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Chu Xi didn't care about the way Zhao Xiaomin looked at her. After the waiter brought the coffee, she didn't move, staring at the coffee surrounded by thick fog, a little distracted.

After being dazed for a while, Chu Xi came back to his senses, seeing Zhao Xiaomin who was facing a formidable enemy, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"What do you think of me?"

"Anyway, you're here to persuade me to leave Ah Nan. Let me tell you, if you don't care about it, I won't be afraid of you." Zhao Xiaomin said with a puffy face, making herself look a little fierce.

Chu Xi was slightly speechless with the sight of Mary Su, the heroine of this inexplicable film and television drama.

"It seems that you like him very much. Last night...were you confessing to him?" Chu Xi raised his eyebrows, and then asked in a complicated tone.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed and didn't answer, it was an admission.

With his hands on his knees clenched into fists, Chu Xi said calmly, "I won't persuade you to leave Su Nan, because I don't do meaningless things, and whoever Su Nan is with is beyond his control. .”

"What do you mean?" Zhao Xiaomin was a little confused. Didn't Chuxi come to force her to make her nervous all night, and why Ah Nan couldn't decide who to be with?

After being silent for a while, Chu Xi's expression became a little helpless:

"Seeing how I looked last night, you should have guessed that I'm just as unfortunate as you. Neither of us can leave Su Nan's side, at least not for now. No one with Su Nan can change this situation. Situation, if you are with Su Nan, can you not care at all when I am being punished?"

Chu Xi looked deeply at Zhao Xiaomin, who was frowning unknowingly, and said, "Besides me and you, there are other existences like us, can you accept that Su Nan shames other girls all the time? "

Zhao Xiaomin opened her mouth wide, a little surprised, there are more people suffering from strange diseases?

When she saw the appearance of Zhao Chuxi's fox girl yesterday, she had guessed something, until Chuxi now admitted it herself, but Zhao Xiaomin was startled by the existence of more of the same.

Every patient needs to gain the feeling of shame through Su Nan, so as to make himself less uncomfortable. When thinking about this, Zhao Xiaomin felt very uncomfortable.

At the same time, there was an even more shameful punishment for failure. She remembered her two punishment experiences, and when she thought of being treated like this by Su Nan instead of another girl, her jealousy suddenly rose.

"But can't you stop it? Didn't you stop my punishment yesterday? Ah Nan hasn't eaten ice cream yet."

Zhao Xiaomin felt a little reconciled, thinking about what happened yesterday.

"The way of punishment is all kinds of strange, and it is almost impossible to stop it in advance. If I hadn't accidentally discovered that you and I are the same kind of people yesterday, I would not have imagined that you would become an ice cream."

Chu Xi said, her expression was a bit weird, looking at this girl who was licked by Su Nan over and over again yesterday, she felt a sour feeling in her heart again.

Zhao Xiaomin seemed to know what she was thinking, and lowered her head shyly.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin raised her head again, the blush on her face remained, and she frowned and asked, "So, what are you going to do? You just asked me out to talk about this?"

Chu Xi shook his head: "You should understand, our choice is not important at all, because we have no right to choose. As long as we don't solve the strange disease, we can't do without Su Nan."

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned.

Chu Xi looked at her, and said in a complicated tone: "And Su Nan can't refuse, even if he is Liu Xiahui, we, including those sick girls, will turn into strange things and come to him No one around us can refuse, so all the choices we make are meaningless."

Chu Xi's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Zhao Xiaomin's chest heavily, making her feel very heavy instantly.

When you like someone, there is no doubt that you hope that the other person will like you wholeheartedly and only have yourself.

But because she was not the only one suffering from the strange disease, Su Nan would meet many girls without knowing it.After experiencing the pain of the attack, Zhao Xiaomin could guess what those girls would lose their minds and do to Su Nan in that situation.

Even if Su Nan refused, they would be punished for not being satisfied, and they would come to Su Nan's side.

This is an unsolvable problem at all.

Zhao Xiaomin suddenly understood Chu Xi's feelings. It was meaningless for anyone to be with Su Nan. At most, he could only gain the reputation of Su Nan's girlfriend, and then use him openly to shame him.

But as a girlfriend, with an official status, knowing this fact, I can only watch myself being NTR helplessly, and I will definitely feel even more unhappy.

However, he couldn't stop it, and couldn't even accuse Su Nan of anything, because he didn't know.

"What... what should we do?" Zhao Xiaomin asked Chu Xi blankly.

Chu Xi quietly blushed suddenly, which stunned Zhao Xiaomin who was looking at her.

"Keep the status quo and pretend you don't know anything. Or... Zhao Xiaomin, let's cooperate." Chu Xi suddenly said very seriously.

"Cooperation?" Zhao Xiaomin was a little dumbfounded, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no solution but to maintain the status quo and cooperate.

It's just that Zhao Xiaomin doesn't understand how to cooperate in this kind of thing?

"Yes." Chu Xi nodded: "When we all know the basics, use Su Nan to relieve your illness, will it make you feel better?"

"Uh...probably." Zhao Xiaomin looked weird, but knowing that Chu Xi would definitely find Su Nan to alleviate his illness, it seemed much better than they secretly hiding it from him, at least...with a green hat Do you also understand?

"At the same time, there are some unruly people who threaten Su Nan. We should try our best to avoid this situation." Chu Xi suddenly said with a serious expression when he remembered the several times Su Nan had been treated.

Zhao Xiaomin stared blankly at Chu Xi, inexplicably feeling that this Chu Xi was very imposing.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin felt a little blurred in consciousness, and then fell headfirst on the table.

She managed to lift her head, blushing and said to Chu Xi who was in front of him with a confused expression, "Ah Nan... is eating ice cream again."

After she finished speaking, she lay down again, this time as if she was asleep.

Chu Xi was taken aback for a moment before he realized, and his dissatisfaction with Su Nan flashed in his heart.She hesitated, stretched out her finger and poked Zhao Xiaomin's arm, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't respond.

It was the first time she had seen the body of the person being punished, so she was a little curious.

Chu Xi looked at Zhao Xiaomin. Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be asleep, but for some reason, her face slowly turned rosy, her expression became happy, and her breathing began to become short of breath. A sour feeling: "Damn slag Nan."

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