Zhao Xiaomin looked at the two of them back and forth, turned his eyes, and said to Su Nan, "Ah Nan, come here."


"Come here."

Facing the girl's coquettish tone, Su Nan walked over timidly.

Chu Xi stood up nervously and said, "I should go back."

He was grabbed by the hand within two steps.

Zhao Xiaomin stood up and hugged Chu Xi, and pushed her towards Su Nan who had just walked over. Chu Xi was panicked, but still fell into Su Nan's arms, and Su Nan also hugged her subconsciously.

The familiar embrace, the familiar smell, but Chu Xi couldn't help feeling very shy, and complained in a low voice, "Let go of me."

Su Nan seemed to be in a daze for a moment, and when she came to her senses, she quickly planned to let go, but at this moment Zhao Xiaomin came over, and she opened her arms and hugged him and Chu Xi at once, making Chu Xi become sandwiched between the two.

Chu Xi blushed, and was about to reprimand Zhao Xiaomin angrily, but she heard Zhao Xiaomin say, "The three of us...the club will be like this from now on, the relationship has always been so good, and we will never separate, okay?"

Both Su Nan and Chu Xi were stunned, Zhao Xiaomin's tone was very serious, she really thought so.

"Okay?" Zhao Xiaomin's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at them expectantly and asked, especially at Chu Xi.

Chu Xi was silent for a moment, then sighed slightly after a long time, nodded, and the blush spread on her fair face.

"President, thank you." Zhao Xiaomin was overjoyed, approached, and put his face on Chu Xi's and said happily.

Chu Xi just felt very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. She had never been so close to that girl before, and subconsciously made an evasive movement, but Su Nan was on the other side, and she leaned her head against Su Nan's chest, feeling even more ashamed .

"Don't get so close." Chu Xi pushed Zhao Xiaomin away in disgust.

Su Nan looked at them strangely, not understanding what was going on.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After that day, Su Nan found that his relationship with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin became a little strange.

These two girls are deeply involved with him, and at the same time they know each other's relationship with him, but they have made friends, which is a bit subtle.

Sometimes Zhao Xiaomin would make some intimate gestures to him in front of Chu Xi, but Chu Xi didn't seem to care much when he saw it.

Su Nan didn't believe that she didn't have feelings for him. The initiative that day, and the shy expression she showed in front of him when she was alone later, all showed that she didn't care about him at all.

Why did the strange relationship between the three appear? Su Nan was still a little confused about it, but they didn't talk about it, and he was willing to let go of it for a while and enjoy the delicate balance between the two girls.

For Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin's proposal was absurd, but it was also very practical. They couldn't do without Su Nan, and they couldn't prevent him from having other girls around him. They either accepted it or pretended they couldn't see it.

There is another option, that is, Su Nan is only related to curing diseases, but neither she nor Zhao Xiaomin can do this now.

It's just that Chu Xi didn't directly agree to Zhao Xiaomin's request, but proposed to maintain such a three-person relationship, try to go on first, and talk about it later.

There was a full eight days between the last time Chu Xi fell ill and the last time. It seems that every time after being punished, the onset time of the shame disease will be prolonged accordingly.

Zhao Xiaomin made a suggestion with an open mind, it is better not to treat it next time, and let it be punished, maybe the illness will be cured after a few times.

It was just quickly rejected by Chu Xi. First, no one can be sure whether this can cure the disease. Second, after each punishment, although the interval between the onsets will be prolonged, the corresponding illnesses will become more serious. Most people can't bear it. .

Another thing is to feel repulsed by turning into weird things, and even after the punishment is over, there will be follow-up effects, just like Chuxi today, and fox ears and tails will appear from time to time.

After counting the days, today is Sunday, exactly eight days after Zhao Xiaomin's last illness.

Early in the morning, when Chu Xi woke up, she called Zhao Xiaomin. Zhao Xiaomin told her that she was on her way to meet Su Nan, and that she would go to the agreed place after picking up Su Nan.

That's right, the two of them discussed it two days ago, and today they asked Su Nan to come out and go to a suitable place to treat Zhao Xiaomin. As for the excuse, it was naturally a club activity.

Su Nan was still eating breakfast, when he received a call from Zhao Xiaomin, he subconsciously avoided Qin Xiaowan who was looking at him, and walked to the balcony to answer.

"Ah Nan, I'm outside your community."

"I'll go down right now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Nan went back to the living room, greeted Qin Xiaowan who was still having breakfast, and prepared to go out.

"I have an appointment with a classmate and go out for a while. If you don't want to do it at noon, order a takeaway. Maybe you have leftovers from breakfast."

Su Nan said that he cooked a pot of porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat, and other things, if they were thrown away, it would be a waste.

"Why are you not at home every weekend?" Qin Xiaowan pouted.

"Wouldn't you be an otaku if you're always at home on weekends? You too. It's been a while since you transferred to another school. Go out and have fun with your classmates often. Don't stay at home all day."

While putting on her shoes, Su Nan said with a smile, going out on a date with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin is a bit sensational, and Qin Xiaowan's weird behavior on the night she had sex with the fox girl also prevented Su Nan from mentioning anything about Chu Xi to her. and Zhao Xiaomin.

"Those people are too boring, it's not fun at all." Qin Xiaowan snorted softly, buried her head in the porridge and ignored him again.

Su Nan didn't care, she put on her shoes and went out, while Qin Xiaowan was still drinking porridge with her head down.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan's eyes fell on Su Nan's leftover half bowl of porridge, hesitated, brought it to her and sipped it, blushing and whispering: "Don't waste it."

"dong dong"

The knock on the door startled Qin Xiaowan and almost knocked over the porridge.Then she thought that Su Nan usually had a key, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The knock on the door continued, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly drank the porridge, ran to open the door, and standing outside the door was the senior sister Zhan Weiling next door.

"Xiao Wan, good morning, where is Xiao Nan." Zhan Weiling asked with a smile, looking into the room.

"I just went out and said I was going to play with my classmates." Qin Xiaowan replied that although she didn't like this senior at first, Su Nan was not around sometimes and was often taken care of by her senior. Qin Xiaowan felt that she was not bad. , slowly accepted her.

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