Su Nan was the only one left in the quiet room. Thinking of what she was going to do, Su Nan was a little embarrassed, but there was not much time at this time, and if there was any further delay, she would go to class.

Su Nan started to take off, and Chu Xi was just outside the door, and Chu Xi was arranging a wooden board, and he felt a little strange.

And Chu Xi, who was standing outside in front of the door, very close to the door, had turned her pretty face into pink. With her insistence, Su Nan finally took off her underwear, which made Chu Xi feel very satisfied. The uncomfortable feeling that had been suppressed for a long time dissipated.

After taking it off and putting on the pants, Su Nan felt very uncomfortable.

Subconsciously moved it, adjusted the position, then Su Nan held back her shame, and said to the door: "Okay."

Chu Xi pushed open the door and came in. The first thing he saw was Su Nan's underwear on the table, and his face blushed subconsciously.

"Class is about to start, I'll go back first." Su Nan didn't notice Chu Xi's expression, he quickly stood up and left, feeling too embarrassed to stay any longer.

After Su Nan left, Chu Xi fixed her eyes on Su Nan's close-fitting clothes, and her breathing became short of breath unconsciously. She took two quick steps, and then stretched out her hand to take it.

But suddenly he controlled himself again, shaking his head, Chu Xi thought to himself, I'm not a pervert.

Then, Chu Xi found a plastic bag to pack Su Nan's underwear, kneaded it into a ball, and wrapped it tightly with tape to make it into a ball.

Afterwards, she held the ball in both hands and took a deep breath, and the pressure suddenly eased.

I said to myself, I am not a pervert, this is just an ordinary ball.

But that delicate pretty face was already flushed red.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan sent a message to Chu Xi, saying that she had to go back beforehand.

After seeing his message, Chu Xi reached into the desk to touch the round ball, inevitably thinking of the shameful object inside, her pretty face flushed, and she replied "OK" to Su Nan.

Holding the ball tightly in Chu Xi's hand, she thought to herself, with this thing, Su Nan is no longer important, the next thing is how to deal with the pervert who attacked Su Nan, she is not willing to hand over the ball .

Holding the ball in his hand, Chu Xi, who had always been calm towards the outside world, became a little guilty for some reason, as if everyone was looking at him with perverted eyes.

So she went home early with the ball.

As the flow of people walked down the stairs, touching the ball in my hand, I felt a little bit ashamed.

At this time, the girl behind accidentally bumped into Chu Xi's back, and Chu Xi staggered and stood still. She looked back, and the girl was smiling at her apologetically.

Frowning, Chu Xi didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and planned to move on, but suddenly, she found that the ball in her hand was gone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi was startled, looked down, and found that the ball fell on the ground, was kicked by someone, and disappeared under countless pairs of feet.

Chu Xi was in a hurry and hurried to catch up, but she didn't see the ball again until she got down to the first floor.

Chu Xi was stunned, then his face changed slightly, and he quickly took out his mobile phone to call Su Nan.

Soon the call was connected, and it was Su Nan's voice: "Chu...President, what do you need from me?"

Chu Xi suppressed his nervousness and calmly asked, "Are you still in school?"

"I just got on the bus." Su Nan replied.

Chu Xi's face changed suddenly, and he blurted out: "Come right back!"

After a pause, she added softly, "I have something urgent to discuss with you about the person who attacked you."

Su Nan seemed to be very concerned about this matter. In order not to suffer such an extremely shameful incident, Chu Xi lied to Su Nan against his conscience.

"Uh, even if you say that..."

"Who is it, it's long-winded."

Su Nan's voice was interrupted, and a clear and pleasant female voice came out, with a little childishness.

Chu Xi was startled.

"Hey, don't grab my phone."

"Obviously promised me, but also talked with someone on the phone, I turned off the phone."

"Beep beep..."

Then there was a busy tone from the phone, Chu Xi was stunned, and quickly called again.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off..."


Veins appeared in Chu Xi's sallow white hands, and the phone made an overwhelmed sound, and her face was ugly.

Su Nan's cell phone was turned off after calling several times in a row. In the end, Chu Xi had no choice but to stop this meaningless behavior, and his mind began to work crazily.

Afterwards, she made a mysterious phone call and said in a cold voice: "I'm missing something, ask someone to find it for me."

"Hey, what is this?" In the garbage pool, a girl who came over to take out the garbage picked up a ball curiously. Inexplicably, the ball gave her a very comfortable feeling.

The girl was thoughtful, and then she showed a playful smile: "It's a valuable thing, good luck."

Using a wet tissue to carefully wipe off the dust on the surface of the ball, the girl stuffed the ball into her chest, let her two big balls clamp the small ball, and walked out of the school with cheerful steps.

Not long after the girl left, several security guards rushed into the garbage pool, rummaging through the garbage in the garbage pool with both hands.

In the principal's office, Chu Xi waited anxiously, but the news came one after another that disappointed her.

After six o'clock, Chu Xi's body was already weak, she sighed, and called a car to take herself home.

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