"No loss for three years!"

After Su Nan gritted her teeth, she suddenly pushed Chu Xi's head down, and then swallowed her fox ears in one bite.

Chu Xi's eyes widened in an instant, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief. It seemed that she didn't expect Su Nan to be so perverted, licking her fox ears.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation spread from the ears and spread to the whole body in an instant.

The feeling of the tongue swirling on the fox's ear made Chu Xi's head go blank, her pretty face was flushed with blood, her cheek was weakly pressed against Su Nan's chest, her eyes were blurred, and she made a low and lovely voice.

At first, he only wanted to threaten, but Su Nan found that he overestimated himself, and was a little addicted to it, especially after noticing Chu Xi's appearance at the moment, it made him feel agitated, wanting to bully her more, all All doubts are forgotten at this moment.

Slowly, Su Nan felt a little wetness spreading from her thighs.

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-eight Two People Are Rivals in Love and Partners Are Arguing

Su Nan was taken aback by the slightly wet feeling of her thighs, but at this time Chu Xi suddenly regained her strength somehow, and broke away from his arms in an instant.

She took a few steps back quickly and supported the table with her hands. It seemed that her legs were weak and she could not stand still. Only then did Su Nan realize that her fox ears had disappeared. No wonder she suddenly regained her strength.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Xi raised his head and stared at him angrily, his face flushed.She took two steps forward and raised her arms as if she wanted to slap him, but she hesitated for a while, then suddenly put her hands down, and stepped back again, only staring at him with a complicated expression.

Su Nan was stimulated by her actions. Feeling a basin of cold water poured on her body, she calmed down. She quickly stood up and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, I was impulsive. If you can't get angry, just hit me."

Chu Xi's complexion was unpredictable, sometimes angry, sometimes shy, and finally gave him a hard look, without saying a word, walked back to his seat and sat down, his pretty face blushing slightly.

Su Nan looked puzzled, that's it?It seems that Chu Xi is not very angry. Of course, he dare not say such words, so he naturally has to pretend to be a good boy at this time.

When he sat down again, he found that Chu Xi suddenly frowned, and subconsciously moved his buttocks, as if sitting uncomfortable, his expression became tangled.

Su Nan's gaze subconsciously fell on her thigh, looking at the little wetness on it, and thinking of the reason why Chu Xi was so entangled, her expression was a little weird.

At this moment, the cold gaze came over, and Su Nan raised his head to see Chu Xi staring at him angrily, his face flushed with embarrassment did not make people feel scary, it was as cute as a young fox with its teeth and claws open.

In this case, the more you apologize, the more shame Chu Xi will feel and get angry, so Su Nan chooses to play dead.Avoiding Chu Xi's tigress-like gaze, Su Nan took out her mobile phone and pretended to look at it. As for the previous doubts, she was too embarrassed to press her now.

It's just that Chuxi's performance made him understand one thing. It seems that she, as well as Zhao Xiaomin, can pamper him, which is confusing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Chu Xi took out a tissue from his bag, raised his butt slightly and wiped the wet part of his skirt gently, with a shy expression on his face.

Su Nan's heart jumped violently, and that impulsive feeling surged up again.Su Nan felt that ever since Chu Xi discovered the identity of the vixen, Chu Xi often showed a shy look in front of him. The relationship between the two also developed rapidly from that day onwards. It was not right. The closer relationship took place that night. , but it was just a dream at the time.

Wiping it didn't seem to be dry, Chu Xi looked helpless, she threw the paper ball away, stood up while observing Su Nan, went to the door, opened the door and got out.

At this time, Chu Xi should stay here to make it easier for people to find out. After waiting for a while, Su Nan quietly walked over to open the door, and found that Chu Xi was basking in the sun outside, and probably wanted to dry her skirt.

Seemingly realizing that he was peeking, Chu Xi quickly turned his head around, and Su Nan reacted quickly and closed the door immediately.

It was almost afternoon class time, when Su Nan walked out, Chu Xi was already gone.

He looked down at the still wet spot on his thigh, subconsciously touched it with his hand, and there was a little ripple in his heart.

Then he also returned to the class.

During class, Su Nan's eyes fell on Chu Xi's back from time to time. She was operating her mobile phone with her head down. The corners of the teacher's mouth twitched on the podium, but she was afraid of Chu Xi, so she resisted not calling names.

Su Nan was a little worried, hesitated for a while, and secretly took out her mobile phone to send Chu Xi a WeChat message: "The teacher is watching you."

There was no response.

A few minutes later, Su Nan saw Chu Xi put away his phone and began to listen to the class seriously.

In the class next door, Zhao Xiaomin felt her phone vibrate, but she didn't take it out to check it because she was in class.

After class, Zhao Xiaomin took out her phone and opened WeChat, and found that it was Chu Xi who had left a message for her. Chu Xi told her not to rush back after school, go upstairs and tell her something.

Zhao Xiaomin instinctively felt a little guilty. Thinking of what happened at noon, Chu Xi happened to be outside at that time, and she didn't know if she heard anything.

After school, Zhao Xiaomin pretended to study by herself for a while, and waited for everyone in the class to go to dinner, then left the class and walked to the roof, feeling a little nervous for some reason, after all, she violated the agreement with Chu Xi.

After arriving at the top of the building, Chu Xi was not in the house, but was waiting for her outside.

Zhao Xiaomin felt that the moment Chu Xi saw her, her face seemed to become a little gloomy, which made her feel a little scared.

But it was just Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin felt that he should be worthy of her when it came to fighting.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomin calmed down, walked towards Chu Xi and asked curiously, "Ah Nan, she hasn't come yet."

"I didn't inform him today, so he probably won't come." Chu Xi said calmly, but Zhao Xiaomin became nervous again with his plain gaze.

No, Chu Xi really found out something happened at noon, otherwise why did he only ask him out?

Zhao Xiaomin smiled reluctantly and said, "Since there are not enough people, it just so happens that my family has something to do, so I'll go back first."

When Zhao Xiaomin turned around, she heard Chu Xi's cold voice: "Stop your boring behavior, Su Nan will be very troubled if you do this."

She paused when she turned around, the smile on her face slowly faded, she straightened her body and stared at Chu Xi and said, "Ah Nan is not troubled, he likes it very much."

"Do you like your body?" Chu Xi seemed to smile contemptuously.

Zhao Xiaomin's face flushed, and she was a little unscrupulous: "At least he likes my body more than you."

He deliberately stared at Chu Xi's chest.

Chu Xi's face darkened, and a little anger appeared in her beautiful eyes, but she didn't ask Zhao Xiaomin to quarrel, so she took a deep breath to suppress her anger.

"Do you think he can refuse you? How can he bear to refuse you if you deliberately try to please him like this? Su Nan is not born heartless, why doesn't he feel troubled by the unclear relationship with us. "

Chu Xi's cold words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Zhao Xiaomin's heart word by word, and her face gradually turned pale.

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