Su Nan exited the chat interface, hesitated for a while, and did not delete the baby tree, and directly threw the phone beside the pillow and turned off the light to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, Su Nan found that there were several unread messages on WeChat. She opened her eyes and found that they were all sent by the tree baby, and they just sent them.

Tree baby: Good morning seniors, I followed your instructions and I am running again. The video is here, please check.

Su Nan looked confused, who told you, I am yours, why should you obey me?

And this time it was actually a video!

After posting in a daze for a while, Su Nan accidentally opened the video, and two legs wearing ultra-short sweatpants came into view. Standing on the treadmill, they kept moving. A healthy beauty.

With her legs running fast on the treadmill, the running girl also let out a rapid panting sound. The panting sound was obviously due to being very tired, but it gave people the illusion that she was panting coquettishly.

Seeing this kind of video early in the morning, even though there was nothing dirty about it, it inexplicably made Su Nan's morning erection reaction more intense.

After the video was played, the baby tree didn't send anything else.

Su Nan froze for a while, got up, washed her face, brushed her teeth, made breakfast, and then went to school.

On the way, the phone was vibrating in his pocket, so he took it out to have a look.

Tree Baby: Senior, look, I sweat a lot, my punishment is sincere enough.

This is a photo, the content is the entire smooth and white back, covered with sweat, reflecting the light under the light, giving people an inexplicably charming feeling.

The tree baby seems to have taken off his clothes after a run and took a shower, and took the photo with his mobile phone on his back.

Su Nan was completely speechless, feeling that the schoolgirl was either mentally ill or deliberately seduced him.

Tree Baby: Senior, I’m off to school, and I’ll send you a blessing photo in the afternoon.

Tree Baby: I'm sorry senior, I sent a wrong photo just now.

Su Nan: It’s okay if you don’t send it. It’s enough to be punished so much.

Tree Baby: Really, but my heart is still full of torment, otherwise the senior promises to let me treat you to dinner.

Su Nan suddenly realized, maybe this is the purpose of the baby tree, he has to invite him to dinner to feel that he has been forgiven, is this guy that kind of paranoid?

Su Nan replied: OK, but wait until the weekend, I usually eat at home from Monday to Friday.

Being harassed like this all the time is not a solution. Su Nan decided to agree to the tree baby, and if the tree baby is that kind of paranoid, it will be hard to die if he doesn't complete one thing, and he can't bear to let a delicate girl be tired all day long. sweat profusely.

Tree Baby: Thank you senior, then it's settled.

Just as he was about to put away his phone, Su Nan suddenly noticed a girl wearing a mask reflected behind him on the screen of the phone, and his hand holding the phone froze.

After reacting, Su Nan put the phone back in his pocket calmly, and continued to walk forward. When he passed a corner, he immediately hid and waited quietly.

As the footsteps got closer, Su Nan held his breath, with a look of ferocity in his eyes.

I finally caught you, mask girl!

When the girl with the mask appeared from around the corner, Su Nan rushed over and pushed her to the ground under the panicked eyes of the other party.

Due to the previous experience, Su Nan knew that the masked woman was very strong. After pressing her to the ground, she quickly turned her over and turned her into a lying face.

Then Su Nan sat down on the opponent's buttocks, without any time to think about how elastic and soft it was, she quickly grabbed the opponent's two hands, crossed them behind her back, and couldn't move.

"Finally caught you!" Su Nan sneered, remembering the humiliation he had received several times, anger welled up in his heart for a while, one hand pressed the hands on the opponent's back, and raised the other hand high, aiming at the masked woman The buttocks beat down hard.

"Hmm!" the masked woman hummed in pain.

Su Nan was stunned, her voice sounded a little familiar, not like the voice of the masked woman, but a bit like...

Subconsciously looking down, the girl under her was struggling to twist her neck, her black pearl-like eyes were staring at her angrily, and the upper half of her exposed cheeks was covered with a blushing shame, she opened her mouth slowly, and a familiar tone came from her mouth. Spit out: "Student Mu Nan, please stop your animal behavior immediately, this is the road!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Student Mu Nan, please stop your animal behavior immediately, this is the road!"

Chu Xi's voice was cold, and his eyes were full of shame and annoyance, and at the same time, there was a little complicated color.

Today is Tuesday, and it seems to be another day of illness. Early in the morning, Chu Xi felt a little uncomfortable and panicked.

Just in case, she came to the vicinity of the school early and wandered on the road that Su Nan often walked, intending to pretend to meet Su Nan by chance.

This kind of ambush in advance, and then encountering a boy by chance, will make her feel ashamed as she has never experienced such a thing, like the irrational behavior of a girl in love.

But under the torment of the uncomfortable feeling in her body, she had to do this, so that she could at least get through two classes in the morning, and then think of a solution when she had free time for the rest.

She didn't expect to be treated so embarrassingly when she just caught up with Su Nan. There was a burning pain in the back of her butt, which made her stunned. After reacting, she realized that Su Nan had beaten her there, and she was so angry that she was so angry.

But isn't this the shame she dreams of?

The uncomfortable feeling in the body also receded because of this.

For a moment, Chu Xi felt very tangled.

The moment Chu Xi spoke, Su Nan was stunned, and then felt scalp numb, realizing something was wrong.

After reacting, she hurriedly left Chu Xi, and then Su Nan said with embarrassment and surprise, "Why are you?"

Su Nan was surprised that he mistook Chu Xi for a woman with a mask. He felt like he was causing trouble.

At the same time, he looked around with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise he would probably call the police as an idiot if he was seen.

Chu Xi got up expressionlessly and patted the dust on her buttocks. She quickly calmed down and didn't care about getting angry. She was thinking about how to use this to get her through today's disaster. She didn't expect to hear Su Nan say that, and she was a little dazed. .

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