The reason why Su Nan didn't tell her to eavesdrop on him in the future was because she was worried about causing resistance, and she focused on the matter of raising a dog. In fact, there is a wide range of maneuverability.

"I agreed."

Hearing Su Nan's words, the girl holding the puppy smiled. This smile seemed warm, and under the light of the street lamp, it had a different kind of beauty.

Hearing that the two of them decided to adopt him in a few words, Chu Xi, who hadn't fully adapted to the new body, was a little dazed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Take the puppy home and put the puppy on the floor, the puppy does not feel strange.

It lowered its head, its expression seemed to be a little vigilant, and when it moved its steps, it actually had a sense of elegance.

Su Nan froze for a moment, and looked at the puppy carefully.

White hair, big fluffy tail, pointed mouth, pink nose, and rare red eyes.

Although it looks like a small dog, it's not a dog at all, it looks a bit like a fox that hasn't grown up?

Bring the fox home?

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan didn't tell Qin Xiaowan about this. Foxes are also canids, so it's no big deal to raise them up.

Seeing the little fox staring at him vigilantly, Su Nan smiled kindly at it, and at the same time stretched out his hand to gently stroke the little fox's head, intending to defuse its wariness.

Unexpectedly, the little fox turned his head in disgust, squinting at him as if contemptuous of him.

Su Nan had a feeling of being cute, the little fox was so cute at this moment, he was glad that he picked it up.

"By the way, is it a female fox or a male fox?"

Su Nan suddenly thought of this question, and said involuntarily, distinguishing the gender, so that it will be easy to breed in the future, or castration is fine.

The little fox's body stiffened for a moment, and he turned around and crawled under the sofa as if frightened.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Nan grabbed its tail and wanted to drag it back, but worried that its tail was not strong enough, so she switched to hugging the little fox, holding the little fox's front legs with both hands, revealing her tender belly and gender symbol.

Just as he was about to look down, the little fox actually stretched out its big tail and blocked it, as if it didn't want to be seen.

Su Nan couldn't help but laugh at this reaction. This little fox seems to be a bit human and shy.

Su Nan didn't worry about the feelings of a pet. She directly supported the little fox's back with one hand, turned it on all fours, then moved its tail and opened its legs. Well, it's a female, and the place is pink. , Tender, very cute.

The little fox's bright red pupils instantly shrank, as if it had suffered a huge blow, and its body froze for a moment.


Realizing that his private place was being scrutinized by Su Nan in such a dignified manner, the little fox wailed, and when he realized that Su Nan ignored him, he closed his eyes shyly, wilting like a frost-beaten eggplant.

Becoming a little fox is enough to hurt people, but being treated like this by Su Nan, Chu Xi wants to beat people.

After identifying the gender of the little fox, and seeing that it looked listless as if it had been hit by a huge blow, Su Nan let it go.

As soon as the little fox landed, he got under the sofa.

Su Nan lay down to observe, just in time to meet the vigilant eyes of the little fox, with the fox's tail tightly behind him.

Su Nan laughed inwardly, this little fox is so cute, but then he was a little worried, maybe he would scare it.

At this time, Qin Xiaowan came out of the kitchen with a bowl of small fish, and asked suspiciously, "Where's the puppy?"

"It's inside." Su Nan pointed under the sofa, but didn't tell Qin Xiaowan that it was actually a fox. Qin Xiaowan thought it was a puppy and liked it very much. He might be startled when he knew the fox.

"You wouldn't bully it, would you?" Qin Xiaowan was a little dissatisfied, seeing the little fox curled up under the sofa and staring at Su Nan vigilantly.

"I was a little timid when I first came to our house. I checked its gender just now, and it is female." Su Nan said, and deliberately emphasized our house.

"It's a female, right? There's no such thing as an animal girl." Qin Xiaowan complained, but her eyes lit up: "Let's buy another little male dog, grow up together and wait for them to give birth to a bunch of puppies in the future."

"Aww!" There was a mournful cry from under the sofa.

Qin Xiaowan hesitated, and asked Su Nan: "What's wrong with it?"

"Probably hungry."

Taking the little fish from Qin Xiaowan, Su Nan reached into the sofa to lure the little fox out.

Chu Xi was a little annoyed, and raised her fleshy paws to hit the bowl, and even wanted to inseminate her. Even if Chu Xi died of starvation, she would die here and jump off the stairs, and she would never eat any food from Su Nan.

"Haha, it despises you." Qin Xiaowan laughed out loud, feeling adorable.

Su Nan put the baby fish on the ground awkwardly, and said, "Maybe it doesn't like to eat it. Put it here to see if it eats it at night. If not, go out and buy some dog food later."

Chu Xi's body froze, and then his expression changed unpredictably. Eat fish, eat dog food?

Staring at the bowl of fish larvae outside, Chu Xi made up his mind to walk out with all four limbs, buried his head in a big mouthful, and she didn't want to eat dog food.

"Huh?" Su Nan was surprised, but it was a good thing that the little fox was willing to eat, at least he didn't have to go out to buy dog ​​food at night.


Chu Xi was eating the food in the bowl, and the surprised eyes of the two people beside her made her very depressed, but in order not to eat dog food, she could only do her best.

She didn't know when the twenty hours of the day would pass. She couldn't bear it at the beginning.

Then Chu Xi remembered how he changed from a figurine to a real person, and wondered if he could change from a fox to a human. If he could, he would find a way to escape while Su Nan and the others were asleep, and then escaped from the twenty-fourth hour outside. Hour.

If she kept Su Nan's house again, she was afraid that she would receive some strange treatment.

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