At this moment, Chu Xi suddenly hated this teacher very much.

Feeling uncomfortable to a certain extent, she no longer cared about respecting the teacher, took out her mobile phone in front of the teacher, and sent a message to Su Nan.

Because Chuxi is in the front, the teacher can see her little moves clearly.

At the same time, Su Nan felt the phone vibrating in his pocket, and couldn't help looking at Chu Xi worriedly. The teacher on the podium was going to be angry.

The old teacher's lips were trembling slightly, and he was about to scold someone, but he suddenly found that the person was Chu Xi. He forced a smile on his wrinkled face and said, "Students have worked hard, get out of class is over."

Then I packed up my textbooks and hurriedly left the classroom, feeling a bit like running away.

The quiet classroom suddenly became noisy.

Seeing Chu Xi standing up, Su Nan seemed to stagger, then gave him a faint look, and walked out of the classroom.

Su Nan was very puzzled, why did she look at him with resentful eyes?

There are two girls talking along the way.

"Playing with mobile phones in class, this kind of person is the most rude."

"Yeah, I hate it to death. Fortunately, Mr. Chen is generous and didn't pursue it, otherwise..."

"Student Li, Classmate Yang, you haven't handed in your Chinese homework today, and the teacher asked me to ask."

Squad leader Lu walked towards them and spoke to them, and the faces of the two girls suddenly became very embarrassed.

Passing by Chu Xi, Squad Leader Lu seemed to move his lips, but the two of them passed each other without stopping.

Squad leader Lu went directly to the two girls.

Chu Xi also walked out of the class.

Su Nan took out her mobile phone and looked at the message Chuxi sent to herself on WeChat: "Association activities, there is an important announcement today, so you are not allowed to be absent!"

It looks very serious.

What's the matter?

Su Nan, who was curious, stood up and left his seat. At this moment, Squad Leader Lu, who was communicating with others, raised his head and smiled at Su Nan.

Su Nan was startled.

I don't know how much the squad leader knows about Chuxi and him.

Su Nan came to the rooftop with such doubts. The door leading to the rooftop was closed. After he opened the door, a gust of wind came in, blowing his clothes against his body.

Su Nan barely opened her eyes and looked forward. Chu Xi was standing in front of the parapet, and the strong wind blew up her skirt, revealing her underpants.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Chu Xi quickly pushed down her skirt, turned around and stared at him with dangerous eyes, like a tiger watching its prey.

Su Nan looked away guiltily, thinking that she was already wearing safety pants, and she was still angry.

Of course, Su Nan tried not to offend Chu Xi as much as possible.

After the wind subsided, Su Nan raised her head again. At this time, Chu Xi had already walked towards the wooden house. On her side face, Su Nan vaguely saw a slightly rosy complexion.

Maybe it was sprinkled by the sun?

"Don't be dazed, come in quickly."

Su Nan followed in.

After sitting down, feeling that the atmosphere was a little too serious, Su Nan asked, "Is something happening in our club?"

Chu Xi clenched his fists on his knees, stared at Su Nan with a strange look, and said, "Yes, and it has something to do with you, Mu Nan."

Feeling cold inexplicably, Su Nan pretended not to care: "What's the matter, it's so serious."

Chu Xi looked back at him, and said: "As a member of this club, your safety, Mu Nan, is seriously threatened. As the president, I can't turn a blind eye, so I decided..."

"Decide what?"

"I decided to help Mu Nan find out the pervert who attacked you!"

Su Nan was very surprised. She didn't expect Chu Xi to be so loyal, but Chu Xi had already said that she would intervene, so Su Nan's surprise only lasted for a while.

Su Nan asked her: "Then what are you going to do?"

Chu Xi suddenly made such a decision, and even held a meeting to announce it, probably thought of some good idea.

Her family is extraordinary, because of her growing environment, she must have broadened her horizons, and the manpower and material resources she can mobilize are not comparable to Su Nan, Su Nan can't help but look forward to it.

"Under the fragrant bait, there must be dead fish!"

After saying an old saying, Chu Xi said calmly: "So in order to attract fish to take the bait, Mu Nan, you need to take out the bait."

Su Nan was puzzled: "So let me lure the masked girl out?"

It's not that he hadn't thought of this method, and he was even going to do it, but he was greatly disappointed when Chu Xi proposed it.

"No, you're not the bait." Chu Xi shook his head and asked him, "Why did the other party attack you several times?"

"Uh." Chu Xi stared at him suddenly, with a vague sense of persecution in his gaze.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed, and replied, "Underwear."

Forcing Su Nan to say these two words in front of her, Chu Xi felt the pressure off her body, and she continued: "So the bait is your panties!"

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