the senior right away.

Then the tree baby sent a photo.

Su Nan casually opened it to look at it, and when he saw the content of the photo, his eyes widened instantly.

This is a photo of the abdomen, with six-pack abs. Even so, it can be seen that this is a girl's abdomen. The abdominal muscles are very shallow, but the vest line is deeper, which looks healthy and beautiful.

At the same time, the skin is very delicate, and the waist is also attractive to hold. One can tell at a glance that she is a girl who works out regularly and has a good figure.

At this time, the abdominal muscles in this photo are covered with sweat, and the entire lower abdomen is wet, covered with tiny sweat droplets, exuding a strange luster.

Su Nan stared blankly for a while before realizing that this was the certificate sent to him by the tree baby.

Let me go, is the tree baby in this shape?


Su Nan couldn't deny this.

At the same time, her so-called evidence is this kind of photo?Are you sure it's not a benefit?

At this time, the tree baby sent another message.

Tree Baby: Senior, how are you doing?I'm not lying.In order to take pictures of my exercising appearance, I ran ten laps on the playground and stopped when I was sweating.

The tone is proud, like a little girl waiting for praise.

Su Nan: It's amazing, but please don't do this, it's very tiring.

Tree Baby: No, I often exercise, and there is no difficulty in ten laps.

You're awesome, I was out of breath all the way around, but that was once.

As for now, Su Nan hasn't tested it, and doesn't know how strengthened her body is now.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A strange school girl directly sent a photo of her lower abdomen after exercising, saying it was proof of her running.

This made Su Nan a little confused, are all girls so open now?

Not to mention, this photo looks quite impressive, not the kind of delicate girl, more like the type of Third Master and Laura, giving people a different kind of beauty.

Could it be that this school girl is actually a very tough type of girl?

The most important thing is that it doesn't give people the feeling of a muscular girl, full of muscles, but just right. Just looking at the lower abdomen, you can tell that you have a good figure. Even if your face is average, it is probably the popular type.

Tree Baby: Senior, senior, I still have the recording certificate, and I will send it to you right away.

Just after sending the message, the baby tree sent another recording, leaving Su Nan with no chance to say no.

Su Nan thought to himself, there should be no problem with the recording, it is much more suitable than sending photos directly, although he thinks the photos are more eye-catching, but it feels weird.

After clicking on the recording, there was a panting sound, Su Nan hurriedly pressed pause, otherwise it would be hard to explain to Qin Xiaowan next door.

Immediately, deep doubts emerged in his heart. This is the girl's voice at that time. He has also seen many small movies, so it is impossible to admit his mistake.

But Mingming Shubao said that it was the sound of running that was sent to him.

Immediately thinking of something, Su Nan plugged in the earphones and continued to play the recording.

Still, the girl's panting sound is very seductive, and people will subconsciously change it with a slight stone when they hear it.

But if you listen carefully, it seems a little different.

It seems that it was made in a very tired state, but it was only because of the problem of the owner of the voice that the voice like that was full of temptation.

After a few minutes of this recording, Su Nan finished listening unconsciously, still a little bit unfinished.

Su Nan was a little surprised to find that she was a little tempted.This school girl is incredible, she is a talent.

Tree Baby: Senior, please continue to punish me in the future. This punishment is too simple for me, and it cannot make me relieve my apology for you.

Are you shaking M?

Su Nan really wanted to ask her that.

It's not shaking M, it's just a natural dumb.

Su Nan: That's enough, no more punishment, I forgive you.

Tree Baby: No, I didn't forgive myself, please continue to supervise me.

After being stunned for a moment, Su Nan had no choice but to reply: I'm sorry, I'm sleepy, I'll go to bed first, and I'll talk about it tomorrow.

Tree Baby: Okay, excuse me senior, good night senior.

She is obviously a very polite girl, why does she have to be like this.

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