Soon, the app named Cherry was downloaded. After the installation was complete, Zhan Weiling clicked to open it, and a login interface popped up.

After a pause, Zhan Weiling turned her head and asked, "Xiao Nan, can I use your mobile phone?"

Su Nan naturally had no objection.

Zhan Weiling skillfully entered his mobile phone number, and then clicked Send Verification Code for verification.

Su Nan was a little surprised that the senior sister actually remembered his number, and sometimes he didn't even remember it himself.

After the verification is completed, the interface flashes, and a line of words "Looking for your toy" pops up in the middle.

"Xiao Nan, hold it for me. I'll call back to the store and ask someone to verify it."

Zhan Weiling handed him the phone.

Su Nan took it and looked at it curiously, a little confused about how to connect the device with such a long distance.

Zhan Weiling pretended to make a call with her mobile phone, but she was not on the call at all.Taking advantage of Su Nan's inattention, Zhan Weiling secretly put her hands between her legs and pressed the toy for two seconds to verify.

Su Nan stared at the phone curiously. It seemed that the connection was completed. The interface flashed, and a line of words "4323 young ladies are playing" popped up, as well as an [-]% battery display, and a "Start" button.

Eighty percent of the electricity should refer to the set of massage equipment on the pet, but the sentence "4323 young ladies are playing" makes Su Nan a little confused. It means 4323 people are using the massage equipment. equipment, but why are all pet owners female?

Zhan Weiling was a little nervous, but she was prepared, pretending to guess and said, "Maybe it's to attract more people to buy this equipment." Wei Wei looked a little shy.

Hearing what she said, Su Nan understood that this app is a side-step promotion to attract gentlemen and pet owners to buy it. These people probably want to discuss the secrets of raising pets with young ladies.

"Let's start." Zhan Weiling said.

Su Nan clicked, and the interface changed again, turning black. There were eight features displayed on it, namely kneading, caressing, scratching, etc. It really looked like a massage tool.

In addition to the eight features, there is also the choice of current intensity and whether to vibrate.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Whether the vibration is optional, after all, it is a massage appliance, so it is understandable, but what does the current intensity mean, can it also electric pets?

This is abuse.

Su Nan turned to look at the senior sister, but the senior sister had a calm expression on her face.

Su Nan thought to herself, probably she had misunderstood, and it had nothing to do with pet abuse.

Even if it hasn't started yet, Zhan Weiling feels a strong sense of shame just watching Su Nan researching the app, and feels extremely ashamed.

It's just that this level of shame still can't achieve the therapeutic effect, and Zhan Weiling's last thought of escaping has disappeared.

She was a little lost.

"Xiao Nan, I'm tired. Please help me operate it. Have you seen the eight stunts? You can choose which one you like. There is also a vibration switch and current intensity. The current is nothing, it is very weak, and it can only stimulate the muscles."

Zhan Weiling said with a tired face.

Su Nan nodded, and did not reject the senior sister's proposal. The senior sister took the pirate ship just now. She has a fear of heights, and she is probably still suffering. Besides, it is just a matter of moving her fingers, which is not considered helpful.

It's just that Zhan Weiling's casual words made him feel a little inappropriate, and asked: "This... Is it okay to press it casually?"

Zhan Weiling shook her head and smiled: "It's okay, that kind of pet still likes this variety of ways."

But she said in her heart that if there is something to do, it is also my business, and she was instantly filled with shyness.

Since the senior sister said so, Su Nan no longer hesitated, but thought that this pet would really enjoy it.

After thinking about it, Su Nan first clicked on the "wiping" stunt. After his finger fell, the senior sister next to him suddenly exclaimed.

Su Nan looked over in surprise, and saw that the senior sister's face was a little rosy. Noticing his look, she quickly apologized and said, "I saw a mouse crawling past just now, and I was shocked."

"It seems that the sanitation of this amusement park is not up to standard." Su Nan shook her head speechlessly.

Zhan Weiling smiled sheepishly, then lowered her head silently, clenching her teeth in secret, trying not to make a sound.

However, the feeling of wiping was too seductive, especially when she thought that it was controlled by Su Nan with his mobile phone, but Zhan Weiling couldn't help but feel ashamed. The extreme shame made her seem to have the illusion of fainting.

But in contrast, the discomfort of the attack is slowly subsiding.

The treatment was effective, and Zhan Weiling felt a little comfort in her heart.

Su Nan didn't notice the senior sister's appearance, and then went to click on the "press" stunt, thinking, it should refer to the massage equipment on the pet's body.

Beside him, Zhan Weiling shyly closed her eyes, firmly grasping the edge of the stone bench with both hands, her arms were slightly bulging with veins.

She secretly thought something was wrong, this feeling was too strong, Su Nan would definitely find out.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling stood up and said quickly: "Xiao Nan, I'm going to the toilet, you here slowly... play."

After uttering the words Wan, the sense of shame increased. Zhan Weiling couldn't stay any longer, and turned and ran away under Su Nan's surprised gaze.

Su Nan was stunned subconsciously, because he found that the senior sister's running posture was a bit strange, but thinking that she had just finished riding the pirate ship, she probably hadn't recovered yet.

Su Nan continued to look down at the phone, this time he clicked on the "knead" stunt.

While running, Zhan Weiling suddenly staggered and almost fell to the ground.

She looked back at Su Nan with a blushing face, gritted her teeth as if nothing happened, and walked slowly into the women's toilet.

Entering an empty cubicle, Zhan Weiling took out a tissue and wiped the toilet lid, then sat down and took a long breath, feeling as if her bones had been pulled out of her whole body, her whole body was limp, and she couldn't lift a bit of strength.

The special skill of "kneading", as the name suggests, is to gently rub, and the strange feeling spreads all over the body in an instant. Fortunately, Zhan Weiling just put it outside, otherwise she would not be able to stand it even more.

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