Then Su Nan brought a bowl of water to the little fox.

In order not to eat dog food, Chu Xi had to make sure that she showed that she liked eating fish, and she quickly ate up the bowl of fish, and then drank water.

She ate until her stomach was round and couldn't eat any more, taking advantage of Su Nan and the two of them not paying attention, she shrank back under the sofa and refused to come out again.

"It's so scared of life." Qin Xiaowan wanted to suck the puppy for a while, but seeing this situation, she had no choice but to give up, and said to Su Nan with some grievances.

Ever since picking up the little fox and going home, Qin Xiaowan's attitude towards herself seemed to be getting better again, Su Nan was a little happy, and said, "It will be fine if you keep it for a while."

Although he became a little fox, apart from being identified by Su Nan's gender, Chu Xi has not experienced other unacceptable things for the time being.

Moreover, as an animal, she can act and hide to avoid being poisoned by Su Nan. After getting used to it, Chu Xi felt that this time was much better than the last time she changed hands.

At this moment, Chu Xi felt the urge to urinate, subconsciously clamped his legs, and said to himself that it was unlucky. He knew that he should not drink so much water. What should he do now that he is in a hurry to urinate.It's not good to pee on the ground.

As a last resort, Chu Xi could only turn his attention to Qin Xiaowan. As the only woman in the family, he could only ask her for help.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xi forced himself to walk out with shame.

Because of the pet, Qin Xiaowan didn't go back to the room, but waited for the little fox to come out while watching TV.

Suddenly, she felt that the bottom of her trousers was scratched, and she looked down, but the pet she picked up stretched out its paws at her feet and grabbed her, wagging its big tail, very cute.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qin Xiaowan picked up the little fox and played with it. In order to please her, Chu Xi even stretched out his tongue and licked his paws in order to show off his cuteness.

The cuteness of the little fox pierced Qin Xiaowan's heart. She put her hands on the pet's head and stroked it gently, with a happy expression on her face.

Not long after, Qin Xiaowan didn't realize Chu Xi's intention at all, and only kept teasing the little fox.

Chu Xi's face gradually became very gloomy. The young fox's body was not mature enough, and he almost couldn't help it, and it was about to leak out!

Suddenly, the little fox wailed tragically, which startled Qin Xiaowan who was sucking pets, and at the same time attracted the attention of Su Nan who was playing with her mobile phone next to her.

"What's wrong with it?" Qin Xiaowan asked nervously, the little fox's cry sounded too creepy.

"Do you want to go to the toilet?" Su Nan speculated that animals with human nature would not defecate at will in the owner's house. The little fox who was clearly repulsed by them just now suddenly approached Qin Xiaowan, maybe he couldn't hold back and asked for help.

Chu Xi glanced at Su Nan gratefully. This little girl was so stupid that she didn't even notice it was so obvious. Fortunately, Su Nan was there, otherwise she would have peed on the floor.

As a young lady, Chu Xi didn't want to go through such a shameful thing.

Qin Xiaowan's expression changed slightly, and she quickly put the little fox Saisunan in her arms, and said to him nervously: "Take it to the toilet quickly!"

Knowing that Qin Xiaowan was obsessed with cleanliness, Su Nan didn't refuse, got up with the little fox in her arms, and walked towards the toilet.

"Eh???" Chu Xi was completely confused.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the toilet, Chu Xi suddenly felt panicked, and he waved his limbs chaotically, intending to escape.

But compared with human beings, her current body is completely different, and she was caught by Su Nan in an instant.Su Nan patted the little fox's butt and said, "Don't worry, I'll pee for you right away."

The little fox was so ashamed that she turned her head and glared at Su Nan, but Su Nan didn't care at all.

Taking the little fox into the toilet, Su Nan opened the toilet lid, supported the two forelimbs of the little fox from behind with both hands, and placed it on the toilet.


Su Nan made noises, mainly to cultivate the little fox's peeing habits. In the future, he will basically be in charge of the little fox's work. Qin Xiaowan doesn't need to think about it, she has a cleanliness habit.

Every time you defecate the little fox, say some specific words, such as "Shh, go to the toilet", and it will develop a habit after a long time. When you say it at that time, the pet will just feel like peeing out.

When I grow up a bit, it is fixed-point defecation training, which will be done later.

Chu Xi's expression changed unpredictably, her sense of shame exploded, and she didn't know if it was because she became a pet. Hearing Su Nan's voice in her ears, she felt that her bladder was about to be overwhelmed.

Do you really want to be in front of Su Nan? ? ?

Chu Xi was heartbroken.

The little fox slammed its hind legs violently, resisting fiercely.

Su Nan stopped booing, with a puzzled look on his face, strange, isn't it the urgency to urinate?

He turned the little fox around to observe the little fox's body carefully, and found that the place where he peed was indeed a little wet, obviously he couldn't hold it back. The reason why he didn't pee was probably because he was still in his infancy and hadn't learned it yet.

Because the puppies cannot control their defecation, most of them are fed by the mother dog to stimulate their defecation. The owner can also gently rub the defecation part of the puppies with a cotton swab to induce defecation. They are all canines, and the little fox is similar.

But does pee have the same problem?

Su Nan had never had a pet, so she didn't know much about it, so she decided to check it out on the Internet later.

Su Nan, who was thinking about these things, didn't notice that the little fox was waving his paws and looking at him fiercely.

Back to the matter of the little fox peeing, Su Nan held the back of the little fox's neck with one hand, and put the other hand on the part below its soft belly, pushing it gently to stimulate the little fox.

The little fox's body began to twitch slightly, and the fox's face showed obvious astonishment, and then a gleaming jet of water flew down and hit the water surface, making a loud sound.

Su Nan held the little fox with both hands to prevent it from accidentally splashing outside.

It wasn't until the sound stopped that Su Nan shook the little fox to shake off the remaining drops of water, then took out a paper towel and wiped it gently.

The little fox suddenly widened his eyes, feeling extremely ashamed and indignant.

This time, because it is an animal, it is an entity, and the feeling of being treated like this is much stronger than when it was turned into a figure last time.

After flushing the toilet, Su Nan hugged the little fox and walked to the shower, ready to bathe it with warm water, but found the little fox shrugged listlessly.

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