-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At noon, Su Nan rushed to school.

Before coming, Su Nan had already received several urging messages from Zhao Xiaomin. He was a little puzzled why Zhao Xiaomin was in such a hurry.

It was only twelve o'clock in the noon at this time, and the class didn't start until after two o'clock in the afternoon. Two hours should be enough practice anyway.

When they came to the appointed basketball court, Su Nan saw Zhao Xiaomin sitting on the stone bench next to her. She was wearing earphones, she didn't know what she was listening to, and she seemed very engrossed.

The breeze blew past, blowing up the girl's hair, which looked a little beautiful.

Su Nan couldn't bear to disturb such a beautiful scene, so she approached quietly. Seeing that Zhao Xiaomin hadn't noticed her, she lightly patted her on the shoulder.

Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be taken aback, she raised her buttocks, and when she saw him, she patted her bulging chest and sat down again. She was surprised and happy and said, "Ah Nan, you are here."

Su Nan nodded and asked her with a smile: "What are you listening to?"

Zhao Xiaomin's face changed, and he took off an earphone and handed it to him, slightly embarrassed: "Let's go together."

Su Nan didn't refuse. She sat next to Zhao Xiaomin and put earplugs in her ears.

At first, Su Nan thought it was listening to the song, but unexpectedly, it was listening to him and Zhao Xiaomin's seiyuu practice process.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth couldn't help twitching, Zhao Xiaomin actually invited him to listen together, so nervous...

Turning her head to look at Zhao Xiaomin, a little blush rose on her face, she closed her eyes and listened to the shameful conversation without saying a word.

Su Nan froze for a moment, then closed her eyes.

The obscene conversation between the two of them came from the earphones. Listening to these voices, the atmosphere seemed to become slightly ambiguous.

Just when a strange mood rose in Su Nan's heart, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly took off the earphones, with a anxious expression on his face: "Not enough, not enough!"

Su Nan opened her eyes and looked at her in surprise, what's not enough?

Zhao Xiaomin calmed down, and said awkwardly, "I mean I can't master my skills, and the dubbing is so bad that I'm too embarrassed to listen to it."

"No, I think it's pretty good." Su Nan didn't mean to be polite. Knowing that Zhao Xiaomin is just a beginner, it's not bad.

Zhao Xiaomin's face was sullen, it's hard to say that the shame is not enough.

It's very uncomfortable, I feel like I'm going to die, it's not okay to go on like this, it will become the same as that day.

Recalling the feeling of electric current passing through a certain part of her body all day long, Zhao Xiaomin shuddered subconsciously. Although it was not uncomfortable, it was a comfortable feeling, but after the whole day, she almost collapsed.

Zhao Xiaomin gritted her teeth, and suddenly took Su Nan's hand and dragged him to run: "Come with me, I will take you to a place."

Su Nan was slightly surprised, but did not refuse.

His eyes fell on Zhao Xiaomin's hand that was holding him, Su Nan's face was weird, he felt that he had changed, he didn't feel embarrassed at all when holding hands to this extent, and even felt a little dark in his heart.

He wasn't like this before, could it be because of his thick skin?Or have you become acquainted with Zhao Xiaomin?

When they came back to their senses, they had already come to a classroom full of sundries, because there were too many things piled up, making the space seem a little narrow.

Zhao Xiaomin let go of Su Nan's hand, closed the door, and locked it by the way, completely isolating them from the outside world.

Turning around, seeing Su Nan's surprised look, Zhao Xiaomin suppressed her shyness and said nonchalantly, "Practice, don't be seen by others, or it will be bad."

It turns out that you also know that this kind of thing can't be seen by people.

Su Nan was in a strange mood, she shared with him the things she couldn't meet with others, and pulled him into the group.

Although Zhao Xiaomin did not know him, even as friends, it would be too strange to ask him for help in such a matter.

Thinking about these things in her heart, Su Nan looked calm: "So, bring me here, how do you plan to practice?"

Zhao Xiaomin bit her lower lip, lowered her eyelids, and said in an ordinary tone: "I think it's a bit unprofessional to practice with novels all the time, so..."


Zhao Xiaomin's chest heaved, and she lowered her head slightly and said, "So I prepared an anime, Ah Nan... Let's... watch it together and get familiar with the plot together."

At this point, Zhao Xiaomin turned around and went to move the stool.

Su Nan noticed that the roots of her ears were turning red. It was by no means as simple as preparing an anime as she said. Recalling the copyright issue she mentioned when she first asked him for help, at least all of this anime was banned. Lost fan, such as Yuan Zhikong and the like.

Su Nan didn't pay much attention to it. After the face-to-face practice last Saturday, it seemed no big deal to watch a pornographic episode together.

Zhao Xiaomin moved two stools and motioned for Su Nan to sit down.

After Su Nan sat down, she moved her chair closer to his.

Then Zhao Xiaomin also sat down, her arms were almost touching his, and the girl's temperature was felt by Su Nan's arms through her clothes.

Zhao Xiaomin took out her mobile phone, plugged in the earphones, gave it to herself, and put it in Su Nan's ear on the other hand, the touch of her fingers made Su Nan's ears move, feeling that this gesture was a little too intimate.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin had already started to operate the phone, attracting Su Nan's attention.

She clicked on the file management, then on the SD card, and continued to click, and finally stopped in front of a series, paused with her fingers, and then clicked resolutely.

Su Nan was a little careless at first, but when she saw the name of the anime, her eyes widened.

[魔人]yingē恁ぅ淡珰璙}女は白turbidityに染まる~~オリガ×クロエWeiqia⒈Lianzhu 帯ê石⒆Hard grayDazzle?/p>

Su Nan was a little dumbfounded. Even if he regarded himself as a theoretical old driver, this show was a bit of a problem for him. Zhao Xiaomin would actually choose this one, he must be crazy.

Subconsciously turned to look at Zhao Xiaomin, but Zhao Xiaomin's urging voice sounded: "Don't look around, watch the anime."

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