Zhao Xiaomin looked at him worriedly, knowing what he was struggling with, but she didn't know how to explain it. Su Nan would never believe the excuse of "I love you and don't mind if you have other women".

After thinking about it, Zhao Xiaomin took a step forward, faced Su Nan at close range, and said to him seriously: "A Nan, I'm stupid, I don't know how to say it, there are reasons, but that's not important, the important thing is how you Think, if Ah Nan is willing, everything will not be a problem, including me and Chuxi."

"I can't understand." Su Nan shook her head.

"Please be confident. You are the person I, Zhao Xiaomin, like. I am willing to do anything for you." Zhao Xiaomin hugged him and said solemnly.

With a soft heart, Su Nan sighed and hugged the girl in her arms tightly.

"Don't get entangled, okay, don't think about those problems, Ah Nan just needs to accept us." Zhao Xiaomin raised her head in his arms, looked at him and said tenderly.

Su Nan took a deep breath and nodded seriously. If this is what they want, then let it go and don't worry about it anymore.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled all of a sudden, stood on tiptoe, kissed his lips, and said with a smile, "This is Chuxi's taste, I want to taste it too."

Go kiss after talking.

Su Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't refuse. After she didn't struggle with it, she felt quite refreshed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After school in the afternoon, after Zhao Xiaomin and the others dispersed, they came to the roof.

Opening the door, Chu Xi sat in a daze.

"Hey, Ah Nan is here." Zhao Xiaomin quietly approached and whispered in Chu Xi's ear, with a long drawl.

Chu Xi was startled suddenly, and raised his head in panic, but he didn't see Su Nan.

She suddenly understood that she had been tricked, and turned her head to stare at Zhao Xiaomin with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't care about her eyes, and asked caringly, "Are you all right, are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Chu Xi froze for a moment, then shook his head unnaturally: "Probably...it's all right."

It feels weird that this kind of person who is cared for as a patient is also her love rival Zhao Xiaomin.

"Probably? That means it's not fully recovered yet. I'll call Anan to come over." Zhao Xiaomin took out his phone as he spoke, Chu Xi's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to grab Zhao Xiaomin's hand holding the phone.

Noticing that Zhao Xiaomin was looking at him amusedly, Chu Xi let go of his hand again, blushing and said lightly, "It's fine, don't call him over."

Zhao Xiaomin took a look at her, and found that Chu Xi's cheeks were flushed now, and her eyes were full of water, as if she had been moisturized. She couldn't help but said in a sour tone: "It seems that the treatment effect is really good, Ah Nan. You've worked really hard, it looks like you've been nourished like this."

Chu Xi bit her teeth lightly, and said, "Don't think that I don't know what you're doing at noon. I clearly agreed to it, but I ate it secretly. Is Su Nan making you unable to close your legs like this?"

When it comes to poisonous tongue, even ten Zhao Xiaomins can't match her, and she instantly blushed, "I didn't steal it, I just wanted to protect our secret."

Chu Xi seemed to narrow his eyes: "So what did you do?"

"Uh..." Knowing that she had been tricked, Zhao Xiaomin lowered her head guiltyly, her tone tense: "It's nothing, besides, aren't you also like Ah Nan?"

Seeing her like this, Chu Xi knew that the scale between the two of them at noon was definitely very large, so she couldn't help but frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

"A Nan, he is so proficient, it must have something to do with you." As if finding confidence, Zhao Xiaomin counterattacked with great momentum, and said with great taste.

When the situation of that night was inexplicably heard, Chu Xi's face turned red, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down, and said coldly: "If you want to know, you can ask him."

"Hmph." Zhao Xiaomin snorted coldly, turning her head away from anger.

Chu Xi hesitated to speak, and was very speechless, so why did he provoke such a topic, and he was awkward if he couldn't explain it.

The atmosphere between the two of them froze for a while, Zhao Xiaomin turned her head back, looked at her with some embarrassment and said, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Chu Xi was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and lowered his head unnaturally: "No, it's nothing, I have something wrong too."

There was another silence.

Zhao Xiaomin's face was hesitant, and then as if he had made some decision, he moved a chair and sat beside Chu Xi, and after considering his tone, he said, "Chu Xi, let's be Ah Nan's girlfriend together, okay?"

Chu Xi stared blankly at her, and she saw from Zhao Xiaomin's face that she was serious.

Realizing that Zhao Xiaomin was serious, Chu Xi became silent, but Zhao Xiaomin kept staring at her waiting for an answer.

Chu Xi sighed: "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"Because Ah Nan is very troubled by our relationship. I don't want to see him like this. If we are both his girlfriends, then it's only natural for him to do anything to either of us."

Zhao Xiaomin also said it as a matter of course.

Chu Xi's heart was very complicated, Zhao Xiaomin was so poisoned by Su Nan, this kind of connivance was something she had never thought about before.

"Perhaps what you said makes sense. After all, our situation is very special, but have you considered the actual situation of the three of us together, and what consequences will be caused if we are discovered?" Chu Xi did not directly object, but I asked Zhao Xiaomin such a question.

"Anyway, we can't do without him. No matter how bad the actual situation is, we can't do without him. We can only accept our fate." Zhao Xiaomin said seriously: "If you become Nan's girlfriend together, of course we can't be exposed together. If you Agree, I would like to be the one in private."

Chu Xi was stunned. What Zhao Xiaomin said meant that she agreed to appear in front of outsiders as Su Nan's official girlfriend, while Zhao Xiaomin herself was willing to be the one in private.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and the two stopped talking and looked over at the same time.

Su Nan opened the door and came in. Seeing the two of them sitting together intimately, she subconsciously remembered what Zhao Xiaomin had said to her at noon, and her mood was a little delicate.

"Ah Nan, you're here." Zhao Xiaomin beckoned to him happily.

Su Nan smiled and nodded.

Chu Xi turned his gaze to the ground a little unnaturally, as if there was something nice on the ground.

Su Nan couldn't figure out what Chu Xi was thinking, she was the one who took the initiative, and now what happened to the embarrassing situation when they met each other.

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