The door was ajar, Su Nan went straight in, and when she looked back, Zhao Xiaomin had already closed the door.

At this time, he heard footsteps, and a slender figure ran into his arms, pressed his face against his chest, and hugged his waist tightly with both hands.

It's Chu Xi.

Su Nan was amazed, why did she take the initiative all of a sudden, and why didn't Zhao Xiaomin mind?

The strong doubts in her heart made Su Nan frown, and wanted to ask what happened to Chuxi, but found that her face was a little strange, pale, and covered with fine sweat, and her moist pink lips trembled slightly, as if she was very uncomfortable look.

"Chu Xi, what's wrong with you?" Su Nan's face changed slightly, and he asked, could it be that he was sick?

Chu Xi raised her head and looked at him, her head was a little dazed, and she couldn't do many things at all. She remembered what Zhao Xiaomin said to herself before, looked at Su Nan's nervous face again, and couldn't help kissing him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The girl just kissed her, and when she felt two wet lips kiss her, Su Nan realized that her head suddenly felt like she couldn't turn the corner.

It was the first time that Chuxi was so active, and why, it was obviously very painful, but he suddenly kissed himself, it was so strange.And Zhao Xiaomin, did she know that this would happen?

Should I respond to Chu Xi?

With such a thought in his mind, Su Nan saw Chu Xi's open eyes full of pleading, startled for a moment, and then responded to her.

Outside the door, Zhao Xiaomin was sitting on the ground, looking a little sad. This kind of feeling of giving a loved one to another girl with his own hands is not a good feeling.

But Zhao Xiaomin still patted his cheek quickly, making a crisp sound on his face, which cheered him up.

You made an agreement with Chuxi, didn't you?

Chu Xi must have felt the same way. They were both jealous of each other, always jealous of each other, but had to accept each other.

What is the future of such an awkward trio?

Zhao Xiaomin still doesn't understand.

The sound of "Zi Zi" kisses came from the room, pulling Zhao Xiaomin back from his chaotic thoughts to reality, and he couldn't help but blush a little.

In the room, Su Nan and Chu Xi were still hugging and kissing. Su Nan thought that Zhao Xiaomin was outside, and she must know what was going on inside, but she had no time to care about so much at this time, and this situation was all caused by them. , Su Nan, who has been kept from the truth, has a revenge mentality.

Chu Xi was so proactive today, Su Nan seemed to return to that night and became more involved.

Chu Xi hugged his body tightly, stood on tiptoe with eyes closed, raised her face and kissed Su Nan wetly, with great enthusiasm.

Su Nan's hands stroked her thin back, and then slowly lowered her hands, grasping two soft and elastic things respectively.

Chu Xi opened her eyes, her eyes were full of shyness, she was not only ashamed of her own initiative, but also ashamed of her body being played by Su Nan in this way, this was the first time her body received this kind of treatment, last time Just the body of a vixen.

The kneaded place was numb. Chu Xi wanted to push Su Nan away, but the uncomfortable feeling in his body was still there. Although kissing was very useful, it was not close.

Faintly feeling that Su Nan's hand had a tendency to poke inside, Chu Xi was ashamed, but also felt a strong sense of pleasure as the uncomfortable feeling subsided, which made her unable to resist.

Recalling that night, when she was hit by her own charm skills, she was far more slutty than at this moment, and what she did with Su Nan was more in-depth, and she even remembered some subtleties of his body.

Chu Xi sighed inwardly, and let Su Nan do whatever he wanted like resigned to his fate.

When the preparatory bell rang, both of them ignored it until there was a knock on the door outside, and they separated nervously, as if there was a line in midair.

Staring at each other in a daze for a while, Chu Xi suddenly came to his senses, wiped his mouth in a panic and backed away, then turned his back to him, blushing like blood.

Su Nan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, feeling very bewildered.

First, she was dragged here by Zhao Xiaomin to meet Chu Xi. Chu Xi looked very sad, as if she was sick.

What happened next was amazing. Chu Xi took the initiative to kiss him. The two kissed wetly for a long time, and then Chu Xi was fine, as if his kiss had a healing effect.

Looking at Chu Xi's back, as if she didn't dare to see anyone, Su Nan opened her mouth and said, "You..."

At this moment the door was pushed open, Zhao Xiaomin poked her head in cautiously, saw that they were not doing anything bad, she seemed relieved, and said, "Class will start soon, you're all right now."

The tone sounded a bit sour, but the last sentence was for Chu Xi.

Chu Xi was silent for a while, and finally spoke with a strange tone: "I'm not feeling well, I've already asked for leave, you guys go to class first."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just plan to rest for a while."

As if afraid that they would ask more questions, Chu Xi added.

Before Su Nan could react, Zhao Xiaomin had already walked over and took his hand and walked out.

When the door was closed, Chu Xi went to the chair and sat down, buried her face in her palms, her tentacles were burning hot, and there was still a strange feeling in the place where Su Nan rubbed just now, which made her feel ashamed and wanted to change it again. panties out.

On the way down the stairs, Su Nan kept hesitant to speak, Zhao Xiaomin knew what he was wondering about, stopped by holding his hand, turned to face him and said softly: "Don't think too much, you are right, so, You don't need to feel guilty at all."

Her expression was serious, not fake, but this made Su Nan even more puzzled.

Su Nan asked her complicatedly: "I just want to know what you are doing, is there anything you can't tell me?"

"Because...some special reasons." Zhao Xiaomin shook her head and said with a smile, "Isn't that good? We'll be with you together. Don't you like the feeling of opening a harem?"

Zhao Xiaomin's words completely brought this issue to the fore.

"It's not a question of whether I like it or not, but a question of what do you think, why are you willing to do this, is there any reason for doing this?" Su Nan was deeply confused.

It would be a lie to say that he doesn’t like it. When reading novels, he likes to read harem novels, but this is reality, not the world of novels. This is a very modern society, not ancient times. Even wives and concubines in ancient times would be jealous.

Willingly become one of a man's harem, how good does that man have to be to do it?

Su Nan doesn't have such self-confidence, it feels very fake and illusory, as if it will disappear at any time.

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