Qin Xiaowan was eating, and suddenly noticed that Su Nan was staring at him, his eyes looked a little weird.

She thought she had rice grains on her face, and after she muttered something, Lian took out a tissue and carefully wiped her wet lips.

Su Nan stared blankly at her wiping her mouth, recalling what Qin Xiaowan did to her that night, she immediately lowered her head in a panic: "It's okay."

After wiping for a while without wiping off the rice grains, Qin Xiaowan frowned and gave Su Nan a sideways look, picked up the chopsticks and continued eating.

Su Nan lowered her head, she had no appetite at this time, she even felt a little terrified in her heart, what the hell happened to Qin Xiaowan that night?

If that incident was true, if my mother knew about it, I would definitely break my leg first, and I would never have a chance to go to the German orthopedics department.

It's just that when Su Nan thought about this period of time, Qin Xiaowan didn't seem to have any abnormal behavior, and she behaved normally when facing herself.

Logically speaking, after doing that kind of thing, it should be impossible for Qin Xiaowan to remain calm. Could it be that everything is actually her own illusion?

Then Su Nan thought that the mysterious things with Chu Xi were true, and the things with Qin Xiaowan probably couldn't be fake, so there was only one possibility, Qin Xiaowan was pretending that nothing happened.

Su Nan was not stupid enough to ask Qin Xiaowan about this matter, he hurriedly finished his meal, washed his things, and went back to his room. He decided to calm down, and then consider Qin Xiaowan's purpose for doing so.

Zhao Xiaomin kept guarding his phone until late at night, and he was a little relieved when he received a WeChat message from Su Nan when he arrived home.

But Zhao Xiaomin was still very uneasy, afraid that Su Nan was lying to her.

Thinking of the scene he saw when he became an ice cream not long ago, Zhao Xiaomin felt a little blocked and felt very uncomfortable.

Su Nan is now suffering from an ice cream addiction because she is being punished. However, she has not turned into ice cream again after so long. It is likely that Chu Xi is stopping Su Nan, that is to say, Chu Xi and Su Nan Nan may still be together.

Chu Xi must have discovered her secret, otherwise she would not have reacted so strongly to Su Nan's behavior of eating ice cream, and she also knew Chu Xi's secret, they are actually the same kind of people.

Zhao Xiaomin thought of this, and at the same time realized one thing, that is, she is definitely not the only one suffering from a strange disease.

The melodious ringtone woke up Zhao Xiaomin who was worried about gain and loss. She looked at the caller ID suspiciously, it was an unfamiliar number.

Zhao Xiaomin's mobile phone has received many calls from strangers, but most of them are advertisements. This time she thought so too, but at the moment of refusing to answer, a sudden impulse arose in her heart, causing her to press the answer button.

The phone was stuck to the ear for a while, but the other party still didn't make a sound. Zhao Xiaomin hesitated, and said, "Chu Xi."

Her intuition told her that it was Chu Xi who called.

"It's me." Hearing Chu Xi's voice from the phone, Zhao Xiaomin became a little nervous for some reason: "How do you know my phone number, and why are you looking for me at such a late hour?"

"I asked your classmate for the number, Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan has already gone home."

"What does it matter to me if he goes home?" Zhao Xiaomin said pretending not to care.

"Didn't you call him all the time before? You were worried that he would open a room with me."

"Ah Nan... No way." The voice suddenly dropped.

After a moment of silence, Chu Xi asked: "Are you free tomorrow? I want to talk to you about me, about you, and Su Nan, about the three of us."

Zhao Xiaomin's breath was stagnant, and she said nonchalantly, "Can't we talk on the phone?"

"Some things are easier to explain in person."

Chu Xi's unexpected seriousness made Zhao Xiaomin suddenly feel a little breathless. What he imagined in his mind was the story of his wife tearing up the mistress. No, Chu Xi and Su Nan are not in a relationship, so he is not a mistress.

Realizing this, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly gained confidence and said to the phone, "Let's meet there."

In the morning, after Zhao Xiaomin made breakfast for her sisters, she took a shower to wash off the oily smell on her body.

Today she is going to meet her love rival, let's ignore the rest, in short, she must not lose in the aura field.

After returning to the room and changing into a brand new dress, which was also the best she had so far, Zhao Xiaomin went out under the curious gazes of her sisters.

"Eldest sister will definitely go on a date today." Zhao Ruomin said with certainty while holding her chin.

It was so obvious who couldn't see it, so Zhao Junmin, who was cleaning next to her, ignored her at all.

Zhao Ruomin continued: "I saw my eldest sister sitting with a boy on the school playground a few days ago, and at the first sight I saw that there was an adulterous relationship between them, so I used the excuse that you were sick, Junmin, to trick my eldest sister back home. .”

Zhao Junmin paused, thinking curiously, that boy should be Su Nan, I think he is a good person, it might be a good choice for the eldest sister to live with him, but can he accept the eldest sister?

Thinking of her own situation, Zhao Junmin felt a little worried.

After recovering, Zhao Junmin found that the second sister was putting on her shoes at the door, as if she was planning to go out.

"Are you going to play games for others?"

"Yeah, I'm off to make money, Junmin, stay at home and be good, don't run around, it's dangerous outside."

Zhao Ruomin said carelessly, opened the door and went out.

Zhao Junmin frowned. The second sister's behavior seems to reveal a kind of weirdness recently, which made her feel a little uneasy. She wanted to tell the eldest sister, but recently the eldest sister has something on her mind, and she often loses her mind in a daze. She doesn't want to disturb her even more. So I plan to talk about it in a few days.

After leaving home, Zhao Xiaomin took the bus and came to a coffee shop ten minutes earlier, found a corner and sat down quietly waiting for Chu Xi's arrival.

A car that looked like a luxurious car was parked at the entrance of the coffee shop. Zhao Xiaomin watched Chu Xi get out of the car with her own eyes. She had perfect facial features, skin as white as snow, straight black hair, and her every move was elegant and elegant. The indifferent temperament, like a noble princess, attracts the attention of people around her.

Zhao Xiaomin took a look at the clothes on her body, feeling inexplicably ashamed, and it seemed that most of the courage she had mustered up from last night to today had been vented now.

Chu Xi walked into the coffee shop. It was morning, so there was no one there.The first time she saw Zhao Xiaomin was sitting in the corner, staring at her complicatedly.

Chu Xi walked over without hesitation and sat down opposite Zhao Xiaomin.

The two didn't speak for the first time, they were looking at each other.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't know why Chu Xi asked her to come out, but it must have something to do with Su Nan. From what she saw, the relationship between Chu Xi and Su Nan was already very close, so close that she felt jealous, so Chu Xi was very jealous. Probably to warn her.So Zhao Xiaomin looked at Chu Xi with vigilance.

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