The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and said, "You know why I'm watching you."

Wasn't it because the girl sent him a picture of her abdomen, you must know that it is a six-pack abs, and this quirky girl with a cute smile and a heart-warming girl in front of him is simply two extremes.

"Hey~" The girl smiled triumphantly, stared at Su Nan with her big eyes, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Want to see it, senior, I can show you, as long as..."

"No need." Su Nan shook her head immediately.

"Tch, the senior is so boring, he must not have a girlfriend." The girl complained.

Su Nan felt that her heart had been pricked. She couldn't be looked down upon by her junior in such a matter, and said seriously, "Although senior doesn't have a girlfriend, he will soon have one."

"Eh???" The girl seemed taken aback, "Isn't it, who is blind... cough cough, who is so lucky to be liked by the senior."

The girl seemed to know Su Nan for the first time, and looked him up and down, although it was indeed the first time they met.

"Anyone is blind, but it won't be you." Su Nan said, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, keep running. I'll wait for someone here." Su Nan said hello and slipped away. My sister sees it, isn't it a shame?

"Senior, you haven't told me your name yet." The girl put her hands around her mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted loudly towards his back.

"Su Nan, you can call me Brother Nan."

"Senior Su Nan, my name is Shu Bao, Shu Bao who protects Shu Bao." The girl shouted again.

Su Nan almost staggered and fell down. Looking back, she only saw a mischievous smile on the girl's face, and turned to continue running.

Su Nan shook her head, went to sit on the lawn in the middle of the football field, and watched Shu Bao run hard.

She runs very fast. As a high school girl, one minute and forty seconds is not bad, but Shu Bao's lap is less than one minute and twenty seconds, which is about the same as a boy, and she still runs continuously.

Suddenly, Su Nan saw a white thing falling from Shu Bao's body. It was too far away for him to see what it was, but Shu Bao didn't notice it at all and continued running.

After one lap, Shu Bao still didn't notice.

Su Nan gestured at her to signal that she had dropped her things, but Shu Bao just smiled at him warmly and didn't react at all.

In desperation, Su Nan had no choice but to get up and walk over to help pick it up, but when he picked it up, he couldn't help being stunned, it seemed like a ball of aunt's towel.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After picking up what Shu Bao had dropped, Su Nan realized that it looked like a bunch of aunt's towels. The reason why she didn't notice it at first was because it was tied up with a rubber band. There were several packages in total.

Subconsciously, Su Nan twisted it with her fingers.

Su Nan is a little puzzled, what is this about? Why do you take Hushubao with you when you run? If you are on your period, you shouldn't be running.

"Learning~~Long~~" The girl's voice sounded, with a long tail, it sounded emotionless, which made people feel scary.

Su Nan turned around and saw Shu Bao standing a few meters behind her. She lowered her head and her face seemed a little gloomy.

Su Nan was a little flustered instinctively, but he didn't do anything, he just helped pick up the things she accidentally dropped, but he still did a good deed.

Thinking of this, Su Nan quickly calmed down, threw the things in her hand towards Shu Bao, and said, "You dropped something, be more careful in the future."

Shu Bao subconsciously caught it, was stunned for a while, and stared at him strangely.

"If you are not in good health, don't run." Su Nan said calmly, without showing any strangeness.

On the contrary, Shu Bao lowered his head in embarrassment, and said, "Could it be that the senior is guessing whether I have my period today? The senior is so perverted. People just like to wear it on their body. If they don't wear it, they will feel insecure."

Su Nan was stupefied by her, the key point was that he was not a girl, and he didn't know if girls carried these things with them at all times, so he couldn't doubt Shu Bao's words. don't need to worry about this kind of thing at all.

"Anyway, pay attention to your body." In the end, Su Nan cared about the junior girl carefully, and then walked back to the place where she was sitting just now.

He saw Zhao Xiaomin coming and was sitting there waiting for him.

I wasted a lot of time with Shu Bao, and the students after dinner will come here for a walk or something, so Su Nan must make a quick decision.

Shu Bao looked at Su Nan's back, his eyes jumped from him to Zhao Xiaomin, slightly startled.

Immediately, Shu Bao showed an interesting expression on his face: "The senior said that he doesn't have a girlfriend now, but he will soon have one. Are you planning to confess? It's really interesting. What will happen to the senior if the confession fails? It must be more interesting. "

Shu Bao rolled his eyes, pretended to continue running, and then walked around behind the two of them, slowly approaching.

Su Nan walked to Zhao Xiaomin's side, Zhao Xiaomin looked up at him, then quickly lowered her head, her pretty face was a little blush, a little nervous.

Su Nan was relatively calm, after all he did that kind of thing at noon, it seems no big deal to confess, besides, Zhao Xiaomin's performance seems to be interesting.

He pretended not to care, and sat down beside Zhao Xiaomin.

Under the setting sun, the breeze blew through their hair and clothes, causing Shu Bao, who came behind them, to pause slightly.

"What happened at noon, I'm sorry, I was impulsive." After a while, Su Nan turned to look at Zhao Xiaomin and said sincerely.

"No, I was wrong too." Zhao Xiaomin shook her head quickly, turned her head to look at him, met his gaze and then quickly turned back: "It's because I haven't considered Ah Nan's feelings, boys are more impulsive after all."

Su Nan secretly praised in his heart, this kind of appearance of apologizing to him after suffering a big loss really warmed his heart.

Su Nan strengthened her determination even more.



As if being called by a teacher, Zhao Xiaomin quickly replied, and then realized, her face turned red.

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