In his sleep, Su Nan had a faint feeling that something was missing around him, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his side, his eyelids trembled, but he didn't wake up in the end.

In the morning, Su Nan opened his eyes in a daze, his eyes dazed.

Last night, he seemed to have a dream. In the dream, Qin Xiaowan attacked him at night and said that he was going to have a baby with him. When he was about to be forced to push, a fox girl appeared to save him. The fox girl gave it.

It's very nonsensical, very unreasonable, so it's a dream.

He can't remember many details of the dream, he only remembers the general content, but he remembers the scene of overthrowing the fox girl very clearly.

He remembered the charm of the fox girl, the gentleness of the fox girl, the shyness of the fox girl, and even the resemblance of the fox girl to Chu Xi.

In the dream, he and the fox girl went to Wushan together, and then the dream ended.

Su Nan has had similar dreaming experiences in the past, and it is also illogical, and he has forgotten a lot of content, and only remembers the most impressive scene.

But the dream of overthrowing the fox girl was so real, so real that the moment Su Nan woke up, he had the illusion that he couldn't distinguish the reality of the dream, as if there was really a fox girl tactful and joyful under him last night.

Su Nan stretched out her hand and touched her body. It was very strange that there was no morning erection reaction today. Maybe her yang energy was sucked away by the fox girl in her dream.

Su Nan got off the bed, and the moment she changed her clothes, her eyes froze, her attention fell on the bed, and a piece of the sheet was missing.

Surprise, confusion, bewilderment and other emotions came to Su Nan's mind instantly. Why did the bed sheet break for no reason?

He bent down and stroked the tear in the bed sheet, as if a piece had been forcibly torn off. This kind of strength is difficult for humans to achieve. It may have been accidentally caught and torn by sharp objects when washing the bed sheet.

Su Nan felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't think of a clue, and it was a bit inexplicable.

Then he gave up thinking about the sheets, dressed and left the room.

When she came to the bathroom and opened the door, Su Nan saw the little fox sleeping on the blanket.

Seeing someone coming in, the little fox raised his eyelids, glanced at Su Nan, and closed them unnaturally.

This humane scene of pretending to sleep made Su Nan slightly taken aback.

Going over and squatting down, holding the little fox in her arms, and stroking its white and soft long hair, Su Nan said to herself: "Fox, fox girl, is it because I picked you up and brought you home that I did something about the fox girl?" Dream?"

Touched by his big hand, the little fox twisted his body uncomfortably. When he heard this sentence, his body stiffened instantly.

The little fox looked at Su Nan in astonishment, he actually thought it was a dream, how could it be possible!

Suddenly, she thought of something, and her mind became a little more complicated, but she was also relieved, it must be the strange disease, which made Su Nan think that she had a dream.

Fortunately, except for the sheets, she removed all other traces last night, otherwise Su Nan might have realized something was wrong.

At the same time, since Su Nan mistakenly thought that she was dreaming, then Qin Xiaowan should be similar.

Ignoring guesses and understanding the reason for her sweet dream, Su Nan didn't continue to think about it, and walked to the toilet with the little fox in her arms.

The little fox didn't react, so he turned into a shameful posture and was hugged by Su Nan. At the same time, he heard the sound of him urging to urinate. The key is that he endured it all night, and the little fox still wanted to pee a little.

Pushed a few times by Su Nan's hand, the little fox gave up resisting, and was hugged by him in such a shameful posture to defecate.

After helping the little fox with his physical problems, Su Nan held the little fox in his left hand, pulled up his pants chain with his right hand, and took it out to solve it.

Before the wave of shame just passed, the little fox saw this scene and wanted to close his eyes a little bit shyly, but he did all the more shy things last night, so it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

In a sense, Su Nan actually fell in love with a fox last night.

The little fox was very strange.

Continue to lock the little fox in the bathroom, Su Nan washes up and goes out to cook breakfast.

However, Qin Xiaowan still didn't wake up for a long time after he made the breakfast.

Su Nan didn't care too much, Qin Xiaowan always got up late, but it's getting late today, if she sleeps again, she will be late later.

Su Nan went to her room door and knocked, but there was no response.

Su Nan knocked again, but there was still no response.

He began to feel something was wrong. Generally speaking, when he knocked on the door, Qin Xiaowan would either go out directly, or answer him with a bad attitude, and would not keep silent.

Su Nan tried to unscrew the door, but the door was locked from the inside.

Then Su Nan went into her parents' room to find a spare key, and opened the door of Qin Xiaowan's room. As soon as she stepped in, she saw Qin Xiaowan lying on the bed with a pale face covered by a quilt, her pretty face had lost its former glory.

Su Nan's complexion changed, and she hurried over to cover Qin Xiaowan's forehead with her hand and stroked it. It felt hot to the touch, and she was obviously sick.

At this time, Qin Xiaowan barely opened her eyes, looked at Su Nan, and called out weakly: "Nan, Brother Nan..."

Su Nan was startled, squatted down and looked at her with concern: "You are sick, what is the teacher's number, I will ask for leave for you, and wait to see a doctor."

Qin Xiaowan looked at the mobile phone beside the bed with a bitter face.

"Is there a number in the phone?" Su Nan asked.

"Hmm." Qin Xiaowan replied in a weak voice, she looked very weak at this moment, which was heartbreaking.

Su Nan picked up her mobile phone, asked her to unlock it with her finger, opened the address book, found her homeroom teacher's phone number and called her to ask for leave.

Putting down the phone, suddenly Su Nan's eyes flashed surprise, she was too anxious just now, she didn't pay attention to look at the wallpaper of Qin Xiaowan's phone, only now did she realize that it was actually a photo of a little boy and a little girl.

Qin Xiaowan noticed that he was looking at her cell phone, and when she remembered the cell phone wallpaper, her face blushed suddenly, and she struggled to snatch it back, holding the cell phone with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Su Nan said calmly, "Can you get up, I'll take you to the hospital."

Qin Xiaowan glanced at him suspiciously, then thought he hadn't seen it, and suddenly relaxed her nervousness.

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