Chu Xi realized that only she and Su Nan were left, and she suddenly panicked. After all, that kind of thing happened, she still can't look directly at Su Nan, and wants to go back.

But thinking about Su Nan's craving for ice cream now, and whenever he eats ice cream, Zhao Xiaomin will possess him and be licked by him.Chu Xi felt uncomfortable and decided to prevent this from happening.

Therefore, she cannot go yet.

The venue for extreme sports is far away from the convenience store. Noticing that Su Nan looked frequently at the refrigerator in the convenience store, Chu Xi immediately stood up and said, "Munan, don't stand still, you won't find a good location when it's too late."

When watching the extreme show, even though the process was very exciting and even accompanied by beauties, Su Nan couldn't calm down for some reason, and frequently thought of the ice cream that she had just eaten, she was very greedy and wanted to eat it.

Turning her head to look at Chu Xi, she found that she was watching the performance intently, so Su Nan was embarrassed to disturb her.

The show was over, it was past four in the afternoon.

It will take at least an hour for Su Nan to go back by car, and he has to leave now to go back and cook for Qin Xiaowan.

Just about to ask Chu Xi to leave, unexpectedly Chu Xi said first: "Munan, let's go ride the roller coaster."

Su Nan froze for a moment, didn't she say she didn't like it before?

"Go quickly." Chu Xi urged him to take a step first, regardless of whether he answered or not, and Su Nan had no choice but to follow.

Chu Xi, who was walking in front, was thinking secretly. According to the time, Zhao Xiaomin's punishment started at about one or two o'clock in the noon and lasted for [-] hours, that is to say, it would last until tomorrow.

If she wanted to keep staring at Su Nan and not let him eat ice cream, she had to stay with Su Nan all the time tonight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There were unexpectedly many people riding the roller coaster. The two started from [-]:[-] and queued up until [-]:[-].

Standing in the crowd, Su Nan felt that her throat was a little dry and her mood was a little depressed. She kept thinking about the ice cream not long ago and wanted to eat it very much.

He was very puzzled by his state, even if he was greedy for something in normal times, he would not be so obsessed with it, as if he was addicted.

It's just that the irritability in his heart made him unable to calm down and think about why.

"Munan." It was Chu Xi's voice.

Su Nan looked up at Chu Xi. She looked at herself with a little worry, but it didn't seem to be the case. She still said calmly, "Be patient."

Su Nan knew that she misunderstood that she was waiting in line, but she was too embarrassed to say that she was greedy, so she suppressed her desire to eat and concentrated on queuing.

During the period, he also sent a WeChat message to Qin Xiaowan, telling her that he might go back later tonight.

Recently, Qin Xiaowan seems to be learning to cook, and she is already able to cook alone, and there are still a lot of ingredients left in the refrigerator, so she should not be hungry.

At [-]:[-], they were finally in line, and under the watchful eyes of the staff, they sat down.

Su Nan and Chu Xi sat in the same row, next to each other.

His arm accidentally touched Chu Xi's arm, and he felt trembling faintly.

Su Nan was startled, turned to look at Chu Xi, and found that her face had turned pale.

Could it be that Chu Xi is also afraid of heights?

Maybe not a fear of heights, just a normal fear of these kinds of games.

At this moment, the roller coaster was about to start, and she couldn't go down. Su Nan could only comfort her and said, "It will be better if you call it out later."

Chu Xi glared at him, dissatisfied with being underestimated, she wouldn't bark, how embarrassing.

next moment.

Screams pierced the sky.

Su Nan felt that Chuxi's screams beside him were very harsh. He didn't expect that he was usually cold and indifferent, but he screamed so crazy, which surprised him, "Stop screaming, your throat will break."

Su Nan reminded, but at this time the wind was howling and screams were everywhere, Chu Xi couldn't hear it at all.

Speeding, diving, and falling rapidly, the thrill caused Chu Xi to instinctively open his mouth and scream, and his long hair was messed up by the wind.

She regretted it, regretted why she insisted on riding a roller coaster in order to hold Su Nan back.

She vaguely felt that Su Nan next to her said something to her, he didn't make a sound at all, his face was very calm, and he even had time to look at her.

The ugliness at this moment must have fallen into Su Nan's eyes. Chu Xi felt inexplicably ashamed, but it was a pity that the sensory stimulation was unbearable, and she couldn't control herself from making a sound.

After getting off the roller coaster, Chu Xi's legs felt weak, and when he saw Su Nan standing beside him, he instinctively hugged him.

For half a second, Chu Xi's body froze, and she hurriedly moved away from Su Nan, but her weak legs almost made her fall down.

Seeing this, Su Nan stepped forward to support her, pointed to the chair over there and said, "Go and have a rest."

At this time, she couldn't walk at all, so in desperation, Chu Xi had no choice but to let Su Nan help her, her fair cheeks turned slightly red.

Su Nan didn't have time to pay attention to Chu Xi's state at this time, even supporting Chu Xi was just supporting him, he had no other thoughts in his mind, now he just felt that he really wanted to eat ice cream.

Supporting Chuxi to sit down, Su Nan saw that the sky was getting dark and she was already hungry, so she asked her, "What do you want to eat, I'll go buy some."

"Just buy water, let's go out for dinner." Chu Xi said slightly embarrassed, the scene just now was too embarrassing.

Su Nan was startled, did Chu Xi mean to have dinner with him?

But... It's normal for classmates to come out to play together and have a meal together.

Without thinking too much, Su Nan went to the convenience store to buy two bottles of drinks, then his eyes fell on the refrigerator, hesitated for a moment, and walked over to get an ice cream.Chu Xi should not eat it, so there is no need to buy hers.

When Su Nan paid the bill, Zhao Xiaomin at home suddenly felt sleepy. When she realized what happened, her face changed slightly, and she hurried back to the room to lie down. The strange behavior made the two younger sisters baffled.

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