Thinking of this, all the sadness and sadness in Zhao Xiaomin's heart disappeared completely, and his heart was filled with infinite joy.

At this time, she saw herself getting close to Su Nan again, and then being licked again, which felt extremely embarrassing.

Zhao Xiaomin thought shamefully and angrily, why on earth did Su Nan lick her!Shame to death!

Zhao Xiaomin found that it seemed that her body had become very small at this moment, and half of her body was easily licked, so she should not be in a human state.

She suddenly thought of something, and her heart was full of disbelief. She looked at Chu Xi and Zhan Weiling, and saw that each of them was eating an ice cream in their hands.

Zhao Xiaomin looked dull, she understood that she had become the ice cream in Su Nan's hand, that's why Su Nan licked it, but actually Su Nan was just licking the ice cream.

this this this this...

Has this disease gone so far?It can turn people into ice cream and be licked!

Last time she just felt the same with the charging treasure. Although it was incredible, it was not too difficult to accept. However, this time it was eaten as ice cream, which ruined the three views.

Wait until you are absolutely going to be eaten!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomin felt a little flustered, but then realized that she was eaten by Su Nan, and felt very shy for no reason.

Su Nan tore open the ice cream and licked it directly, the amazing deliciousness rippled from his buds in an instant.

Su Nan looked at the ice cream in his hand with some surprise, and didn't understand why it was so delicious. He had eaten the same type of ice cream before, but it didn't feel like this at all.

It's so delicious.

Su Nan couldn't wait to lick again.

Ah, the body is melting.

Zhao Xiaomin groaned in his heart.

"Xiao Nan, what's the matter with you?" Zhan Weiling looked at him strangely and asked, just eating an ice cream, do you need to be so expressive?

"Sister, did you find that the ice cream here is delicious?" Su Nan asked.He felt that since the two are in the same refrigerator, they should be equally delicious. After all, the price is the same, and if the two tastes differ too much, wouldn't it be that the bad one will not be sold.

But when he went to buy it just now, there were almost the same amount of ice cream left, so the sales should be close.

"Ice cream?" Zhan Weiling became confused and said, "It's delicious, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Su Nan became suspicious. The delicious ice cream that the senior sister said was definitely different from what he said. Could it be that his ice cream is really delicious?

Could it be that the shopkeeper misread it just now and miscalculated the price for himself, but the ice cream is actually very expensive?

Even so, Su Nan didn't intend to go back and ask, and shook her head at Zhan Weiling: "It's nothing, maybe it's because the weather is hot, I think the ice cream is delicious."

"I always feel that Mu Nan eats ice cream a bit badly." At this moment, Chu Xi interjected.

Zhan Weiling seemed to think so too, blushing slightly.

Su Nan thought for a while before realizing what Chu Xi said. He ate ice cream just now, just like that.Su Nan's face turned dark immediately, as expected of Wu Xi, all these can be connected, by the way, senior sister, you are blushing a lot.

The two girls blushed and continued to eat the ice cream. Of course, they absolutely didn't need to lick it, but bit it lightly with their white teeth.

After Su Nan was reminded, he naturally stopped licking it. Instead, he took a light bite on the ice cream, and immediately the more intense deliciousness spread in his mouth, which made him sigh unconsciously. It was so delicious.

Some of the body was eaten, and Zhao Xiaomin could clearly feel Su Nan's teeth entering her body, and then part of her body was contained by her lips, and after entering her mouth, she was rolled by her tongue, biting her teeth lightly, feeling so abnormal!

Although it has become ice cream, the feeling is very clear, as if it is really being licked and eaten.Zhao Xiaomin was very ashamed.Even the part that was eaten had the same feeling.

Being held in Su Nan's mouth, thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomin's head was dizzy, as if drunk, her mind went blank and she couldn't think about anything.

When she came back to her senses later, she realized that sooner or later she would be eaten like this, and even if she wasn't eaten, she would melt. She felt a little panicked in her heart, what would she become then?

After Su Nan ate the ice cream one bite at a time, she just wanted to eat it again after eating it, the aftertaste was endless.

But Zhao Xiaomin's eyes dimmed, and he completely lost consciousness.

The next moment, Zhao Xiaomin woke up with a start and found that she was still lying on the bed.

She sat up in a daze, with a dazed look on her face. Could it be that she was dreaming just now?

But that dream was too real, besides, Zhao Xiaomin knew her situation at that time.

She had a sudden attack before and wanted to ask Su Nan for help, but she misunderstood that Su Nan was dating another girl, so she hung up the phone sadly and angrily, and soon lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she had already turned into an ice cream state, so Su Nan ate the ice cream, and she came back?

I always feel a little uneasy. The last punishment lasted for a whole day.

"Sister, are you awake?"

Next to her sister Zhao Ruomin's voice came, Zhao Xiaomin turned her head to look, and found that her sister was holding her mobile phone in her hand, as if she was startled by her sudden waking up.

Zhao Xiaomin frowned, and said unhappily, "Are you playing games with my phone again?"

"It's nothing, my sister's cell phone rang just now, and I just helped answer it." Zhao Ruomin said guiltily.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't believe it at all, and was about to teach her a few words, when suddenly her consciousness became a little blurred, as if the soul in her body was being torn out of her body.

Zhao Xiaomin yawned and fell asleep.

Zhao Ruomin was stunned for a moment, and then his face beamed with joy.Keep playing the game.

The next moment, Zhao Xiaomin regained consciousness and found himself in a dark space again.She suddenly realized that it meant this, after it turned into an ice cream and was eaten, it would turn into the next one.

In other words, she will be licked and eaten later?

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