"Xiao Min." Su Nan hesitated, and greeted in a normal tone: "Are you still awake so late?"

"I can't sleep, I want to hear your voice, Nan." Zhao Xiaomin did not hide the fact that she was interested in him.

Su Nan didn't know how to answer.

Zhao Xiaomin asked him casually: "A Nan, are you at home? I suddenly want to see you, can I have a video call with you?"

"It might be inconvenient for me to be outside." Su Nan said, subconsciously looking in the direction of the bathroom.

"Then... Ah Nan, are you going home tonight?" Zhao Xiaomin's voice seemed to become tense.

This question made Su Nan feel weird, as if Zhao Xiaomin knew that he was with other girls now.

"Go back, go back if you have nothing to do." Su Nan said.

"Then go back early. It's better not to stay out too late, Ah Nan. The pervert who caught me to threaten you last time might attack you again." Zhao Xiaomin vowed.

"I'll pay attention."

After chatting for a few more words, Zhao Xiaomin took the initiative to hang up the phone.

At this time, Chu Xi also came out of the bathroom. The hat on her head had been taken off, the fox ears disappeared, and so did the tail behind her.

"We can go back." Noticing the surprised look in his eyes, Chu Xi explained: "For some reason, they retracted by themselves just now."

Su Nan felt a pity for some reason, but she stood up and said congratulations. After a pause, Su Nan then said, "President, between us..."

"Munan." Chu Xi interrupted him, lowered his head slightly, his voice could not detect emotion: "There are some things you may need to calm down."

"Maybe." Su Nan couldn't deny it, but he didn't ask any further. He could feel Chu Xi's resistance, a little puzzled, a little dazed.

I don't understand the relationship between myself and her, and I don't understand why she did this that night?Interested in him?Or was it forced for some reason?

At the same time, Su Nan also felt a little bit at a loss in her heart.

After they came out of the hotel, the two of them remained silent, and no one made a sound. They walked quietly until they reached the subway station.

Su Nan stopped and saw a car parked on the road in front of the subway station. The driver in the car was the female driver that day. She was staring at him with unkind eyes, probably thinking that he took Chuxi out to do it. What a bad thing.

Su Nan glanced at the female driver, then looked away. He looked at Chu Xi in front of him again, was silent for a while, and said, "President, it's more convenient for me to go back by subway."

Chu Xi nodded, hesitated, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something to him, but he couldn't say it for some reason.

Su Nan waited quietly, and at the end couldn't help asking: "President, what do you want to say to me?"

"Su Nan." Chu Xi's eyelids were slightly closed, and her lips parted slightly: "There are some things that you don't need to rush to make a choice, you just need to wait. Also, don't eat ice cream tonight."

After saying such a meaningful sentence, Chu Xi gave Su Nan a serious look, then turned his back to him and walked towards the female driver, his shoulders trembling slightly.

Su Nan looked at her back in puzzlement, he suddenly realized that he couldn't figure out what this girl was thinking at all, perhaps, he had never really understood her.

Back at the gate of the community, Su Nan's eyes fell on a shop outside the community. There should be ice cream to buy here, but remembering Chu Xi's words inexplicably, Su Nan resisted the impulse and walked into the community.

When I got home, it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and the lights in Qin Xiaowan's room had been turned off, so she probably fell asleep.

Su Nan checked out WeChat, and there was a message from Zhao Xiaomin on it. When he took the subway just now, Zhao Xiaomin kept sending him WeChat, concerned about whether he had arrived home.

Su Nan replied, she put down her phone, went to the refrigerator and opened it, and there were dishes that should have been left for him by Qin Xiaowan. This girl has become a little more sensible recently.

Su Nan had eaten it before, so she turned off the refrigerator, went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, and controlled her almost addictive urge to eat ice cream.

It's very strange, what happened to me today?

Although she knew something was wrong, Su Nan still couldn't think of the reason.

After taking a shower, because Qin Xiaowan fell asleep, Su Nan walked out with only her underpants on and her upper body bare as if she lived alone.

Unexpectedly, when she returned to the living room, Qin Xiaowan suddenly opened the door and appeared at the door. When her eyes fell on him, her face flushed slightly.She looked away, and asked in an unnatural tone: "Where did you go, I came back so late."

Su Nan put the clothes in her hand on and replied, "I went out to play with my classmates. I wanted to ask you to go with me, but I'm afraid you won't get used to it."

He admired himself a little, talking nonsense.

"It's nothing, I don't want to go." Qin Xiaowan muttered, and then casually asked: "Don't you want to eat?"

"I've eaten outside." Su Nan replied.

"Oh." Qin Xiaowan looked a little disappointed.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and changed her words: "But I'm hungry again, and I'm going to eat supper, do you have any food left for me?"

The disappointment on Qin Xiaowan's face was swept away, and she said nonchalantly: "The leftovers are in the refrigerator, if you want to eat, heat it yourself, if you don't eat, throw it away tomorrow."

It's really honest.

Su Nan shook her head inwardly, the words had already been spoken, so she could only go to the refrigerator to take out the food and heat it up under Qin Xiaowan's seemingly expectant eyes.

"You either, so much that I can't finish it all by myself." Seeing Qin Xiaowan sitting on the sofa, Su Nan felt embarrassed to eat alone, and asked her.

"Really, if you can't eat that much, just heat it up less, it's all a waste." Saying this, Qin Xiaowan got up from the sofa and walked over to sit down, her ears blushing inexplicably.

Su Nan slandered in her heart, she just said that it would be dumped tomorrow.

Qin Xiaowan was sitting across from her holding a bowl and eating silently. When Su Nan looked at her, she suddenly froze for a moment, remembering a very frightening thing. Since what happened with Chu Xi that night was true, what about the one with Qin Xiaowan?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What do you see me doing?"

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