"Are you... classmate Li Gongting?"

On the subway, Su Nan said to a tall ponytail girl in front of her with a warm tone.

Qin Xiaowan behind him pouted angrily.

"Ah?" Li Gongting turned around in surprise, and when she found out that it was Su Nan, her expression became even more surprised: "It's you, a weak boy."

She subconsciously glanced behind Su Nan and to the left and right, and her eyes became slightly sharper, like a hunter looking for prey.

Qin Xiaowan suddenly felt cold and lowered her head.

Su Nan smiled wryly in her heart. It seemed that the two encounters were too special, which made his impression in Li Gongting's mind a bit special.

"I'm sorry." Li Gongting showed a little embarrassment on his face, and said to Su Nan, what she said just now was said in a hurry, which must make Su Nan not like it.

"It's okay, classmate Li has helped me twice, I should thank you."

Su Nan said with a relaxed smile, intending to show a manly appearance, and it is unbearable for a boy to be called a weak boy.

"You're welcome, you should be helpful. Unfortunately, I failed to catch the prisoner twice."

Li Gongting said angrily, but she quickly realized that she was too excited, which would surprise people.

She smiled and said, "Call me Gong Ting, I have a predestined relationship with you. Where are you going? It's getting dark now, it's not safe."

Li Gongting showed a worried look, she still regarded Su Nan as a weak boy, unconsciously worried for Su Nan who went out in the dark, and even had the urge to offer to protect him.

I just saw the girl behind Su Nan staring at her badly. This should be Su Nan's younger sister. It's not appropriate to say such things in front of Su Nan's younger sister.

So Li Gongting held back.

"Accompany my cousin to get something, it's fine." Su Nan's mouth twitched and replied.

Taking a deep look at Su Nan, Li Gongting didn't mention any more safety issues, but tried to chat with Su Nan.

She was very curious about what was so special about this weak boy, that he actually aroused the covetousness of the perverted girl. Looking at the figure of the perverted woman, she was very good, and her appearance should be similar. Wouldn't it be easy to find a perverted boyfriend? too much.

During the chat, the subway stopped, and Li Gongting said goodbye to Su Nan, and when he passed by Qin Xiaowan, he paused and said, "Take care of your brother."

After saying this, Li Gongting left contentedly.

Qin Xiaowan was staring at this woman covetously, when she heard her say that suddenly, she couldn't help blushing, thinking it was some kind of blessing, her heart was inexplicably sweet.

After Li Gongting left, Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan continued to take the subway.

Su Nan noticed that Qin Xiaowan was blushing and peeking at herself from time to time, and subconsciously looked at her in surprise, but Qin Xiaowan's face turned cold immediately, and said to him unkindly: "What are you looking at?"

Su Nan lowered her head and decided not to get angry with the uneducated Qin Xiaowan.

Arriving at Qin Xiaowan's home, Qin Xiaowan locked herself in the room after entering, as if she was packing up her personal belongings.

She went in for a long time, and Su Nan gradually began to feel bored, so she started wandering around Qin Xiaowan's house.

Pushing open a door, Su Nan walked in, and found that the layout inside was very girlish, maybe it was Aunt Qin's room.

Su Nan wanted to quit with a guilty conscience, but was caught by a group photo on the desk.

In the photo, a young girl is standing with a gentle smile on her face. In front of her is an eight-year-old boy and a young but cute little girl.

The young girl pressed the heads of the two children with both hands, while the little girl pouted and kissed the slightly embarrassed little boy's face. The scene was very warm.

The reason why Su Nan was stunned was that the little boy was clearly him, and the little girl was obviously Qin Xiaowan when he was a child. How did they have such a good relationship when they were young?

Qin Xiaowan was too cute when she was a child.

Who is that young girl?

Could it be Aunt Qin?

Several doubts emerged at the same time.

Su Nan felt that the girl was not Aunt Qin. The girl in the photo looked like a high school student, and Qin Xiaowan was at least five years old at the time. Could it be that Aunt Qin could not have children in junior high school.


Something fell on the ground and made a sound. Su Nan looked back and saw Qin Xiaowan standing behind her with an indifferent expression.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Qin Xiaowan quickly walked over to take a picture of the photo frame, then turned her head and stared at Su Nan angrily: "What are you doing in mother's room?"

The expression on her face was guilty, her eyes dodged, and her face looked a little rosy. It seemed that Su Nan had seen the content in the photo, which made her feel embarrassed.

With Qin Xiaowan's vicious look at this moment, Su Nan couldn't connect her with the cute little girl in the photo.

Listening to her questioning, Su Nan looked a little embarrassed and said, "I didn't know this was your mother's room. In the photo..."

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan reacted quite strongly, her face flushed instantly, and she said loudly: "I don't have any photos, get out of Mom's room!"

Qin Xiaowan looked angry like an angry tigress, but her face was full of guilt.

Realizing that she might have misunderstood, and Qin Xiaowan obviously becoming irrational at this time, Su Nan retreated wisely.

Originally, what Su Nan wanted to ask was who the girl in the photo was, so as to ease the embarrassing situation, instead of asking about the relationship between Qin Xiaowan and him.

Just thinking of how close she and Qin Xiaowan were in the photo when she was a child, Su Nan felt rippling in her heart. Why is his memory of these things so vague? Is it because of a bad memory?

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