Although the treatment effect was good, she was a little frowning. How should it end now? If she went out, it would be easy for Su Nan to see something abnormal.

Zhan Weiling decided to wait for the discomfort to subside, and then go out to make Su Nan stop.

At this time, the feeling of vibration came, and it was Su Nan who turned on the vibration switch!

It was so sudden, Zhan Weiling couldn't help saying "Ah", and then quickly covered her mouth, worried about disturbing the people next to her, and also afraid of being discovered.

She bit her fingers with a blushing face, and her eyes gradually blurred, as if covered with a layer of mist.

Immediately afterwards, an electric current appeared, and the body felt numb. Zhan Weiling rolled her eyes.

After playing for a while, Su Nan raised her head and looked in the direction of the women's toilet.It's so strange that senior sister went to the toilet for so long, almost ten minutes.

He felt a little urgent to urinate, so he temporarily turned off the app and walked to the men's bathroom.

Ladies toilet.

All of a sudden, all the feelings disappeared. Zhan Weiling's first reaction was not to breathe a sigh of relief, but to feel sad. Su Nan's timing was too good, so she just stopped there, feeling very uncomfortable.

Now she is not tormented by a strange disease to the point of losing her mind, and she is too embarrassed to put her hand in it, so she just takes a tissue to wipe it off.

Then Zhan Weiling closed her eyes and felt it, and found that the treatment effect was very significant, and she hardly felt uncomfortable, which made her face smile.

Standing up, Zhan Weiling's footsteps were weak and she almost fell down. She spat secretly, sat for a while longer, and then checked whether her skirt was wet before opening the door and going out.

Back to the place where I was sitting just now, Su Nan is not there.

Zhan Weiling guessed that he should go to the bathroom, so he turned off the app.

At this moment, her body was weak, and Zhan Weiling sat down, resting and waiting.

Soon, Su Nan came back.

Looking at him from a distance, Zhan Weiling felt very guilty, but in order not to be noticed, she tried her best to behave as usual, elegant, calm and calm.

Su Nan was slightly surprised, why did the senior sister go to the toilet and come back, her face was so red, and she didn't exercise like before.

Seeing him paying attention to her face, Zhan Weiling asked with a smile, "My face is very red, isn't it?"

There is no way, only if he behaves calmly with Su Nan in this way, he will not think too much.

Su Nan nodded and said, "Senior sister, you don't feel unwell."

He looked at the senior sister with some concern.

"It's because of the pirate ship ride just now. I haven't recovered yet. I'll just rest a little longer." Zhan Weiling said helplessly.

Su Nan let go of her worries, she didn't expect her senior to be so...afraid of heights, she almost called her weak.

Zhan Weiling just took a pirate ship, and she hasn't recovered yet. It can be said that her fear of heights is very serious, but why didn't he notice it before?

We've known each other for several years, but didn't realize that the senior is afraid of heights. Su Nan felt that his neighbor and junior were too unqualified.

Zhan Weiling wanted to rest, and Su Nan sat down together when she was bored, took out her mobile phone and opened the APP, intending to continue to help her senior sister complete the tasks in her store.

Zhan Weiling's heart beat violently, and she quickly said, "Xiao Nan, wait a minute, don't keep massaging your pet, it's not good for its health."

Su Nan nodded after listening, and turned off the APP again.

At this time, he saw a familiar figure.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi is not in a good mood recently. It is rare that today is the weekend, but she keeps thinking about that day and has been listless.

Whenever she thinks of becoming a vixen and being treated like that by Su Nan, her heart is in a mess, and she doesn't like anything.

This state made her feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. In order not to let herself continue to think about it, she came to the playground alone to relax.

I was about to line up to play Stealing Ship, using the stimulation to make myself forget my troubles, when I accidentally saw a familiar figure not far away.

Chu Xi turned his head to look, and met Su Nan's eyes, and both of them were startled at the same time.

"Why is he here?" Chu Xi looked away, feeling inexplicably nervous. She didn't know how to face Su Nan at this moment.

Then Chu Xi saw the girl sitting next to Su Nan, who seemed to be his neighbor's senior sister, and became a little upset for some reason.

"Your classmate?" Zhan Weiling followed Su Nan's gaze and saw Chu Xi. She recognized Chu Xi, but asked in an unfamiliar tone.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded, hesitated for a while, and said to the senior sister, "I'll go over and say hello."

Although I don't know why Chu Xi keeps showing him embarrassment these days, and he no longer asks him to participate in the so-called club activities, let alone the matter of helping him catch the masked woman that day.

But it's still a classmate, and even has a lot of contact with Chu Xi, so it's not easy to turn a blind eye when meeting outside.

"Let's go together." Zhan Weiling said with a smile, and stood up self-consciously.

Su Nan didn't object either, after all, it's not good to leave her senior alone.

While walking towards Chu Xi with a smile, Zhan Weiling felt unlucky in her heart. She actually met Su Nan's classmate. What would she do if she got sick next?

But Chu Xi, who saw them walking towards him, hesitated for a while, feeling that it would be very impolite to turn around and leave, so he stood there and waited.

Su Nan walked up to Chu Xi, looked at her subconsciously, and was very surprised. It seemed that Chu Xi's skin was whiter than a few days ago. She was wearing a light blue dress today, and her exposed arms and legs were like ivory carvings. nice.

"She...Chu, are you alone?"

Su Nan asked, almost saying the word president.

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