-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After going to the hospital, it was past ten o'clock in the morning, and there was no need to go to school. Fortunately, Su Nan asked for leave.

Qin Xiaowan's illness was not very serious, just a common fever. After seeing the doctor, she recovered a lot, but her body was a little weak for some reason. The doctor also felt strange after seeing it, and said that she might be lacking in nutrition, so she asked Su Nan to give her supplements.

Now Su Nan is preparing a nutritious lunch for Qin Xiaowan, while Qin Xiaowan is resting in the room.

The little fox was released by him, and sat quietly on the sofa without moving.

At this time, the TV was on, and sometimes Su Nan felt that the little fox was watching TV because it was staring somewhere.

But how can a fox understand TV, even if it is a clever fox, it is impossible.Su Nan was amused by her whimsical thoughts.

When Su Nan was cooking, the little fox wondered whether Qin Xiaowan's illness was due to her. After all, she charmed Qin Xiaowan last night, but why are Su Nan and her okay?

As the little fox thought, Qin Xiaowan should have forgotten what happened last night, otherwise Qin Xiaowan would not feel embarrassed when facing Su Nan because of what Qin Xiaowan did last night.

At noon, Qin Xiaowan's fever subsided. Apart from being weak, she was fine. She even asked Su Nan to go to class without taking care of her.

Su Nan wanted to take this opportunity to be lazy for a day, but when she saw her say that, she gave up her mind, and just now Zhao Xiaomin called him and asked him why he was not at school today, and wanted to ask him to practice together during lunch break.

It has been several days since I practiced with Zhao Xiaomin, and Sunan was also a little itchy. After seeing Qin Xiaowan fell asleep, he left home and rushed to school.

The little fox was moving around in the living room, wondering how to leave Su Nan's house.

Because of what happened last night, she was very unwell at the time, she tried and failed to get out through the door, so she gave up.Later, he turned back into a little fox and stayed in the living room until dawn. He didn't enter the bathroom until Su Nan left the room and pretended to sleep.

Su Nan was not at home at this time, and Qin Xiaowan was sick and resting in the room. In addition, her fox body had strong resilience, and the pain was already very weak. It did not affect her actions, so she wanted to find a way to leave.

At this time, Qin Xiaowan walked out of the room with a weak body, and the little fox who was looking at the door pretended not to care, and went back to lie down under the sofa.

Qin Xiaowan kept staring at the little fox, seeing this, walked slowly to the little fox, squatted down and stared at it.

Qin Xiaowan's eyes were very strange, full of surprise, confusion, and a little anger.

Chu Xi was very puzzled, why did Qin Xiaowan look at herself like this?

Qin Xiaowan stared at the little fox, and suddenly said, "You can understand me, right?"

Chu Xi was startled, but on the surface he ignored Qin Xiaowan coldly.

Qin Xiaowan said to herself, with a cold face: "You turned into a vixen last night, controlled me, and let me attack Brother Nan, what is your purpose?"

Chu Xi was surprised that Qin Xiaowan still remembered what happened last night, why?

I was very puzzled, but Chu Xi remained calm on the surface, and even showed impatience when faced with Qin Xiaowan's question, and turned his head to the other side.

Qin Xiaowan showed puzzled eyes, did she guess wrong?

Although it was very dark at that time, Qin Xiaowan still saw that the woman who controlled him was a fox girl, and the puppy picked up at home looked like a fox, but in fact it was a fox at all.

That's why she started to doubt the little fox, but the behavior of the little fox at the moment made her feel that she was too whimsical.

Chu Xi noticed Qin Xiaowan's expression, and knew that she was just guessing, so she felt at ease.

She didn't want the second person to know about such a plot like Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, where a person turned into a fox, and then from a fox into a fox girl.

At this time, Chu Xi felt his body being hugged, looked up, and met Qin Xiaowan's eyes.Qin Xiaowan murmured: "If you are really a vixen, you definitely don't want to do this."

As she spoke, she took out a cotton swab, turned the little fox over so that its stomach was on top, held the little fox in this way, and took the cotton swab to poke the little fox's peeing part, but it didn't go in, it was only outside.

The corner of the little fox's mouth twitched, struggling inwardly. Generally, pets would not react very much if they were treated like this. If she showed resistance, Qin Xiaowan might be suspicious.

In order to keep the secret, the little fox started to pretend to be dead, but struggled symbolically, once Qin Xiaowan pressed her strength, she stopped, as if she was worried about getting hurt.

"Could it be that you guessed wrong?" Qin Xiaowan stopped her seemingly boring actions and said, then she felt a little unwilling, and walked to the kitchen with the little fox in her arms, saying viciously, "You can eat it after it's cooked."

Chu Xi's face darkened. What kind of brain circuit is this little girl? It's fine to suspect that the little fox is a vixen. After several trials, she still refuses to give up. She must be sick!

Does she really want to kill me?

Seeing Qin Xiaowan pick up the kitchen knife, Chu Xi felt a little nervous, but she didn't struggle. Generally speaking, even if the pet sees the owner holding the knife, it will not react violently unless it really feels threatened.

Qin Xiaowan picked up the knife and saw that the little fox still had a cold expression on his face. Even when she moved the knife over, the little fox didn't even look at it.

Qin Xiaowan finally believed that she was thinking too much, how could a fox become a fairy, and this is not a spiritual world.

This exercise made Qin Xiaowan, who was still very weak, feel tired, so she carried the little fox back to the living room.

Sitting down on the sofa, stroking the fur of the little fox, said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, after all..."

The conversation stopped here, Chu Xi was very curious, could it be that Qin Xiaowan's reason for suspecting a fox was what he didn't say?

Qin Xiaowan felt very strange why she couldn't control her emotions and did that kind of thing to Su Nan. If she didn't happen to be sick today, she wouldn't know how to face Su Nan.

And who is the coser fox girl, why did she appear at home, why did she interrupt what she did to Su Nan, does she like Su Nan?

For the previous question, Qin Xiaowan quickly thought of the reason. At the same time, she tested Su Nan in the morning. Su Nan seemed to have forgotten what happened last night. Although she didn't understand why, it was a good thing for her.Even if Su Nan pretends to forget, she must think so, otherwise the strong embarrassment will make her unable to stay in this house.

As for the latter question, Qin Xiaowan had some bad associations, thinking that the coser girl might have some connection with Su Nan.

After all, to be able to enter Su Nan's house in the middle of the night, the relationship cannot be average, and maybe even familiar.Whenever thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan puffed up her cheeks angrily.

Qin Xiaowan yawned, a little tired, patted the little fox's butt in her arms and said, "Don't make trouble here, I'm going to sleep."

She put the fox down and went back to the room.

Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that it was late and Su Nan would not be coming back, so he gave up looking for a way to leave, anyway, there were still a few hours, and it would pass after a while.

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