Chu Xi continued, with a slower tone: "We have already agreed that no one will mess around in private. Because of the strange disease, we can't leave Su Nan. Only by obeying the agreement can we ensure the stability of our relationship."

"Obviously it was me and Su Nan who went first, but why did you catch up so quickly? I'm very disturbed." Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, lowered her head, and said in a low voice.

Chu Xi looked at Zhao Xiaomin in surprise, and finally understood why Zhao Xiaomin did this. It was because she felt that Su Nan cared more about her, so she became jealous and wanted to save her relationship with Su Nan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Last week, Ah Nan was going to confess to me, but since Saturday, everything has changed. What happened between you and Ah Nan?"

Zhao Xiaomin continued to talk in a low mood, but looked at Chu Xi with unwilling eyes.

Su Nan wants to confess to Zhao Xiaomin!

Chu Xi was stunned. As for why Su Nan suddenly changed his attention, it must be because he learned the facts of that night.

She suddenly felt sore in her heart, did Su Nan change her mind only because of responsibility?

She couldn't say these words to Zhao Xiaomin. With Zhao Xiaomin's current state of mind, the so-called cooperative relationship might cease to exist.She felt that instead of letting Zhao Xiaomin act alone, it was better to cooperate with her, at least to know the basics.

Under her nose, if Zhao Xiaomin wants to do something, at least she has a chance to stop it, just like now.

"Chu Xi is really cunning. He has a better relationship with Ah Nan, so why blame me!" Zhao Xiaomin said with puffed cheeks, then lowered her head embarrassedly: "Of course, if this will bother Ah Nan, I will stop That's it."

There was a look of displeasure on his face.

Chu Xi's heart was so complicated that she didn't have a better relationship with Su Nan.

After a moment of silence, Chu Xi asked, "So what exactly do you want?"

"At least in Ah Nan's mind, I have the same status as you, so the relationship between the three of us can be stable, isn't it? Otherwise, Ah Nan has always been partial to you, and I will be very unhappy." Zhao Xiaomin immediately put forward conditions.

When Chu Xi heard this, her heart became more complicated. Does Su Nan really care more about her?Chu Xi didn't dare to confirm.

But she also had to admit that Zhao Xiaomin's words were very reasonable. The prerequisite for the two to cooperate was not to be jealous of each other, not to tear each other down, which required Su Nan's peace of mind.

But the reason cannot be told to Su Nan, if she really likes someone, Su Nan will naturally pay attention to him.So this speed still needs to be grasped by her and Zhao Xiaomin.

"In short, you think Su Nan cares more about me, so you feel uncomfortable, right?" Chu Xi looked at Zhao Xiaomin and asked.

Zhao Xiaomin nodded quickly. If Chu Xi acquiesced to her behavior, then she would be able to get closer to Su Nan with more peace of mind.

"I understand, I will help you." Chu Xi nodded earnestly, making Zhao Xiaomin look at her in surprise, with a look of disbelief, Chu Xi actually wanted to help her?

Chu Xi didn't seem to pay attention to the way she looked at him, and continued: "I will try my best to help you create opportunities to increase Su Nan's favorability towards you, but there is a premise that Su Nan really treats me more than you. Pay attention to."

Zhao Xiaomin came back to her senses, puffed her mouth and said, "Isn't this obvious? He gave up confessing to me because of you, and he didn't accept my confession to him that night."

Chu Xi had mixed feelings in her heart, and she even wanted to smile wryly. She couldn't be sure whether Su Nan gave up on confessing to Zhao Xiaomin because she had so-called responsible thoughts towards her, or because she fell in love with her.

"He doesn't accept you, and it doesn't necessarily mean he likes me. It may also be because his feelings are vacillating and he hasn't made up his mind. So we can't say he likes me." Chu Xi said in a cold tone.

After a pause, Chu Xi stared at Zhao Xiaomin with serious eyes: "Conversely, if the person he cares most about is you, that means you have to help me too."

Facing her eyes, Zhao Xiaomin hesitated for a while, but quickly made up his mind and nodded: "I will."

In her opinion, Su Nan must have a very special feeling for Chu Xi. At least, she felt that in Su Nan's mind, Chu Xi must have a higher position than her, so it was not a disadvantage to agree to Chu Xi.

Chu Xi was slightly embarrassed, feeling that he took advantage of Zhao Xiaomin's stupidity.Su Nan doesn't necessarily care about her the most, if that's the case, then Zhao Xiaomin will help her instead, stealing chickens can't make a fortune, this is also a punishment for Zhao Xiaomin's recklessness in the past two days.

"How do you prove who Ah Nan cares more about?" Zhao Xiaomin then asked.

"After a long time of daily contact, we will naturally find out." Chu Xi decided to skip this topic and said, "This matter ends here, and you should stop messing around recently. Let Su Nan calm down."

Zhao Xiaomin blushed and nodded.

"I have something else to talk to you about next, come in first."

After Chu Xi finished speaking, he walked into the room. Zhao Xiaomin was a little puzzled, but followed him in.

After Zhao Xiaomin sat down, Chu Xi pondered for a while, and asked her, "It's about other people of the same kind except us, do you have any idea?"

Ever since Chu Xi mentioned that there were other similar people, Zhao Xiaomin had been thinking about suspicious targets. Hearing this, she said angrily, "I know a perverted woman wearing a mask. She used me to threaten to take away Ah Nan's underwear."

"Except for her?"

"Uh, gone."

Chu Xi didn't pay much attention, and then asked: "Then, have you noticed that Su Nan and that girl are getting closer recently?"

"Probably, no more." Zhao Xiaomin thought about it, and looked at Chu Xi strangely, "By the way, aren't you in his class? It should be easier to find out."

"Except for the mask girl you mentioned, I only know one who contacted Su Nan through WeChat, and she should be the same." Chu Xi frowned suddenly: "People who are sick should be inseparable from Su Nan, except for these two, I didn't see that girl deliberately approaching Su Nan in normal times, could it be that the four of us are the only ones suffering from the disease?"

"Probably... If you are ashamed, you don't have to face-to-face with Ah Nan. After all, it is so convenient to communicate now, and you can use video and audio." Zhao Xiaomin said slightly embarrassed. She remembered that she lied to Su Nan that she wanted to be a Voice actors.

Chu Xi turned a blind eye to Zhao Xiaomin's shy look, and said, "It seems that we need to find a chance to get Su Nan's mobile phone and try to find out all the targets."

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Su Nan's voice came in: "Is anyone there, I'm coming in."

The two girls glanced at each other quickly, as if Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived.

I didn't receive any notification from Chuxi today. Su Nan was planning to go home directly, but thinking of what happened with Zhao Xiaomin and Chuxi after the whole day, she came to the rooftop with an unclear mood.

Knocking on the door and knowing that they were all inside, Su Nan felt a little regretful and didn't know how to deal with it, but she quickly calmed down and opened the door to walk in.

As soon as he entered it, his body felt inexplicably cold. Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi stared at him at the same time, which made him feel guilty.

"You... what are you looking at me for?" Su Nan asked calmly.

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