What would it be like if the two were together.

If they live together, how much food do they have to cook every day? Su Nan doesn't know if he has a big appetite, and he has two younger sisters. Will he dislike it?

The future life seems to be full of expectations.

Sitting on the toilet, the girl suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Huh? My illness is cured?" Suddenly, Zhao Xiaomin looked confused. Why is she not feeling bad at all at the moment? Is it because of that kiss?

Classes started in the afternoon, and Su Nan couldn't concentrate. She kept thinking about her relationship with Zhao Xiaomin.

Suddenly, his pocket phone vibrated.

Feeling that it might be from Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan secretly took out her phone to check.

Zhao Xiaomin: Ah Nan, after school this afternoon, I have something to talk to you about.

Su Nan replied with a "hmm".

Then the phone vibrated again, but this time it was Qin Xiaowan who sent the message, telling him that he would eat fish tonight, and Su Nan replied "Yes".

Putting the phone back into his pocket, Su Nan was a little dazed, what is Zhao Xiaomin doing?angry?or something else?

But soon Su Nan's eyes became firm. No matter what Zhao Xiaomin wanted to do, he had to confess to her after apologizing. It's ok.

After making the decision, Su Nan became calm, but inexplicably recalled the very real dream last night, and remembered the fox girl who looked very similar to Chu Xi in the dream.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan's expression was in a daze, and his eyes subconsciously fell on Chu Xi's seat, but found that it was empty.

Quietly asked the tablemate, the tablemate said that Chu Xi did not come to class today, and it seemed that he did not ask for leave.

"President, why don't you come to class today?" I sent a WeChat message to Chu Xi, but did not receive a reply, Su Nan silently put the phone back.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan didn't leave the classroom immediately, but sat in the classroom to study.

The time he agreed with Zhao Xiaomin was still a little short, and now that school was over and there were people everywhere, it wouldn't help to go early.

At [-]:[-], Su Nan left the classroom and walked all the way to the football field.

It's meal time now, and there are not many people on the football field, so it is a suitable time to confess, or be confessed.

Before Zhao Xiaomin came, the bored Su Nan walked along the track, frowning subconsciously.

Suddenly, a gust of wind passed by, and the wind carried a faint girl's body fragrance, which was refreshing.

Su Nan raised her head in surprise, and saw the back of a girl with her hair tied up. The girl was running along the track at a very fast speed.

"Sports student." Su Nan thought to himself, he is still practicing at this time, so he must be a sports student.

Su Nan didn't pay much attention to it either, she lowered her head and thought about things as she walked forward.


Suddenly, I heard a shout coming from the front, and the voice was inexplicably familiar.

Su Nan looked up and found that the running girl stopped [-] meters ahead and waved to him. The distance was too far, and she couldn't see her appearance very clearly. She only felt that the girl was smiling happily.

Su Nan looked around and found that there was only one boy around him, who called him?

Just thinking about it, the girl in front made a running and sprinting posture, and then her body rushed out like an arrow from the string. It took about six seconds to less than seven seconds. The girl rushed to Su Nan, looked at him in surprise and said: " Senior, it's really you, I thought I was wrong."

"You are?" Su Nan sized up the character who should be a schoolgirl, and the first impression he gave was cute, followed by beauty.

It's not that the girl is not beautiful, on the contrary, she is very beautiful, about [-] meters tall, with an oval face, big eyes, and other facial features are also very delicate, her skin is rosy because of sports, and she doesn't have the kind of sunbathing. dark skin.

Under the sweatpants, there are two white legs exposed. The shape of the legs is very beautiful. It may be because of the frequent exercise, so it gives people a healthy feeling.

When she smiled, dimples appeared on both sides of her cheeks, which made her smile warm and cute.Especially when she stares at you with big bright eyes, that feeling is especially strong.

It is precisely because of this that the first impression of a girl is cute.

The girl called him a senior, but there are eight hundred seniors in the school, so this girl should know herself, but Su Nan couldn't remember it at all.

"Senior hates me, I forget about him so quickly, and he even sent you a small selfie video before." The dimpled girl said coquettishly, but it didn't feel angry, more like she was acting like a spoiled child to her lover.

This girl was born to please men.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Can you stop saying such ambiguous words?"

He knew who the other party was, it was the weird school girl who he added to WeChat that day, because he had a bet with someone and involved him who didn't know, and was deeply sorry for him.

I remember that Su Nan was harassed by her for a long time. Although she did send him a small selfie video, it was not the same thing at all, that is, the tired look after exercise, and the panting sound of running Video only.

"Is it ambiguous? Where is the senior thinking? It's clear that my words are super normal, okay?" The girl blinked her cute big eyes and said.

There is an inexplicable sense of cunning, she looks like a quirky school girl.

Su Nan decided to ignore her words, but asked, "Why are you still running? Are you a sports student?"

Remember he said that there is no need for punishment.

Su Nan didn't take the bait, the girl curled her lips boredly, seeing Su Nan looking at her in surprise, she smiled again: "Because I like fitness and the feeling of exercising, I'm not a sports student."

"Oh." Then Su Nan's gaze subconsciously landed on the girl's abdomen.

The girl was very sensitive, and immediately covered her belly, with a shy look on her face, she pouted and said, "Senior is really H."

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