Dao Su Nan thought she was someone else?

Thinking of Su Nan's unsteady, even angry state just now.

According to Chu Xi's observation, Su Nan is actually an otaku with a lustful heart but no guts. Generally speaking, he is a bit sullen, but he doesn't take the initiative to flirt with girls, so it is very irrational for him to do such a thing, as if he is treating an enemy.

Su Nan is considered a low-key person in class, and rarely offends others. According to Chu Xi's understanding, there is only one person who can be regarded as Su Nan's enemy.

That is the wechat girl Dan Ran who harassed Su Nan repeatedly and even took away a pair of his underwear by threats.

"Why me?" Chu Xi's thoughts turned, showing a look of contempt for him, and said with a cold face: "Mu Nan's sophistry ability is at the level of elementary school students."

Su Nan became more and more embarrassed, and explained: "I thought it was..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that Chu Xi didn't know the existence of the masked woman, so it's better not to tell her such embarrassing things, because he always felt that he would be ridiculed.

Just as Su Nan was about to change his words, Chu Xi preemptively said, "It seems that Mu Nan will never repent. I will tell the school what happened today. I have some contacts in the school leadership."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched. Chu Xi didn't mention it for a long time, and he almost forgot that Chu Xi was still a big boss of the school board.

Look, I have some contacts in the school leadership, this tone is so ridiculous.

Chu Xi's complexion was very bad, but thinking of the offense she had just done, this reaction was completely normal, no girl was indifferent to being treated like this.

Su Nan gritted her teeth. Since Chu Xi knew about the WeChat girl, one more girl with a mask is nothing.

He said: "I thought you were an enemy of mine. Recently she followed me and attacked me repeatedly, and she happened to be wearing a mask, so I had such a big reaction when I saw you."

Chu Xi was startled, and said, "Is it a woman? What has she done to you?"

"Uh..." Despite being a little ashamed, Su Nan replied cheekily: "It's probably the same as indifferent, maybe a bit more, after all, indifferent didn't attack me in reality."

"The underwear was robbed again?" Chu Xi continued to ask, with a look of surprise: "How many were robbed?"

"Probably... two."

"How did you get robbed?"

"It's just..." Just as he was about to say it, Su Nan suddenly reacted and said, "It's not important. Anyway, because of this, my reaction is a bit big, I'm sorry."

Su Nan didn't tell the details of how she was robbed of her panties. It was a pity for Chu Xi. Asking carefully why Su Nan was molested by a slut and her panties was also something that would make her feel ashamed, but it was enough, and now it's gone. That uncomfortable feeling.

When I calmed down, I had more things to think about in my head, and realized that there was another perverted girl staring at Su Nan. In addition to an inexplicable sense of taste, Chu Xi also felt very weird.

A deep doubt came to her heart, and it was something she had been wondering all along, that is, is there someone who suffers from the same strange disease as her, and the target is also Su Nan.

It is the so-called "similar" who will die if they are not ashamed, and Su Nan is the only antidote.

After all, it's abnormal for Su Nan to be followed by two perverted girls in a row. Why don't those perverts go to other boys? Why is it only Su Nan who has this kind of attraction?

Su Nan is not the kind of boy who is so handsome that he can shake the world. After all, there are many other existences that are not inferior to him.

This is a point that Chu Xi is very puzzled, and it is also the reason for suspecting that Su Nan is special and has "the same kind" at the same time.

After realizing that there might really be "kinds of the same kind", Chu Xi wondered if there were more "kinds of the same kind" besides those two perverted women.

Thinking of the girl who has become close to Su Nan recently, besides herself, Chu Xi also thought of Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling.

Although Zhan Weiling is Su Nan's neighbor, her suspicion cannot be ruled out.

Then Chu Xi remembered how she was treated as a figurine. Could it be that there are other people like her who also turned into something and were treated by Su Nan in various ways.

Thinking about these things, she felt a little sour in her heart.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Su Nan couldn't help calling out to Chu Xi, feeling a little puzzled, when she found that Chu Xi was suddenly stunned and her expression was still unpredictable.

Just now I was asking non-stop with interest, what happened all of a sudden?

Chu Xi came back to his senses, stared at Su Nan carefully, turned and walked towards the school, and said indifferently, "We're going to be late soon, Mu Nan, don't just stand still."

Su Nan hesitated for a while, and didn't follow, but waited for Chu Xi to go far away before walking far behind her.

But his eyes subconsciously fell on Chu Xi's buttocks.

In my heart, I couldn't help but recall the softness and elasticity of her sitting just now, as well as the touch, and I couldn't help jumping wildly in my heart, and I couldn't turn my eyes away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After walking for a while, Chu Xi looked back at Su Nan, only to find that he was staring at his... buttocks?

A little too focused.

After being slightly startled, Chu Xi came to his senses, but didn't say much, and continued to walk forward pretending not to know anything, but when he was walking, his buttocks felt hot from time to time, he trembled slightly, and his cheeks also turned a little blush.

Sitting in class, the teacher's voice on the podium was like a reminder, Chu Xi felt restless, and that uncomfortable feeling came again.

It's too fast, why is it so fast, I just finished being ashamed tomorrow morning.

But this time it was in class, which made it impossible for Chu Xi to go to Su Nan immediately.

Chu Xi clenched his small hands and put them on his knees, resisting the coming pain.

She silently recalled being pressed to the ground by Su Nan not long ago, sitting on her buttocks by him, and even being beaten by him. It seems that there is still a burning pain in her buttocks to this day.

A slight sense of shame came to Chuxi's heart, which made Chuxi feel the coolness of suddenly eating popsicles in the summer, and felt comfortable.

But this little bit of shame is certainly not enough for a huge amount of discomfort.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, but the teacher didn't hear it, and he was still chattering on the podium.

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