Zhao Xiaomin felt shy all over.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the dark space to be torn apart again, and Su Nan's face came into view.

After eating one ice cream just now, Su Nan felt that she was still not satisfied, so she bought three more of the same ice cream, intending to let her senior and Chu Xi experience the ultimate delicacy.

When he bought it, he noticed that the price was almost the same as the one he bought before, which was a bit confusing.

After tearing open the ice cream, Su Nan couldn't wait to take a bite.

Ah, the body has been eaten, the temperature of Su Nan's tongue is so warm and soft.

Zhao Xiaomin was licked until she became unconscious.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The steaming ice cream was sucked into the mouth, and then slowly melted.The temperature of the other party's lips was extremely deep, and his tongue licked it from time to time, as if his whole body was shivering. Zhao Xiaomin was in a trance from being licked until he lost consciousness again.

Su Nan threw the ice cream stick into the trash can, smacked her lips, and had the idea of ​​buying another one to eat. The taste was so delicious, it seemed like it would be addictive.

Then he looked at Chuxi and Zhan Weiling strangely again, this time he bought the same type of ice cream, why the two of them didn't react at all after eating it, it was so strange.

"Isn't the ice cream delicious?" Su Nan couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

Zhan Weiling looked at him puzzled, not understanding why he asked such a question, nodded and said, "It's delicious, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's delicious, I want to buy one more." Su Nan said, feeling very puzzled. Judging from the reaction of the senior sister, the delicious food she said is the kind that is often encountered in daily life, which is completely different from his understanding. different.

"How long has it been since Mu Nan had ice cream?" Chu Xi was a little speechless. One ice cream is almost enough to eat, and two will get tired of it. Su Nan actually wanted to buy it.

Su Nan smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer, and the doubts in his heart became more intense, both of them were like this, could it be that there was something wrong with his sense of taste?

Thinking of this, Su Nan got up and walked to the convenience store. This time he bought six sticks and came back directly, so as not to have to make another trip later when he wanted to eat.

Zhan Weiling and Chu Xi looked at the ice cream in his hand, they looked at each other, very speechless, their stomachs are already full, do you want to eat more?And it's still two for one person.

Chu Xi touched his stomach, shook his head and said, "I won't eat, you can eat."

Eating it will make your stomach grow longer.

Zhan Weiling probably had the same consideration, and complained: "I don't want to eat anymore, you bought too much at once, can you finish it?"

Su Nan was also a little embarrassed, but she just looked down at the ice cream in the bag, and said affirmatively, "It should be fine."

Recently, his appetite has increased a lot, he should be able to eat eight ice creams, if not, he will throw them away, but the taste is so delicious, even if he is full, he still has to eat it.

Su Nan even memorized the brand, and decided to buy a few boxes to keep at home after returning home, and eat a few sticks a day.

Su Nan couldn't wait to tear open the package and put the ice cream in her mouth to take a bite.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't rest for a long time, and saw Su Nan again. When she had close contact with his lips and teeth, a piece of ice cream was bitten off. Her colleague had a very special feeling, and felt so ashamed.

But this time the feeling didn't last long, and the consciousness returned, because Su Nan quickly ate a piece of ice cream.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, her eyes lit up again, and she had already possessed another ice cream.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin was speechless and shy. If she was licked like this, she would never be able to marry in this life.

Su Nan ate four ice creams in one go, making the two girls around him dumbfounded. Including what he had eaten before, Su Nan had already eaten a total of six ice creams.

Seeing that Su Nan picked up another ice cream and tore it open, and was about to eat it again, Zhan Weiling quickly stopped him: "Xiao Nan, wait a minute."

Su Nan paused for a moment, raised her head and looked at Zhan Weiling in confusion.

Zhan Weiling said speechlessly: "You've already eaten six sticks, and if you eat any more, you'll have diarrhea. There are people like this. Throw away the rest."

Su Nan glanced at the ice cream in his hand, and said with some reluctance, "It's too wasteful to throw it away. Anyway, I've eaten so much, so I'm not short of these two."

"Is this ice cream so delicious?" Chu Xi frowned and stared at Su Nan. In her mind, it is enough to eat an ice cream once in a while. After all, it is not a good thing. Su Nan's behavior of eating ice cream as a meal made her I can't see it, what if I eat bad stomach?

At the same time, she couldn't figure it out. She also tasted the ice cream that Su Nan ate just now, and it obviously tasted very ordinary. Why did Su Nan eat so vigorously?

"I just want to ask you, do you really feel nothing about this ice cream? I think this is the best ice cream I've ever eaten."

Su Nan also looked confused. Logically speaking, his sense of taste has always been fine, and it is impossible for him to be too different from them.

"I think it's not bad, but it's not the best. Maybe Xiaonan, you like this kind of taste better." Zhan Weiling guessed.

"Maybe, I'll eat another one, and I won't eat it after I finish this one." Su Nan said that he wanted to continue eating, because after opening it for a while, it was about to melt.

At this time, Chu Xi frowned, and stretched out his white tender hand to him: "Give it to me, let me taste it to see if it's really as delicious as you said."

At the same time, Chu Xi winked at Zhan Weiling.

Zhan Weiling came over, smiled and took the last unopened ice cream, tore open the package, took a bite, and said with a smile, "The last one is mine."

Seeing Chuxi stretch out her hand to herself, Su Nan struggled a little in his heart. This is the last one, and he hasn't had enough of it yet. Do you want to give it to Chuxi?

"Why, Mu Nan has eaten so much, don't you want to share it with me?" Chu Xi said indifferently.

"Okay." Seeing this, Su Nan had no choice but to hand over the ice cream in his hand to Chu Xi. Anyway, he can buy it if he wants to eat it, but the behavior of Chu Xi and Zhan Weiling snatching his ice cream also made him understand that they don't want him to continue eating, so I can only endure it for the time being.

Chu Xi reached out to take the ice cream, and felt his fingers lightly touch Su Nan's, making his pretty face dizzy.

She took the ice cream calmly, and ate it casually, thinking about what happened that night.

Su Nan really didn't remember anything, and Chu Xi felt a sense of loss for some reason.

Suddenly, Chu Xi was taken aback, and his eyes widened subconsciously. When he took a bite of the ice cream, it was completely different from before, and even a hundred times more delicious taste exploded in his mouth in an instant, making Chu Xi feel like he had eaten the ice cream in the world. The tastiest thing ever.

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