Hey, it was Zhao Xiaomin who sent the message.

Su Nan remembered that she was impulsive that day and wanted to confess to Zhao Xiaomin, but was destroyed by Shu Bao, and she never had a chance to see Zhao Xiaomin.Even the seiyuu practice at night was stopped, which made Su Nan wonder if she was dissatisfied with herself.

Su Nan replied to Zhao Xiaomin, saying that she was playing outside.

Soon, he received a language call from Zhao Xiaomin.

The ringing of the bell drew the attention of the two girls beside Su Nan.

Under their seemingly calm gaze, Su Nan clicked to answer with stiff fingers.

"Ah, Ah Nan, I miss you...no, I need your help with something, are you free now?" Zhao Xiaomin said in an urgent voice, feeling incoherent.

Since the voice call was played externally, both senior sister and Chu Xi heard Zhao Xiaomin's words, and Su Nan felt a little embarrassed.

Just as she was about to reply, Zhan Weiling approached her and spoke, her voice sounded naughty.

"Xiao Nan, that girl is looking for you again, and she clearly agreed to stay with me today." Zhan Weiling said as if complaining.

Chu Xi fiddled with her mobile phone's fingers, and bit her teeth lightly, feeling a little annoyed that she was being accused of being a light bulb.

Zhao Xiaomin, who was talking to Su Nan by voice, was a little dazed, and then his face became gloomy. Su Nan was actually dating another girl.

"Ah, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't matter if Ah Nan doesn't help, what? Don't hang up, my phone seems to be out of battery."

Zhao Xiaomin finished speaking reluctantly, and hung up directly, leaving Su Nan with no time to say a word of convincing.

Zhan Weiling didn't expect the girl to hang up right away, so she was a little embarrassed and asked, "Could it be your girlfriend?"

Chu Xi next to him subconsciously pricked up his ears.

"Uh, it's a friend, I don't know what she wants from me." Su Nan replied that it's not uncommon for Zhao Xiaomin to contact him suddenly, but it's all related to voice actor practice, and he doesn't know why Zhao Xiaomin is here. So anxious about this matter.

"Maybe I really have something urgent to do with you, so I hung up because I didn't want to disturb you. You can ask." Zhan Weiling was relieved, and then urged.

Su Nan sent Zhao Xiaomin a WeChat message after hearing the words, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't respond, and no one answered the voice call.

Just now Zhao Xiaomin's tone sounded a bit wrong, Su Nan felt that she might have misunderstood something, and now she didn't answer the phone, Su Nan felt very uneasy, "Probably the phone is out of battery." Zhan Weiling comforted him subtly, but she thought , Su Nan seemed to treat this girl a little differently.

Chu Xi stared at the phone, unconsciously clenched her hands.

At this time, the voice call was answered, but it was not Zhao Xiaomin's voice.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Xiaomin's sister. My sister is asleep. You can call me later. I'm going to play games with her phone."

This is not Zhao Junmin's voice. Zhao Xiaomin's second sister, Su Nan, has never seen her before. She was about to ask her about Zhao Xiaomin's situation, only to realize that the other party hung up after speaking.Su Nan is a little speechless, are you a game fan?

But now that she knew that Zhao Xiaomin was sleeping just now, Su Nan felt much more at ease. Zhao Xiaomin would never ask her sister to help answer the call, and then lie to him.

The afternoon sun was quite fierce, and the stone benches under the light were a little hot. Su Nan's eyes were attracted by the convenience store not far away. Looking at the refrigerator, he suddenly wanted to eat ice cream.

Chu Xi was still fiddling with her mobile phone, and the face of the senior sister had returned to normal, but at this moment, she didn't know what she was thinking and was in a daze.

The atmosphere between the three seemed a bit dull, Su Nan said: "Want to eat ice cream, I'll go buy some."

Zhan Weiling came back to her senses, thought about it, and said with a smile, "I want strawberry flavor."

"Student Chu, what about you, what flavor do you want?" Su Nan looked at Chu Xi beside him and asked.


"Uh..." Su Nan was a little surprised, and Zhan Weiling was the same. She always felt that the stinky smell of durian had nothing to do with Chu Xi. She didn't expect that she actually liked the taste of durian.

Noticing their strange eyes, Chu Xi blushed slightly, and said coldly, "Durian, the king of fruits, is much tastier than pumpkin."

To say it is a wood pumpkin is probably to read it as a fool.

Su Nan, who was bored, got up and walked to the convenience store, and picked two ice creams corresponding to the tastes of Chu Xi and Zhan Weiling, and his own by the way.

I have to say that the prices in the scenic area are really high. When ordinary ice cream comes here, the price has increased several times.

Back to the two girls, Su Nan gave them the flavors they wanted, and sat down by herself, tearing open the bag.

Zhao Xiaomin was in a dark space right now, she couldn't see anything, she couldn't feel anything, she just felt cold, but she didn't feel any discomfort at all.

She felt a little frightened, as if the punishment this time was a little scary.

At this time, the dark space was torn open, Zhao Xiaomin looked over subconsciously, but saw a huge face of Su Nan.

She was stunned, what have I become?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the dark space was broken, it was Su Nan's face that appeared, and it looked extremely huge.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little confused, what have I become?


She found herself getting closer and closer to Su Nan's mouth, her heart trembled uncontrollably, she didn't understand what happened until she was licked.

The softness of the tongue made Zhao Xiaomin tremble all over, and she was so ashamed that she exploded. At the same time, she also found that Su Nan's originally warm tongue became colder when it fell on her body.

Very strange reaction.

Before she had time to think about it, Zhao Xiaomin looked around and saw a girl sitting on the left and right of Su Nan. They were Su Nan's classmate Chu Xi, and Su Nan's neighbor, a senior in high school.

Zhao Xiaomin suddenly realized that Su Nan was not dating a girl. After all, no matter how good Su Nan was, it was impossible for her to fall in love with two girls.

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