Back beside Chu Xi, Su Nan sat down, unscrewed the lid of the drink, and handed it to Chu Xi.

"Thank you." She whispered something and drank silently.

Chu Xi seems a little different today.

Thinking of such an idea, Su Nan didn't have the time to think deeply. After quenching his thirst, he took out the ice cream in front of Chu Xi.

Chu Xi frowned slightly, and pretended to ask casually, "Why did you buy ice cream again? I ate too much before."

"Buy it and try it. I know you won't eat it, so I didn't buy it for you." Su Nan replied while tearing open the package.

Chu Xi felt a little anxious, and continued to say: "Don't eat, I'll treat you to dinner later."

Su Nan was startled, and looked at her with surprise on his face. Chu Xi's tone of voice made him a little uncomfortable, and he didn't feel much aggressive.

At this time, the scent of ice cream has already been smelled, Su Nan has no time to think about other things, he just wants to eat, he said: "Thanks, there is not much for a piece of ice cream, just eat it after you buy it, otherwise it will be a waste."

Seeing that he still refused to give up, Chu Xi frowned even more, and said in a cold tone, "Is my treat not as good as an ice cream? I, Chu Xi, am I not as good as an ice cream to you?"

Chu Xi's face was dissatisfied, Su Nan stared at her blankly, her head was a little confused, it was simply inexplicable how this was related.

But Chu Xi seemed to be angry, Su Nan hesitated for a while, but still resisted the desire to eat, and put down the ice cream.

Although I think Chu Xi's strong words are unreasonable, but it's too childish to have an argument with her because of eating ice cream, so it's better to take a step back.

But I still really want to eat.

Su Nan stared at the ice cream in her hand and swallowed.

Chu Xi couldn't bear it. She found that Su Nan seemed to be affected, and that strange disease could still affect Su Nan.

"Give this one to me, and you can buy another one." Chu Xi said, her voice unconsciously soft.

Su Nan froze for a moment.

What Chu Xi thought was that Zhao Xiaomin should be attached to this ice cream at this time. Since Su Nan wants to eat it, it will be no problem to buy another one.

Then Su Nan went to buy another ice cream, tore it open in front of Chu Xi, and took a light bite. The familiar and extremely delicious taste bloomed in his mouth, and he couldn't help but swallow it in one gulp.

But Chu Xi, who watched him eat, had a complicated expression, guessing that Zhao Xiaomin might have moved from the ice cream in her hand to the one Su Nan ate.

Su Nan's lips, Su Nan's teeth, and Su Nan's tongue are making the most intimate contact with Zhao Xiaomin's body.

Whenever she thought of this, a strange emotion in Chu Xi's heart was like fermented dough, which suddenly swelled up, making her feel a sour taste in her heart.

She vaguely understood what kind of emotion this was, the feeling of jealousy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After eating the ice cream, Su Nan felt a lot more relaxed, but at the same time calmed down, and was puzzled by her situation just now.

Obviously he is not the kind of greedy person, why do I keep wanting to eat ice cream today?

There was no time to think about it, because Su Nan found that Chu Xi was staring at him in a daze beside him, with a dazed expression.

The way she looked at herself was very strange, which made Su Nan a little confused, as if there were countless emotions in it, constantly surging, extremely complicated.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Nan looked at her inexplicably worried.

Chu Xi gradually came back to his senses, shook his head at him with a complicated expression, glanced at the ice cream stick left in his hand, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Su Nan ate too fast just now, and she had no time to stop it.

"Going back." Resisting the uncomfortable mood, Chu Xi got up and walked away without waiting for Su Nan to react. From a distance, her shoulders seemed to be trembling.

Su Nan stared at Chu Xi's back in a daze, feeling baffled.

It felt like Chu Xi was angry, but Su Nan thought about what happened just now, and couldn't remember how he offended her.

Looking down at the ice cream that Chu Xi hadn't eaten yet, Su Nan held it in his hand and chased after it.

Coming out of the playground, the sky had completely darkened at this time, and the street lights on the road were on.

Because there are many fun things in the playground at night, most people still stay inside, so there are not many pedestrians outside, only Chu Xi and Su Nan are walking quietly one by one. Don't go back, just go straight forward.

Su Nan opened her mouth several times to ask her, but she couldn't figure out what was going on with her, so she didn't speak rashly, but followed her silently.

After walking for a while, Su Nan noticed that the ice cream in his hand seemed to be melting, and wondered if he should just eat it, because his urge to eat it appeared again, and his throat felt itchy, which was unbearable.

Looking at Chu Xi's back a few meters in front of her eyes, Su Nan tore off the outer packaging of the ice cream without hesitation, took a bite of it, and felt the ultimate delicacy.

At this time Chu Xi was angry, but Su Nan didn't consider whether it was inappropriate for him to eat in the back, he just wanted to eat.

Chu Xi, who was walking in front, looked hesitant. Su Nan didn't know anything, and losing his temper with him was inexplicable. After all, Su Nan was not someone like her. Thinking of this, Chu Xi stopped and looked back at Su Nan. Nan, but found that he was eating ice cream again, and was stunned.

Looking at the expression of enjoyment on his face because of the deliciousness, and thinking that the ice cream might be a girl's body, Chu Xi suddenly felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

As if the brain didn't think about it, Chu Xi quickly walked up to Su Nan, reached out and snatched the ice cream in his hand, and threw it under the tree roots aside, and said coldly, "I just know how to eat it, are you a pig?"

Su Nan frowned all of a sudden, this is too much, what does it have to do with you if I eat ice cream?

"Did you come to see your aunt today?" Su Nan said bluntly. He was also very surprised when he just said the words. He didn't understand what happened to him today. If he could say such words, Chu Xi would probably be very angry. .

Chu Xi stared at him coldly, really angry, but she also knew that Su Nan didn't understand anything, and what he did was hard for him to understand.

At the same time, Su Nan is still being influenced.

Tell Su Nan the secret?

As soon as this idea appeared, Chu Xi inexplicably felt a chill in his heart, a little uneasy, as if he had received some kind of warning.

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